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My 3 Income Sources that Generate $30,845 per month

10m read
·Nov 7, 2024

Hey guys, welcome back to the channel! In this video, we're going to be doing a bit of an income update for me personally. So, every now and again, I will make an update video for my income because I find it kind of interesting to see how I'm progressing over time and the different ways that I'm making my income at various times. So, I thought today let's do another installment of that.

The first thing that I did want to say, however, before I started with this video is, to be honest, I was actually debating at this point whether or not I would make another one of these videos. Quite simply because I didn't want to—well, first of all, I'm very well aware that the majority of the income that I generate is purely just because of you guys. It's you guys showing the channel support, showing my business support, that kind of thing. So, I didn't want this video to come across as me taking all that genuine support from you guys and me just throwing it back in your face and saying, "Oh, look how good I am." So, I hope that the video doesn't come across like that. I don't intend for it to come across like that, but there's certainly a lot of you guys out there that are very interested in how I generate my money. I think the last time I did one of these videos and I talked about my passive income streams—that's the third best performing video that the channel's ever had. So, with that said, let's get stuck into it!

We'll start with the biggest income stream, and probably the most obvious one, which is the ad revenue from this here YouTube channel. So, if you don't know how YouTube ad revenue works, essentially you'll watch ads at the start or during one of my videos, and essentially YouTube will cut the content creator into the ad revenue that YouTube gets from the advertiser that buys that ad space during the video. So, thank you, YouTube overlords, for cutting us into that ad revenue!

But, um, it's kind of interesting because for most YouTubers, the ad revenue side of things is actually really terrible, which is kind of unfortunate. The reason that it works so well for specifically my channel is just because of the niche that I fall into. People that talk about, you know, making money, personal finance, you know, investing, they generate substantially more revenue per thousand views than a channel talking about video games. The reason for that is quite simply that YouTube ad revenue works on an auction system. The people that are vying for the ad space on a video talking about money, personal finance, investing—the people that are advertising there have a lot more money to throw at gaining leads or potential clients than somebody that's advertising a video game or a toy on someone's channel where they've made a video about, you know, the new Xbox game that's just come out.

So, last month, that was May 2020, I managed to make $17,461 from YouTube ad revenue. YouTube is super weird because they actually don't give you that money until the fourth week of the next month—so, in reality, I've actually only just received that money. So, of course, pixar it didn't happen! Here is the actual payment from Google themselves into my bank account for the month of May.

Now, I do have to say that $17,000 for one month of YouTube—that is definitely an outlier for me. It's usually not this high. So, usually, for instance, if we look at the month of April, so the month before, I made $9,000. And if we look at June, with a couple of days left to go, June has made me $11,000. So usually, I'm hovering at around that $10,000 mark in terms of YouTube ad revenue.

And this is obviously why in so many of my videos I'm so, I just encourage people to take their passion and put their passion on YouTube because there's definitely potential. There is potential for people to start earning literally like second incomes just from taking their passion and putting it on the internet. So for sure! It has taken me three years to get up to this point on YouTube. I don't shy away from that. There's been months and months and months—early days where I was working for like, you know, $100, $200, $300, putting out two videos a week, you know, every single week, and a month would only give me $200.

It just felt at that time like this is just never going to be financially viable! But looking back now, obviously, I'm so thankful and happy that I stuck with it. And again, I've got to say that this income is purely you guys! I fully acknowledge that without you guys, this income stream for me does not exist—not even in the slightest. So, for that, I really do have to say thank you to you guys for supporting the channel over the years, you know, continually showing up and watching the videos. Honestly, it does—it literally means the world to me, and I'm just so appreciative of you guys for supporting the channel through thick and thin for years on end. So, thank you!

Okay, so that's YouTube. Now, moving on into the second income stream: my second largest income stream that I make. And of course, you guys would have remembered that in January, I launched my first business—my proper, fully fledged business that is Profitful. So, Profitful, if you don't know, is profitable. We make high-quality, in-depth courses around different topics around wealth creation. At the moment, we've just got the two starting courses that I've made for the platform, which are obviously about investing.

But in terms of Profitful, so we're kind of at a point now where Profitful will make anywhere between kind of $10,000 and $15,000 each month. So if we have a look, last month, the month of May 2020, the business earned almost $15,000. As I said, it usually earns between $10,000 and $15,000 per month.

Now, unfortunately, I can't go too much into detail on these numbers specifically just because when it comes to Profitful, I'm not the only person involved in that. However, Profitful, my business, definitely is my second largest income source. And again, this is one that I've got to say a massive thanks to you guys for, because when I first launched Profitful in January, it was you guys that really helped support that business and get it up off the ground to a point where it can, you know, thrive and be its own business now. So, a massive thank you to you guys!

I'm super appreciative, and you know, it's good to see that the content—you guys are actually really enjoying the content on Profitful. It's actually helping you guys out and making a difference. I think that, you know, so many of these investing courses that exist out there, they're just so—they're just such bad rip-offs! They're just so bad! And you know, I'm just proud that we can at least start to come into the game and start to correct some of the reputation there. So, I'm glad the courses are helping you guys.

