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Pictures out of Text

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

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Hey guys, this is Mids 101, and someone, uh, one of our subscribers recently asked us how to make something like this out, like, um, a picture out of um, text symbols. Um, and this is the example they gave me. So I played around with it, and, um, I managed to make something like this, and this is what I'm going to be showing you how to make today.

And, uh, another example of something you can do if you spend a lot more time at it, this is a really cool one I found on the internet. This is one of Homer Simpson, and they probably spent, like, I don't know, maybe a really, really long time making this, as you can see.

So now I'm just going to, um, start changes and quit our Safari. Okay, so the first thing you need to do is find an image that you want to use. So what I did to make that, I'm going to be showing you how to make the one I made today or yesterday was, okay, so I just Google searched "Apple logo," and, um, this is the one I used.

Okay, so you can just drag that to your desktop and then open Pages. Pages is the best application I found that could do this 'cause it's easy. It's really easy to use and put text boxes over pictures, so just wait for Pages to open.

Okay, okay, double click on blank. Now drag in your picture. Now, if you're the more detailed you want it, the bigger you're going to make your picture, but I'm just going to make it, um, a little detailed, so I'm going to make it really small, and I'm going to put it in the center so you can see better.

Next thing you want to do is click on text box and make a text box around it. Just drag it right around and make it a little bit bigger than your object. There we go. You're going to double click in there, and then you're under colors, you're going to make something different than your background color. So I'm just going to make it blue so, as you can see, I can clearly see what is being written where.

Now, what I did is I just put underscores until I got to something, and then I put a shape that fits that thing. So here, I'm just going to hold shift and then I'll put a couple stars so it goes up, and then shift zero and then a couple more lines. And then, when you get to the other end, you're going to see you don't, um, so you just keep pressing there.

And then I press shift n. Um, then here for fill, if it's a solid shape like the one I'm showing you, you can do anything you want. Some people just like to put paragraphs, so what I decided to do is press option shift K, which, as you know, on a Mac, um, puts the Apple logo.

So this is what I did. Feel free to do the same if you're following this tutorial and just doing the same picture as me. Hold on, option shift K. There we go—wait, hold on, shift—there we go. Now a little more underscores here. I'll put dashes to see, let's show you that it goes up.

I'll put one like that, then another underscore, and that, and then I'll put some dashes again and then some more underscores. Okay, now we're at the easy part. So just, um, press enter, put an underscore two, and then you can just fill it with Apple logos.

So we're just going to write one Apple logo, copy that. I'm actually gonna press Apple X because we want one more underscore, then paste it. Then we, um, put some of these underscores, press enter, and underscore two.

Okay, and I think you guys get the idea, so I'm just going to finish this real quickly. O for—okay, so this is what your final result should look like. Then we can copy that, open TextEdit, and paste it, and it should look at something like that.

The first, um, it's a really common problem; the first few lines get messed up, so what you want to do is just press enter and fix that. Okay, and this is what you should do. Obviously, I'm not the master, so I didn't get it perfect, but it's good enough for people to tell what it is.

By the way, this option shift K trick that I told you about, that only works on a Mac, not a PC. So on a PC, it'll just show up as a square unknown text character. So, um, just feel free to text, um, some cool shapes that you made with this or leave a video response.

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