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Stock Market Trivia Night! (w/ @InvestWithQueenie)

44m read
·Nov 7, 2024

You are live! We are live! Hello, everybody! If you can hear us, let us know. I'm joined by Queenie. How are you going, Queen?
"Yeah, good! It's so good to be here, and yeah, streaming live, it's so much fun. I love live! Like, mystery in the air, like what's gonna happen? And this should be a really fun one. I'm looking forward to it. This is going to be awesome! We've got a trivia night coming up. We've got all the details to follow, but strap yourselves in for probably a couple of hours of fun! Um, yeah. I'm really quite nervous, to be perfectly honest, about—because I haven't done any live streams before, so I've really got to—I’ve got no idea! I feel like you're being natural, you know? Like the amount of videos that you've made on your channel, you know? And the subs love you, so yeah, it will be fine. Fingers crossed. Just don't say anything bad."

"Number one going live. That's really sweetie saying he watches both of our videos. Adventurous investor and I can click on these people and I can give them the spotlight, right? Can't I?"
"Yeah, you can!"
"Where are we? Where are we? Um, bro, you're late! I want my money back!"
"We were a couple of minutes late; that's totally my fault. Um, yeah, I was just struggling with the whole new to live streaming thing."

"Oh, we got some Queenie love in the house! Thank you! I appreciate that. I definitely appreciate that. Um, what do you say, Mitch? Welcome, Mitch! Glad to be able to join you all. Fantastic, dude! Welcome! I'm not wearing a Tesla top today; still traveling. That is true, they're all in the wash; what can I say?"
"Wait, you have multiple?"
"No, I've got one Tesla top and two SpaceX tops. Yeah, I haven't actually bought any of these before. Any of those products; they've been gifted to me, and they just instantly become my favorite, uh, favorite things to wear. I've noticed that."

"Watching from Canada! Welcome, Rafi! What's going on, dude? Um, hi there! Hi, Vulcan David! Welcome! What's cracking?"
"So, should we get started? How many people? We—87! 87 people? This is insane! Hello, everybody! Um, is there any, like, glaringly obvious issues that you guys are spotting? Like, this is the first time we've done a live over on my channel, so if there are any glaringly obvious issues—any audio issues, any video issues that you guys are noticing—then please let us know before we get started. But fingers crossed everything should be going pretty well."

"What you've been up to, anyway, Queenie? What have you been doing?"
"Um, yeah! Just went to work today, had a long lunch, had lots of sushi and sashimi, so I'm just like, I've had such a good day today. I'm like chill. What about you?"
"Oh, I've been stressed, to be honest! Getting this together— that PowerPoint is amazing! Like, you guys are in for a treat; it's gonna be awesome! I did spend quite a while on the PowerPoint. I didn't realize, um, didn't realize how long it would take me."

"What's going on, Tom? How you doing man? You must be tuning in what's a couple of hours further ahead over in New Zealand? So it must be like eight or nine o'clock something like that over there. I'm from India!"
"Hello, everybody! This is unreal! We've got a hundred people in the chat! Wow! Six! So we might just give it a couple more minutes before we get, um, before we get stuck into the trivia just in case people are a little bit late to join. We'll get started in three minutes. How does that sound?"
"Sounds good!"

"Thank you! We can hear you! That's very handy information! I saw Big Zero; he commented on your course!"
"I actually do, Big Zero—I chat to him as well! So, yeah, I flip—the comments just go so quickly! They go so fast!"
"Yeah! Um, I've all—I had some a little buffering moment there. Are we all good?"
"I'm still—yeah, we're all good! We're all good!"

"The big dog, this guy looks like a young investor's podcast Brandon, or is this the brand? I mean, the Hamish impersonator because I was watching a video—a name—and she's like, 'Guys, like impressing me.'"
"Who knows! [Laughter] There we go! All right, we've got still a couple of minutes; I need to go close this door so that nobody interrupts me. You've got the whole stream to yourself, Queenie!"
"Okay! Well, while I have the stream, I've got this card game, which I think is quite fun! So, uh, guys, tell me, would you rather be the smartest person in the room or the funniest person in the room? Which would you rather?"
"Smartest person or funniest person? Both have their benefits!"
"They do, right? I'd probably say smartest person!"

