Is this the coolest office? pt 2
Is one of my favorites here, which is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. She's one of my favorite authors. Another book down here is from Tony Robbins.
Moving on to this desk, it was at a secret office that one of the prime ministers used when they were in office. When they want to have secret meetings, I took that off his face after they left. I basically grabbed the desk, and now it's become mine.
Somehow, over here, I have two paintings that were made for me. This is a picture, again, outside the White House. It refers back to the photograph when I was in the Oval Office. I used to have a Ferrari when I was in my 20s, and I went to visit the White House in the middle of the night. Actually, not the same time I saw Ronald Reagan, but I can't talk much about that because I probably wasn't supposed to be there.
Why do you have a New York Times poster? This New York Times is actually the front page of the New York Times from my date of birth. Up there, the date. Somebody gave me this as a gift. Unfortunately, in those days, like today, you usually have negative media on the front page of newspapers, and there's no difference here, talking about wars and disasters and climate issues.