If you're interested, there are always links in the description of all my videos if you'd like to check that out. But yeah, Profitful is obviously my second biggest income stream.

Moving on from there, my third biggest income stream—this is the last one that generates substantial revenue for me each month. Of course, the third one is affiliate revenue. So at the moment, I only have two affiliate arrangements with other companies. Obviously, one is with Stake. You guys know that when I talk about us investing, I do use Stake for all of my investing that I do over in the US. And the other one that I've got is with Finder.

To be honest, I know that I could make a lot more money when it comes to affiliate revenue, but in all honesty, I just don't really—I feel a bit bad! Because when I look at affiliates and people that I want to take on, you know, sponsorship agreements with, I only really like to partner with companies or people where I think their products are, first of all, really good, but I also really use their products. So, I don't ever want to just start pushing things on you guys that I don't actually like or I don't actually use myself.

So, like I said, I use Stake; I use the Finder app all the time. So, they're the ones that I've got. Because I get like—I get a zillion emails from just like random junk like, "Oh," or "crypto exchange the best crypto"—like all of these crazy almost like scams that they just want to advertise. And just, man, I could just never accept a sponsorship agreement from one of those!

Personally for me, it's like the most important thing—the thing that I value the most with this YouTube channel is the trust that you give to me, and I'll never do anything that puts that trust in jeopardy or in question—absolutely never! That is one promise that I can handle my heart say: I will never ever betray your trust! So, that's really the reason why I don't really have many sponsorship or affiliate arrangements, just because honestly, there aren't too many great products or services that I would recommend, and the ones that I'm partnered with are obviously the ones that I do recommend.

So anyway, overall, sponsorship agreements generate about $3,000 per month. It's actually pretty stable—this one's usually about $3,000 each month from those. So, overall, they're the three big income streams that I've got.

I used to have a lot more, but I've actually kind of changed my strategy now. Quite frankly, these three income streams are substantially larger than any other income stream that I've got. Really, I just want to focus all my time—I know that it's going to be smart for me to focus my time on these three income streams. Any minutes that I could be spending on these other smaller income streams are really just wasted at this point.

I'm at a stage now—I used to be very open and try and have lots of income streams back when they were all smaller, but now that there's obviously that big discrepancy, I've got to focus my time on the ones that help me get towards my financial freedom and my financial goals as soon as possible.

So, it's for that reason that, you know, I don't really focus on doing the physio work that I once did anymore; I don't even really focus on the gym classes too much; I don't even focus on the Redbubble on the t-shirt sales that I was once generated. Actually, funny story there! I haven't touched my Redbubble site in about maybe two or three years. It still makes like $30 or $40 each month!

Now, granted, obviously, $30 or $40 bucks is nothing, but I find it funny that I literally haven't touched it in a couple of years, and it just keeps showing up every month. I find that hilarious! Anyway, it shows you the power of passive income! Really, passive income—you can just set these things up and for some passive income streams, they can just keep churning away for literally years without you touching them!

But anyway, overall—that's my main three: Profitful, YouTube, and affiliate arrangements that I've got. Now, one of the things you might be thinking is, "Well, hang on, Brandon, like what do you talk about on your channel? You talk about investing; it's like the number one thing your channel is about. What about your investing income?"

And this is actually pretty interesting because, personally, my investing doesn't actually contribute to my income basically at all. And there's a couple of reasons for this. The first reason is because I'm not really looking to invest in companies that just have really high dividends. Of course, if you want to generate reliable income from your investing, then you just look for companies that pay dividends. That's not really my style.

And if I do invest in a company that pays dividends, then usually because I like—I want to invest in that company, I just set up a dividend reinvestment plan. So I never actually see those dividends! But the other reason as well is that, quite frankly, I typically don't sell my shares in the companies that I've invested in. So, I don't really even have too many capital gains to worry about quite simply because I'm not a trader.

So I'm a long-term investor. When I buy into a company, I am thinking I'm going to hold that company for a very, very long time. So, you know, general turbulence in the market is not really a trigger for me to buy—or it's a trigger for me to buy sometimes, but it's not a trigger for me to sell.

So for that reason, I really don't have too many sales. I think the last sale that I had was when Tesla shot up to about $870. I halved my position in Tesla just to clear some money off the table, but that was the last time that I sold any stocks. The rest I just hold because I believe in the companies for the long term.

So, that is why you don't actually see investments show up in my income. So anyway, overall, that is the video that I wanted to share with you guys today. Again, I hope this comes off as, you know, helpful, insightful, interesting. I definitely, as I've said throughout the video, I definitely appreciate and acknowledge that for a lot of these income streams, it is you guys that have enabled this for me!

So, I am very grateful, very appreciative of you guys, and I certainly don't want this video coming across as me, you know, trying to brag or anything like that! So overall, guys, I hope you enjoyed the video. Of course, leave a like on it if you did enjoy it or if you found it useful. I super appreciate it! And of course, if you're interested in checking out Profitful, links down in the description. But thank you guys; thank you always for your ongoing support, and I'll see you all in the next video! [Music] [Music]

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