"I don't know, I value intelligence! [Laughter] Yeah, I'm gonna have to say the same, you know? Although I do try to be funny, but I feel like, um, yeah being smart is good! You know, it’s a good feeling—being funny is hard! It's so hard! I feel like you have to be very smart to be funny as well just to pick up on things, you know?"
"Wow, this is a deeper question than we first thought!"
"So true! So true! Let’s do another one! What's another one?"
"Okay! So this one's good. Would you rather be told you're not trustworthy or be told you're overreacting?"
"Hmm, I'm overreacting!"
"Yeah, I'm overreacting!"
"What about you?"
"I mean, yeah, being told you're untrustworthy—that's intense, you know? That's like, 'Oh, that hurts.' But I hate being told that I'm overreacting! Like it's just, you know, you're like, 'No, I'm not!'"
"You'd definitely take that over being untrustworthy?"
"Oh, yeah! Overreacting! Overreacting!"
"Everybody! Overreacting! Overreacting!"
"David's uncertain! Mitch overreacting! Alex over—yep!"
"Should we do one more? One more? Let’s do one more and then we're gonna get started with the trivia! Before we do this last one, everybody go grab a pen and paper, get yourself set up. It's just like classic trivia; it's going to be a few rounds; we're going to have lots of questions, um, so get yourself ready! Go grab a pen and paper and enjoy the night! Go grab a drink! Go grab a beverage! What’s your beverage of choice?"
"Mine's, uh, mine's water!"
"I've got water as well!"
"Classic! Classic!"
"Okay, would you rather know when someone's lying or get away with lying?"
"Yeah, I reckon—I reckon, like as a superpower if you could look at someone and know if they’re lying, then that would be a very, very handy skill!"
"Yeah, that would be cool! But, I mean, wouldn’t it make you a bit sad? Like if people are lying all the—yeah, I'm just going to fix this light real quick. Oh, I think it's just a little too bright! That kind of might be a little bit more natural! By the way, guys, you can now see the reverse of my normal set! You can see my—where is it? There's my play button on my books! So usually I’m sitting here!"
"Ah, right! So, you get the reverse angle! The computer that is normally in the back of my videos is the one that I'm currently staring straight into!"
"Oh wow, that's cool!"

"All right, with that said, how are you feeling? You feeling ready to go, Queenie?"
"I'm ready! I'm ready!"
"All right! Well, if I can get this right, we are going to get started with the inaugural stock market trivia contest!"
"Oh, get excited, everybody! This is very exciting!"
"I'm just making sure that I'm doing it right! Did I do it?!"
"Yeah, you did it! It looks great!"
"Yes, and now for the special effects! Oh, how do I do that? Uh, uh, here we go! Look at those animations! Or is it just fake stuff? Ibc? I don't even know!"
"Yeah, no idea! Never heard of these stocks!"

"All right, so let’s get cracking! Hey! Welcome to Trivia Night! Stock Market Trivia! We got some really cool questions in here tonight! Um, this is how it's going to go, okay? There are going to be five kind of standard trivia rounds—there are no prizes for the standard trivia rounds, because obviously we can't stop people from just, uh, just looking up the answers. We're just trusting that everyone is just gonna enjoy, keep to the chat, and not look stuff up on the internet! But we got five trivia rounds: Stonks, Value Investing, Big Bets, Absolute Banter, and Did He Say That? And then moving on, we also have three prize rounds which are all about speed! So we will definitely—we'll have some cool prizes! Actually, I need to go get the prizes, but now we'll figure that out later. Um, so basically it's going to be a speed round! Whoever can submit the correct answer first to the chat is going to win a prize and that will be quite interesting! We're gonna have to keep a close eye on the chat! I'm so excited about this! All right, let’s go!"

"Oh, ah! This is just working perfectly, Queenie! I'm so happy!"
"Going well so far! Going well so far!"
"Yeah! Fingers crossed that it, uh, top-notch presentation already!"
"Yes, thank you, Life of Abe! I appreciate that!"
"All right! Has everyone got their pen and paper? Is everyone ready to go? Round one is ten questions long and it's all about—you guessed it—stonks! [Laughter] Here we go! Question one. Do you want to take this one?"
"All right, sure! So, what was the first company to offer shares of its business to the public, effectively conducting the world's first initial public offering (IPO)?"
"Who's got the answer to this one? We are just going to go question-answer, question-answer, question-answer! So let’s see what's going on! Tom from Investing with Tom, where’s your answer? Let’s see! You should know this! If you don’t get this one right, you’re going to lose about 10,000 subs!"
"General Electric!"
"That is not the correct answer. Oh, Bullish Investor! Welcome to the party! Mitch, how's it going, man? Oh, the Dutch—Dutch East India Company is correct! Well done, guys! Well done!"
"That was good! Nice work, Brett! Nailed it, buddy! Absolutely nailed it! Good job! Mario, good work! Very nice job, everybody!"

"All right! Let’s go on! Question two: To the nearest decimal place, how many billion people log into at least one of Facebook's apps daily? To the nearest decimal place, how many billion people log into at least one of Facebook's apps daily?"
"That's a lot of people! I’m sure!"
"Do you know the answer to this one, Queenie?"
"I have no clue, but I know it's a lot! A lot!"
"What would be your closest guess?"
"Two billion and something, I would say."
"Yeah, we’re on the right track! Well, what do we got? Investing with Tom—2.1, 2.5 from Lee, 2.7 from B Aviation, 3.2 from Mitch, 3.6 from Brownie, Pueblo 3.7—the correct answer Alex has got it! Well done, my man, Alex! What’s up? Nice one! Very nice! 2.5 billion people!"
"That's so many people!"
"That's a lot of people!"
"I cannot count that high! Insane!"

