Raiding a Killer Bee Hive | Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon
[Music] [Applause] What we're going to be doing now is something that is really dangerous. The village has located an Africanized bee nest. Africanized bees are called killer bees, and the deal with killer bees is they were made by trying to develop a super honey bee — one that is incredibly productive. But a side effect of that, and unintentionally, they wound up also making a hyper-aggressive bee. [Music] Killer bees kill people. The Warowl work around this. The real genius is this chunk of smoldering termite nest. Oh yeah, smoke, smokey, smoky! We're going to make lots of smoke, and what the smoke does is it messes with the bees' chemical communication. It basically inhibits those bees, the pheromone that tells the whole hive to attack. Oh yeah, that's red. Okay, let's go.
[Music] After a scramble through the jungle, we reach the nest just like so. Yes! [Music] Alan is busy chopping away, getting at the center of the hive. This is a hollowed-out log, and they're living right in the middle of it. Wild honey provides a vital source of sweet energy. The Warowl are careful to leave the hive intact, and they take only what they need. We've gotta work fast before we run out of light and smoke. I'm just working like crazy; I gotta keep blowing smoke into this hole or they're all gonna come out by the thousands.
"That's I'm fired."
"Okay, I'm coming."
"Okay, yeah here you go. Here, yeah."
"One's stinging my leg right now!" The bees are getting angry. If they swarm, we're in deadly serious trouble. I need to speed this up.
"Oh, they're coming out! Oh yeah, yeah, look at this! There's the hive! There it is! There it is! It's a huge, huge colony! They have enough honey in there; they can recuperate."
"Aye! Okay, keep chopping! They are stinging me!"
Wow, our killer bee honey heist is at a critical stage. If it takes much longer, the bees will attack. We're running out of fire; we're running out of smoke!
"Ah, got it! Okay, we found the honey, the mother lode! That's so much honey! Alright, let's get out of here! Let's go! Yep!"
"Ah, that could have gone horribly wrong, and I've never done that before, ever raided a killer bee nest. That is really good! It's definitely going to be a hit back at the village."
Hmm. [Music] You.