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How to negotiate with billionaires.

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

I negotiate with billionaires every day in what I do. Everybody always asks me, "How do you negotiate with a billionaire, a big corporate executive, and things like that?"

To tell you the truth, you negotiate with them just like you negotiate with anybody else. You shouldn't be any different. You can't treat somebody different because they're wealthy or powerful.

You just have to be truthful with what you're saying, have passion with what you're talking to them about, be sincere, and you have to be so knowledgeable on your product and what you're selling and what your contract says.

If you do all those things, they'll respect you. They're not going to make it easy on you, that's for sure. No matter what you say, how much something costs, it's too expensive. If you want it on this color, they want it on that color. If you want to do it right, they want to do it left.

They do it just for sport and they make it difficult 'cause they're having fun actually negotiating with you as well.

As long as you understand that it's not personal, you just have to dig through it, keep fighting, jump over every hurdle. Sometimes you get the deals done; sometimes you don't.

But anyway, the ones that you do get done are super satisfying.

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