"All right, this is your one! What year did the NASDAQ launch?"
"I actually don’t know this one! You wrote this question!"
"I wrote it and then I actually forgot the answer! So we’ll see! We’ll see what people say! I reckon—actually, I got no idea; I just embarrassed myself!"
"Yes, because the New York Stock Exchange has been around just forever! But the NASDAQ I feel is newer; it's got all those tech companies on there, so I don’t know! I don’t know!"
"Oh, there's a lot! There's a lot of guesses! Variations! There’s a lot of guesses for 1971, one for 1990—1975!"
"The correct answer is 1971! Well done! Well done, Demetrius! That's fantastic! Good effort, man! You guys are smart! I should have made—we should have made these questions harder!"
"I know! Everyone's so smart! I feel like—honest to God, you guys are watching this. This is really cool!"

"All right, here we go! Oh, question four: In accounting and finance, what numbers are people referring to when they say the top and bottom line?"
"Eric’s saying, 'I love Google!' Naughty Eric—disqualified! No Googling allowed! See, this is—"
"All right, we got a couple coming in! Oh, profit—expenses—high and low in the last 52 weeks! Revenue and net income! Gross sales and net profit! Geez, you guys are on the ball! You guys are—you guys are smart! Revenue top, operating expenses!"
"All right, maybe there are multiple definitions; I didn’t even factor that in! But the one that I know is revenue for the top line and net income for the bottom line!"
"Oh yeah, a lot of people saying that! Interesting! So this is like when you start getting a lot of people that are answering differently, you're like, 'Oh, I wonder if there's a difference between maybe if you're a stock market investor or if you're an accountant?'"
"What do you say? But that's the one I know: revenue and net income—net income takes all of the expenses out! Revenue is just the top line total sales!"

"All right! We’re halfway through! We’re getting through, uh, round one! Queenie, take it away! What is the total market cap of the ASX in trillions to the nearest decimal place?"
"Cool! Total market cap—the ASX in trillions—to the nearest decimal place! I wonder how much of a lag there is?"
"What do you reckon?"
"I'd say about, yeah, about 10 seconds!"
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking! I swear like this answer just makes me feel so small in Australia, you know? Like, it’s crazy how small it is!"
"Oh, we've got some—we got some Googlers in the house! That’s very, very specific! Investing 3.2 trillion, 3.5, 3.6! 15.1! What’s the answer? 2.2!"
"Wow! Who got it to the nearest decimal place in trillions? 2.2!"
"A lot of—couple of you guys got it! I think! Well done! Yeah, well done, man! You guys are on the ball! This is crazy! 129 people watching right now? That blows my mind! Welcome, everyone! If you're just tuning in, grab a bit of pen and paper and let’s keep rolling!"

"Oh! Most traded stock on the ASX in 2020? What is it?"
"Interesting! I was like, 'Oh, interesting! Huh! Do you own it?'"
"I did! I did! But I sold it to buy my first home! And, um—oh yeah, I kind of regret it, though!"
"But you still probably would have made a profit, right?"
"I did! I did! So it was good! It was good! Most traded stock on the ASX in 2020! I have to pay touch! I have to pay!"
"A lot of people saying Afterpay! Qantas! Afterpay! Speed typing, I can imagine! Like, you guys must be really fast! Like we had a couple saying CommSec—Afterpay! Oh, Hamish is on Afterpay! What is the correct answer? Zip!"
"Zip! Who would have thunk that! Like, interesting! Hey! I thought it would be Afterpay! I thought so as well! Probably Afterpay is probably the one that's gone up the most!"
"Yeah, yeah, for sure!"

"All right! Let’s keep cracking! We're getting through! Question seven: How much has the NASDAQ composite increased in 2020 to the nearest whole percentage point?"
"Sorry, did I just take your question? Were you supposed to say that one?"
"Oh, no, no, no! You go for it! How much has the NASDAQ composite increased in 2020 to the nearest whole percentage point? Is it negative three percent? Is it eight percent? Is it 51? Let’s hear!"
"35? 40? 40? 34? 20? Oh, we've got a lot of different answers! Life of Abe, over 9,000! I tell you what, that feels about right, right? Maybe for Tesla!"
"Oh my gosh! And the correct answer is 36!"
"So far, still got a little bit to go! I know those gains! You guys are pretty accurate! It's really cool! Can you guys do my—I wish you guys could do my homework! Wouldn't that be amazing?"
"I didn’t have homework anymore, but I’d just make a video being like, 'Hey, guys, what stocks are you buying?' Instead of people watching me, I can just watch all you guys!"
"Exactly! I know! Killing it! Absolutely killing it! All right, Queenie, take this one!"

