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Doing a bad job will change your life

5m read
·Nov 8, 2024

[Music] If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. I hear this phrase and phrases like it thrown around a lot. I understand the sentiment. If you've been hired to paint somebody's house, it's the common understanding that you're going to try to do the best job that you possibly can. To try to do a bad job would be ridiculous and unethical.

But doing the best you can is very different than doing a good job. Because if you suck at something or you've never done it before, it's not going to be good, and there's nothing you can do about it. You know, this probably makes sense to you; it probably makes a lot of sense to most people. But everybody lives as if they don't believe it. They don't think that it applies to them.

For instance, they won't go to the gym because they're weak and they think that everybody at the gym will be watching how weak they are, how pathetic they are. They feel like they're going to be judged for being weak and never having gone to the gym, like they think they're supposed to already be jacked. Or they go to the gym to kind of prove to everybody they're not that weak, but it's like, bro, you're not strong, and that's okay.

You know, people won't do piano lessons as an adult because some freak kid from their third-grade class was playing Rachmaninoff shortly after exiting the womb. It's like we do anything we can to run from the fact that we're probably going to suck at most things, and we don't want anyone to find out. And honestly, it makes perfect sense why we have a tendency to do this.

When we were kids, we'd get made fun of at school for being bad at kickball or for running slow or for having acne. Sometimes, we get made fun of for being good at something, but that thing happened to be nerdy, like playing the trombone. So, whatever it is, we adapted to our environment. We hid our talents and our weaknesses, and we sort of just flew under the radar to blend in.

As a kid, we developed a mental framework that guarded us from humiliation, discomfort, and social scrutiny. The problem is that this coping mechanism made a lot of sense for that specific environment. It served a function that was useful at the time. But problems start to arise when we remain unconscious to the fact that we made that mental framework so early.

Problems start to arise when we bring a mental framework or a philosophy from one environment into another environment, even though it may not be applicable or helpful any longer. So many of us still act and think like school children, when we haven't been in school in decades. We remain terrified of social scrutiny, and it prevents us from doing anything that we aren't already good at, which I mean, if we've been thinking this way since school, we're probably not good at much.

We don't want to be made fun of for not being good or successful, but made fun of by who? Where did these people go? The people are gone, obviously, but their judgment remains, bouncing around our head. And if we are unconscious of it, it'll feel like our own rational thought.

When we think of doing something that we want to do or something that we want to try out, we'll find ourselves automatically coming up with a reason or an excuse as to why we can't do it, or why we'll do it tomorrow, or we'll look for the perfect timing to do something. We find it very difficult to do things that we aren't known for.

You know, we'll want to get into photography, so we watch some YouTuber or 300 YouTubers trying to find the best preset so that your photos don't suck. It's like, I can't get into boxing; that isn't me. People will think that's weird; they'll say, "What's gotten into you?" But it's like, who is saying that?

We like to pretend that our rationality is this pure, infallible logic instead of the survival instincts of a little kid who's trying not to get hurt. So let this be a reminder to you: you can just do things. It doesn't have to be good. If you know that something is good for you, or if it's a skill you want to develop, or there's no serious moral qualms with the thing that you're about to do, then do it.

Most of the internal dialogue that would prevent you from doing what you want to do doesn't matter. You can act anyways. You can do things that are uncomfortable or unnatural, or something that you wouldn't normally do. And if you've never done it before, it's probably not going to be good. It was never going to be good, and it never had to be.

Thank you to AG1 for sponsoring this video. As you all know, AG1 is by far my favorite supplement, and that's because there's no competing with its nutritional profile. It's packed with over 75 vitamins, nutrients, and whole food superfoods in every single scoop. AG1 is by far the most streamlined, easiest, and frictionless way to give your body everything it needs to stay focused and energized throughout the day.

In fact, by the time you're watching this video, I will be in Europe exploring, and one of my friends who's going on this trip messaged me and said, "Can you please bring some of those AG1 travel packs? I don't know what we're going to be eating over there, but I want to make sure that I'm getting some vitamins." I said, "Sure thing, buddy, I got you."

So if you're interested in joining me and trying AG1, then if you use my link in the description below, then you'll also get a year supply of their Vitamin D3 and K2 complex, as well as five AG1 travel packs with your first purchase. You can also scan the QR code that you're seeing on-screen right now. Once again, click my link in the description below or scan the QR code to take advantage of this amazing offer.

And thank you again, AG1, for sponsoring this video. If you liked this video, then if you hit the like button, that would be a huge help because it tells the algorithm that this was a good and helpful video and more people should see it.

If you're lurking here, consider subscribing, checking out the merch. Everybody who buys the merch messages me—not everybody, every 100% of the people, no, a lot of people—who buy the merch say, "Dude, I wear this hoodie all the time." In fact, I see it all the time! Friends and family who have my merch wear it literally all the time. Like, it's not just like, "Oh, they take it and they're like, 'Oh, thanks for the merch'" and just never wear it. No, they wear it constantly!

So, people love the merch—super comfortable. We went through so many iterations to make sure that it is as comfortable and high quality as possible whilst not actually losing money every single time you buy one. Although if you're from certain countries, we actually do lose money every single time you buy one, but we're not going to get into that. Other than that, thank you so much for watching, and we'll catch you in the next video.

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