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ANNOUNCEMENT Smarter Every Day Podcast - "No Dumb Questions"

2m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey, it's me Destin, from Smarter Every Day. Welcome to the No Dumb Questions podcast. This is not Smarter Every Day. When I create videos for Smarter Every Day, I'm usually thinking by myself. Think of it like a creative work of mine. It's an effort to express myself and my view of the world around me in a creative, intelligent way. It's not unlike music, but it's mostly just my own thoughts and trying to figure out what exactly it is I'm trying to do.

♪(Guitar strumming) ♪ There's this guy I like to talk to, and he sees the world from a little different angle than what I do. I. ♪(Guitar strumming) ♪ I like to look at the world through the lens of an engineer. I like to figure things out using the scientific method. My friend Matt, on the other hand, is a humanities guy from the wild west out in Wyoming. He left Academia back in the day and decided to become a pastor.

Something I discovered over the last few years is that there's a lot of noise. People are making sounds, but they're not really listening to each other. What we hope to do with this podcast is to start to make music together, and play off of each other in order to get better. There's this cool thing that happens when you start to ask questions and actually hear the other person. If you start to listen to each other and play off of each other, the whole becomes more than the sum of the parts. You start to get better together.

𝄞 ♪♫♪♫ 𝄢 ♪♫♪♫ So here's the deal. We're making a podcast. And I think it's going to be really cool, because if you like Smarter Every Day, I think it's going to be really good, and I would love for you to get in on the ground floor. If you want to, you can do that by going to NoDumbQuestions.FM and subscribing, or just searching for that wherever you get your podcasts. I think you'll like it.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this half as much as I do because I've already been a part of these conversations for over two years, and when you get a science guy and a humanities guy in the same room, really cool stuff starts to come out.

𝄞 ♪♫♪♫ 𝄢 ♪♫♪♫ I'm Destin, and this is No Dumb Questions. I think this is going to be fun.

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