"All right! When did the S&P 500 index—when the S&P 500 index falls by seven percent below its previous close in a single trading day, it is considered a level one decline. What happens in this situation?"
"Oh, here we go! How smart are you really? This is a tough one for the chat! This is a tough one! I feel like I’m learning so much! This is really cool!"
"This has happened a couple of times this year actually in February/March; it happened a few times this year!"
"Interesting! Wall Street bets implodes! Ah, that is fantastic! We want specifics! We want specifics!"
"You are correct, trading halt! Brendan, well done!"
"Trading halt! News goes out! Very, very much the case!"
"VJ, BJ has got the answer here; VJ has absolutely nailed it! Halt 15-minute trading halt!"
"Let me get back up my thing! Yeah, trading on all American exchanges is halted for 15 minutes! I think what is that? It's like a circuit breaker! So I think they literally just want everybody to cool down for a little bit! Stock market crashes, there’s just a rush of panic, right?"
"Yeah, that if it drops seven percent, it's a 15 minute halt! Then I think if it drops another seven percent, so it hits 14, I think then it’s another 15-minute timeout! If it drops 20% in one day, then that's it! Pack your bags! All trading is halted for the rest of the day!"
"No way! I did not know that! Wow, every day!"

"All right, let's move on! What are Australia's two largest exports?"
"[Music] Who's got this one? Who's got this one? Bullish investor, what's your guess? I love how it's like we don’t see any like answers and then like boom! Suddenly there are like 10 answers like instantly!"
"Yeah, that is pretty crazy! Oh, you wanna buy some kangaroos? Somebody said investing YouTube channels! [Laughter] Snags!"
"Yeah, but the correct answer, Stephen's got this one absolutely correct! Iron ore and coal! Well done! Well done, Stephen! And a few other people—Bill, great work, Bill! Um, yep, Bullish Investor, Colin, iron—absolutely correct! Absolutely! Nice work, guys! Again, killing it!"

"All right! Last question for round one! According to the U.S. Federal Reserve website, to the nearest trillion how much has the U.S. Federal Reserve's assets increased in 2020? Money printing! How much done the U.S. Federal Reserve—they have—oh, this is going to be insane!"
"It's a big number to the nearest trillion! That’s crazy! It’s—it's big! It's big!"
"It's almost perfectly at this trillion dollar number but not quite! So we’ll go to the nearest trillion! Who knows how much money has been pumped into the system? How much money? All over the place! Six? Four? Five? Negative 13 trillion? 22 trillion dollars?"
"Whoa! That's huge! Three trillion? 12? 23 trillion?"
"The correct answer, team! The correct answer is three trillion dollars!"
"Wow! And a trillion is a thousand billion, right? That's like the whole market cap of the ASX, right? Like more than the market cap event, probably?"
"I don't even—yeah, well, that's—that's just—oh no, wait! It's heaps more! Yeah, that's crazy, man! That's like the same amount that Investing with Tom spends on a night out! That's just—didn't know numbers went that high! Hey!"

"Wow! All right! Question 10! That's it! That is the end of round one! Stonks! End of round one! If you've been keeping track at home, I don't know if anyone’s keeping track of their score or just kind of answering as they go along, how many out of ten you got right? Let us know! There was a few there that I didn’t know actually! There’s a lot of these that I didn’t know!"
"Yeah, me too! I could not—I’m not very good at remembering things, but I feel like I’m learning a lot! And I’m like, wow! It's really cool! And we’ve got plenty more where that came from—lots of different questions! Lots of different—yeah, it will be really fun! That was just a warm-up, really!"
"I think a few of these questions in the next round are going to get quite tricky! Some people might get tripped up on a few of these next ones because the next round is Value Investing! How many value investors have we got out there?"
"Tom, I’m actually sweating taking this one!"
"Oh, classic!"
"Hello from Singapore! Paul! Thanks for joining us, buddy! Thanks for joining! Good to see you, Mitch clapping away! Yay! Yeah, Paul, I know! Careful of the mirror behind me! I have to sit like that so that nobody can see!"
"Oh, that's so funny! Ah, there's no way this webcam is good enough that people—especially, they’re so tiny as well!"

"Yeah, all right! Oh, we got some fans of your smiles!"
"Oh, thank you!"
"Thank you, VJ! From the Cayman Islands! Whoa! Thanks! Putting out our ex affairs, weren't we, Queenie?"
"Oh, yeah, of course! Of course! Doesn’t everybody just go to the Cayman Islands to sort it out?"
"Oh dear! Belgium! Have we got—what’s the most exotic crazy random place that you guys are tuning in from?"
"India! That's so cool! Wow! It's very international, isn't it? I love it!"
"I'm very surprised! What's the craziest time of day that you guys are watching this at? That's what I know! I'm curious!"
"I don't know! There'd be some that would be pretty late at night or early in the morning!"
"New York, Harry! Welcome, buddy! Welcome! Michigan, 3 a.m.? Go to sleep! Holy folks! Oh, I feel bad!"
"Yeah, you need sleep! Sweden! That’s cool! Botswana! Wow! I think we have a winner! That's pretty cool! Botswana!"
"Oh yeah, the awesome nine! Wow! Seven p.m. from Melbourne! Yeah, home country in the house!"

