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Making a Shape Twean in Flash

2m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hello, I'm here with Mac Heads 101, and I'm going to do another flash tutorial.

So, here in this video, I'm going to be showing you how to make, uh, um, not a motion tween, but a shape tween.

So, let's open up um Adobe Flash CS3 and close that window. We're going to be using ActionScript 3.0.

Okay, so as I showed in my other video, you can um make a shape. Let's do that and then press F6 over there and then delete this shape.

Click on the mouse tool, delete, and let's make another color too, just for the front of it.

Make um a new shape. Let's use the Polyester tool or all that stuff. Let's use the oval tool and make a nice oval.

And now you see that, and then you see this. If you control click and say create shape tween, it'll automatically merge the colors and shape.

So if you play it, it'll look like this. Now, you might have seen the screensaver before where you see like a ball bouncing around, turning into squares and things like that.

If you want, I can show you how to make it so that way um it can merge back. So what you do is use the mouse, press Apple C, look at the x and y axis, then you go all the way back there.

Press F6, delete that, press Apple V, and now let's copy and paste the y-axis.

So, let's click on that x, click on that, okay? And now the y, click here, click on it, Apple V.

Okay, so now it's in exactly the same spot. So if you say create shape tween, it'll make it go exactly how it was before.

And if you play, it'll be merging between the two like this, and you can't even notice that it loops.

Also, um, you can, as I showed in my other video, make a background. So I'm just gonna make a really uh stupid looking background for now.

The paintbrush tool, and uh, let's put some like red in there just for the front of it.

And it's going to put a box around that just so that you know where it is.

And after, play, it has the background to it.

So um, thank you for watching, and that's how to make a shape tween in Flash.

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