"All right! Well, let’s get stuck into round two! Value Investing! Who is the best value investor among us? You ready, Queenie?"
"Yep, I'm ready!"
"Let's go! Let's go, team! Question one! The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham was first published in which year?"
"Hmm, it's quite an old book! I do have a copy just over here!"
"Of course, of course you do! So many books!"
"Yeah, yeah, when did this come out? Also, if you’re new to the stock market, I would not recommend trying to read this book as the first thing you read!"
"Oh, yeah! It's way too hard! It’s a bit like reading Shakespeare, I find! Like, I don’t understand!"
"You know what's very interesting—sorry, we're going on a bit of a tangent! Sorry, everyone!"
"Yes! You have definitely got this right! 1949 is correct! Google squad, gum strong! Well done!"
"Thing interesting! Thing that’s a little bit dodgy about this book but was written a very long time ago is that the investor in this book, whenever the investor is spoken about, is always a man!"
"Hmm! Not referred to as a woman!"
"Not referred to as a woman! That's interesting!"
"Because I've noticed they do do that! Like lately, you know! Like it's interesting to, like, shake it up a bit!"
"Hmm! Very much behind the times—the reason why the ladies can't buy stocks as well!"

"Exactly! It's quite strange because the majority of investors are definitely male! So I find—I don't know—we could probably go in deeper into why that is because I've really got no idea! But I guess because it was so old, like back in the day! I think it's only really changed recently! Actually, my auntie was telling me she couldn't buy a property and she was in her 20s even though she had the money to because she wasn't married! And that's in Australia! Like, that's wild!"
"That is wild! That's crazy! Times are changing!"
"All right, question two! Starting with the letter F, when you subtract a business's capital expenditures from its operating cash flow, you're left with what number?"
"What number would you be left with? Ah [Music] yeah! Benjamin sucks! That's on the last question!"
"Oh, you guys! This is too easy! Too easy! I thought I might trip some of you guys up!"
"Oh, look at this! So many good value investors here! Free cash flow! Yeah! Hey! I'm Aaron! Free cash flow! Too easy! Yep, absolutely! You guys are just absolutely nailing this! Free cash flows—the correct answer! Well done!"

"All right! Let’s move right along! Here’s a tricky one! I think everyone will know this! I feel like the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, is currently how old?"
"How old is he? His business partner, Charlie Munger, is 96!"
"Whoa! That's wild! 96! And they're still, like, doing their business things! It's crazy! And they're still sharp, you know?"
"Wow! Yeah, everybody seems to know this one!"
"Yeah, definitely! Well done, everybody! Well done! Wonder Sam! Well done! Did you see Bill Gates making him a cake for my puppet's birthday? It was the cutest thing!"
"It was hilarious! Oh, they're like so sweet!"
"Yeah, everybody's got this one! Yeah! Still strong on the old Googling! Someone that knows me!"
"Charlie is heading towards 100! Hope my mind's that good at 90!"
"Yeah, definitely agree with you, Mitch! Definitely agree with you! He is sharp!"

"All right! Let’s move right along! Question four! The terminal value is used in what common stock valuation method?"
"Terminal value—that is the number which, uh, that's also known as your net worth when you die! Hmm! Did you sneak in the buffet of cakes?"
"A buffet! A buffet of cakes! Not as fast as Google! Yeah, yeah, no! I feel you! I feel you!"
"Hey, discounted cash flow! We got a lot of votes for discounted cash flow! Harry’s got DCF! Bazel’s got BCF! Everybody's got DCF! And DCF! There is a reason why everybody is saying that! Because it is absolutely correct! Well done, team! Well done! I thought I might get a few people there! But again, you guys are just on the ball!"

"All right! Moving on! Question five! In round two, take it away!"
"Okay! The Dando Investor is a famous value investing book by which author? I'm expecting Investing with Tom to be quick on this one! If he's not quick on this, I'm unsubscribing from his YouTube channel!"
"Oh, that's balls! [Laughter] I’d never do that!"
"Oh, we’ve got a lot of people! Ah! There he is! There he is!"
"Yeah, he was first! Let’s put some quick typing! That is quick! You were one of the first there, Tom! You were one of the first! That’s, uh, yeah, very quick!"
"Yeah! Everyone going Monash Prabrai! Monash Prabrai! Monish! Monash! Monish Prabrai!"
"Interesting! Interesting answer! Uh, yes! Absolutely, guys! Absolutely bang on! Monish Prabrai is the correct answer!"

"Do I keep dropping out? Do I sometimes see a bit of a buffering on the stream? Are other people seeing that?"
"It drops, but it’s only for like a split second! So it’s like not even like—even keep talking and we can kind of like understand what you say! It's fine!"
"Cool! I'll just—if I see it happen, I'll just quickly repeat myself! All right, team! Question six! Finish this quote! Price is what you pay; value is what you..."
"This is a very famous quote! Is it a Buffett quote? I think it's a Buffett quote! I'm not sure! I actually haven't heard of this one! Or maybe I have! I've just forgotten! But it's cool!"
"Yeah, I reckon—I reckon! I reckon you know! Value is—value is something! Price is what you pay! Value is what you get!"
"Nice! Well done, team! This is intensely adventurous investor! You got to be quick on the chat! You got to be fast, but no! Everyone's getting great scores so far! You guys are just doing so well!"

"Life! I'm subscribing to your channel! Price is what you pay; value is what you forget about! [Laughter] Oh, man! Your investing content must be absolute fire!"
"I know, right? If you went around these days shouting that, you probably get quite a few subscribers! Ah, dear! Very good!"
"All right, Queenie! You got this next one! Question seven! Current assets divided by current liabilities gives you what ratio?"
"What ratio? Going to be quick! Getting technical! Who knows? Who knows?"
"Is it the debt-equity ratio? Is it the price-to-earnings ratio? Is it the—is it the quick ratio?"
"Is it? It's... so current assets divided by current liabilities—it's checking how the business is looking over the next 12 months in terms of what they have to pay back, and you guys are just on the ball! It is the current ratio! Absolutely correct!"
"Corrabo! Well done! That’s awesome from Botswana! Botswana! I represent! Brandon must think we’re so dark and think you guys are dumb! No! You guys are so smart! You’re smarter than me! Like honestly! Like, oh! I need to brush up on my skills!"
"Current ratio! Have you been there? Oh, I get it! Current! Current! Ah! That’s good! That’s good!"
"And hey, Justin!"
"All right! Very nice, guys! Moving on!"

"Is this—yeah, I said the last one! This one's all you! If I invested $1,000 now and my investment achieved an 8% return each year for 40 years, what will my portfolio be worth to the nearest thousand?"
"Yeah, one, guys just do it in your head, you know! Like, this is an easy one! Yep! I love this! Because anybody that gets this right is a Googler! I’ll call you all out! Googler! Googler! Googler! [Laughter]"
"Justin, what’s going on, buddy? Welcome! Welcome to the chat!"
"Oh! Aviation, 20 Tesla shares! I like this! Turning this into banter! I absolutely love it! It's so true! Great chat tonight! Great joke! So clever! I love that! Really funny!"
"1,000! 1,000 will turn into how much at 8% each year for 40 years?"
"Yeah, I've scared everyone away when I said I was going to call them out as a Googler!"
"23,000! 22,000! That is to the nearest thousand! So Aaron's got it absolutely bang on! Carrabo! Again, well done, buddy! Well done! 24! Whoops! I pressed the wrong—they just—the chats just go so quick!"
"24! Absolutely! Close! A couple of thousand less!"
"One Berkshire Asia? You know, the sad thing is, not even close! You probably need many, many more thousands for a Berkshire A share!"
"Very well! Very well done, guys!"

"Question eight! Question nine! Here we go! Warren Buffett earns approximately $656 million in annual dividends from his investment in Coca-Cola. How much did Warren Buffett spend to build his position? And I want billions, and I want to the nearest decimal place! Go for your life!"
"This is re—this is a crazy one because it highlights a very, very interesting point about holding stocks for the long term!"
"Wow! This is really—this is really cool!"
"Yeah, two billion! Those who also like—when you have money, you can just make so much more money as well, right?"
"Yep, 2.1 billion! Nine! Oh! Whoops! 1.6 billion! Nine point two billion! Um, 1.3 billion to the nearest decimal place!"
"And I have to go across to my—to my document here because I wrote—what did I write down? Where did I—here we go! So it's a 1.3 billion cost basis! He bought 6.2% of the company in 1988 and has held it ever since, so it now provides a 50.5% dividend yield from its initial cost basis every year!"
"That's wild! Whoa! That is so wild! That is a great investment! He is earning, just on dividends alone, half of what he put into it to buy it back in '88! That's crazy!"
"Technically, yes, the dollar is not the same as what it was back then, but still, I mean, it still highlights a pretty, uh, pretty powerful point, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, it really does! That's a lot of money in dividends! Like that's crazy! That's a lot! I wish I could have $656 million in annual dividends! That would be nice! What would you guys spend that money on? What would you spend $656 million on every single year? You could buy whatever you want!"

"There's no—how many Teslas would you buy, Brandon?"
"Oh gosh! I'd buy a few! I'd buy a few! That's the draw! I'd buy one of each! No! I think what I'd do is I'd buy one of each and then I’d buy just—whoever! Like, I'd just get all my friends together, and they can just pick whatever model they want! Spec it out however they want, and then I’ll just like get one for all my friends as well! And then we'll have this massive Tesla road trip somewhere nice!"
"So you'd—like you could start like a Mr. Beast style like YouTube channel, give everyone a Tesla, you know?"
"Like I could be the new Mr. Beast! Yeah! And then you would make even more money off the money that you spent on the Teslas! It just won’t stop; it's going to be crazy!"
"Totally trump Mr. Beast! I'm like, I gave away a hundred thousand to some homeless person! I could do—I gave $656 million away!"
"Yeah, that would be so wild! So what would you guys do with the $656 million? [Laughter] That's easy! KFC! [Laughter] That's the remaining Coca-Cola stock!"
"Yeah! I'd buy apprentice and vodka cruises!"
"Thank you! I appreciate that! Awesome! Mercury hard ciders! Crushed raspberry 375 ml can! 2.4 standard drinks!"
"Wow! Wait, I wouldn't need many of them, that's for sure! That was really funny! I loved your honesty in that! Like, yeah! That video was so funny—it’s just the truth!"
"It's just the truth, isn't it? I'm just a big sweet tooth!"

"All right! Let's move on! Oh, here you go! You want to take this one?"
"All right! Who said this? An investment operation is one which upon thorough analysis promises safety of principle and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative! Who said it?"
"Hmm! An investment operation is one which panther analysis promises safety of principle and an adequate return! Investing with Tom probably did say it; I do agree with you there, Mitch! [Laughter] Yeah, you could just take somebody else! Like, oh yeah, he already like said my answer!"
"So yeah, yeah, Charlie Munger! Oh, not quite! Oh, who's got it?"
"Yeah! VJ's got it! VJ's got it! Yep! Nicholas has got it! Tom's got it! Yeah! Very nice! Good work, team! Good work, team! Benjamin Graham! That brings us to the end of our Value Investing Round! And now here we go! Are you all in on the chat? Are you ready to go? Because here comes our first prize round! And boy, oh boy, have we got some prizes!"
"I got to make sure that I know what I’m doing! Oh, this is going to be good! All right! Who's going to win it—my own personal copies of—not that that makes a difference—in fact, you’d prefer to take the new ones, because I've been reading it! But these are the only ones I've got! And quite frankly, Amazon is going to take a long time! [Laughter] Rule one—you know it. You love it! I hope you’ve read it! But if you haven’t, this is going to be a good round to win! And also invested! Phil Town and Danielle Town—their latest book, which was written only a couple of years ago! You guys will get both! Whoever wins this prize round gets both of them! Easy as that!"

"Now, exciting! What do you have to do? I hear you all ask in the chat! Literally! So team, get ready! You will be shown eight famous people from the investing world! Okay? You will need to write their full names! Just first and last name! Okay? If you see Charlie Munger, you have to write Charlie Munger! You need to write their full names in the one through to eight order that you will see on the image! Okay? It's going to be very obvious what number corresponds to what person! Okay? You must write your answer in the chat! First to get this correct wins the prize! And you can only guess once! So you cannot spam your way to a prize! So be very, very careful!"

"All right, everyone! Good? Are we all good? Give me something in the chat to know that you’re prepared and ready to go! Anything! Literally anything!"
"Yes! I'm ready to go!"
"Oh, they’re all ready! I'm already guessing! You haven't seen anything yet! No, no! This time the chat's ahead of us! It already knows what’s up! To be honest, guys, you can absolutely Google these! This is a speed round! So I've designed it so that if you Google, you will probably lose because there will probably be someone faster than you!"

"So here we go! Are you ready, everyone in the chat? Number one through eight! You get one guess! Ready? Set, go! Go, go, go, go! Come on! Hurry up! Faster! Faster than that! Come on! Number one! Number two! Number three! Number four! Number five! Number six! Come on! Push, push, push, push! Get those fingers wiggling! Come on! You only get one chance! Don’t mess it up! Remember, I need first name! I need last name as well! Number one! That’s a pretty obvious one!"
"Is this what you like at the gym? Because you do personal training, right?"
"That’s it! So you’re warming up these same pillows! We love that!"
"Eight in the one comment! All eight in the one comment, please! Don’t give up! Keep going! Number two! Number three! Comma! Number four! Comma! Number five! Come on! Come on! Come on! You can do it! Push! Push!"
"Oh dear! Oh dear! I want them all in the same chat, please! All in the same chat message! Go! Go! Go!"

"We still haven't had anyone get it right! We still haven't had anyone get it right! One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Push! Push! Push! Green eggs and ham?! That is close! Not quite!"
"Oh, don't tell me! Was it Investing with Tom?"
"Oh, it's close! It is so flipping close! I need to check because I did ask for first and last name! I did ask for first and last name! And I think, I think, I think Tom's got it!"
"Oh, I think he has! I'm just verifying! I'm verifying right now! Warren Buffett! Monash probably! Jeff Bezos! Graham Stephan! Becky Quick! Bill Gates! I’ll give you the pass on the spelling mistake! Robert Kiyosaki! And Cathie Wood! Investing with Tom! Nice one! Nice one! He’s done it! And boy, it was a close thing too because we've also got a few more! We've also got—yeah! Close! Warren Buffett! Person! Jeff Bezos! Person! No, it’s all good, Tom! It’s all good! Spelling mistakes I can cope with because everybody knows what you meant! Oh, we had so many close ones! Nicholas, so close! But the first one on the chat was Investing with Tom! Man, well done! Well done!"

"Oh, Investing with Tom says give them to someone else! I've got the books!"
"That's true! He's probably read those books before! So second in line? Nicholas Thompson! Well done, buddy! Now what I need you to do to claim your prize is send an email to, and we will get those prizes to you, my friend! Well done! Congrats! That was really good!! There it is, sir! Nicholas Thompson, send me an email! And you really—we’ve got— we've got Investing with Tom to thank there! What a guy! What a nice guy! That's your one good deed for the day, Tom!"
"All right! Well done! Well done, everybody! There! Geez! That was a rush! All right! Moving on! Round three: Big Bets! Only five questions in this round, so let's see how we go! You ready, Queenie?"
"Ready! Fired up! Right! Do you want to take the first one?"

"From Berkshire Hathaway’s Quarter 3 2020 13F filing, their largest stock investment, Apple, currently holds what percentage of their portfolio to the nearest whole percentage point? So 5! 10! 20! Just give us the nearest whole percentage point, and we’ll go from there! It’s a—I mean, it’s in this round for a reason! This round is called Big Bets! And this is—wow! This is a big bet!"
"What do we got?"
"How's the chat going? What’s your thoughts on Apple?"
"I like it! I like it! Well, I mean, it's a tricky one for me because I rip! They’ve got so much money! The reason I love Tesla so much is because they're just fierce innovators! And Apple definitely was the fierce innovator of yesteryear! But I just feel like they’ve got so much money that they could put into something huge, create something that the world’s never seen before that everyone’s gonna want that everyone’s gonna buy! But Tim Cook doesn’t really seem like the person that wants to pull that trigger! It’s not like the Steve Jobs of the world! Very much like, 'Oh, we make so much money; let's just give it back to our shareholders,' which, you know, is fine if you’re an investor, you’re fine with that! But I like going big and going bold!"
"But that's true! Every new, like iteration of the iPhone and the MacBooks, it's just like, 'Let's just have the same thing but, like, slightly better! Better camera! Better specs! Like a slightly different design, but it's like the same!'"
"Slight increase on last year's model! Um, yeah, no, I agree! And it’s getting like that! Like, I understand why they do it, because it just makes them so much money! But at the end of the day, go big, go bold! I like you make things that people are just gonna be so pumped with! Because now, I mean, the iPhone, yes, they’ve got that whole ecosystem! But at the same time, it’s like, well—other companies are also building their own ecosystem, so your massive lead when you first had that iPhone is slowly being eaten into! Anyway, back to the question! 48!"

"It is a big, big bet! Then again, hasn’t always been! 48%! Apple stock has obviously risen so much that it now is worth so much more that it occupies 48%! But, um, how many people got that one? Do we get a few people getting that one?"
"Oh, yep! Dave! Good work! Great job! Nailed that! There’s a few questions! Yeah, yeah! There’s a few answers in here!"
"Hey, gum! I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly, but well done! Absolutely!"
"All right! Second question in Big Bets: Michael Burry made his investors more than $700 million and $100 million for himself by buying what type of financial derivative in the subprime mortgage crisis?"
"I loved your video on this! I thought it was really well done!"
"The first time I watched that movie, I was a bit confused! But now I’ve been, like, obviously learning a lot more about the financial markets—like re-watching it—I’m like, 'Oh, it makes so much sense now!' But were you confused the first time you watched it?"
"Because I know I was!"
"I watched it before I knew anything about anything, so I was just like—I felt like a mashed potato!"
"Because they're also trying to make it simple! Like, I could see that they really tried! And I was still like—I think the problem is that in trying to make—they have to make it simple, and they also have to explain it quickly for the purposes of the movie! So it's like even though it's simply explained, it happens so quickly in the movie that you’re still kind of like, 'Oh, did I understand that?'"
"I mean, I feel like I barely scratched the surface, and my video went for like 20 minutes on that talk!"
"Yeah! How are we looking in the chat here?"
"Uh, CDS! What does it stand for? What does it stand for?"
"Yeah! Credit default swaps! Bills nailed it! Yep! Credit defaults! Yeah! Absolutely! Credit default swaps! Credit default swaps! Yep! Well done, team!"

"All right, go for it, Queenie! This is one that's right up your alley!"
"All right! You know I love PayPal and like Elon Musk! When PayPal was bought by eBay, Elon Musk put approximately half the money into jumpstarting Tesla and the other half into founding SpaceX! How much money did he personally receive from the sales? How much money?"
"Imagine earning like—let's be real, it's millions and millions of dollars—and then cutting it in half! Putting it into two companies that you think maybe might succeed, but maybe won't! And then just risking it all!"
"It's so wild, hey!"
"He really takes big risks, but I think he also wanted to prove that he could do it again, you know?"
"That’s true! He’s not one and done!"
"Yeah! He sold... PayPal for... he sold it to eBay this was a fair while ago!"
"Oh, we’ve got some—we’ve got two! What? 221 million? 12 million? 500 million? 130 million? 180 million? The correct answer is 165 million! Imagine earning that sum of money—breaking it in half and pumping it into two companies that you thought are probably going to fail!"
"It's actually not that much, you know? Compared to what PayPal's worth now, it’s wild! Yeah, but yeah! Yeah, like you would think if you got that much money, you’d just be like, 'Sweet! I'm going to, you know, go to a private island like never have to work again!'"
"I can’t find it quick enough! That's all right! Yeah! And I think Elon said that before! That's how sometimes when he cops criticism he just says, 'Guys! Like, come on! I could have retired 20 years ago, gone, lived on an island for the rest of my life and hoarded all this money! But I'm still here! I'm still working hard!' It's like, yeah! That’s so true! That’s so true!"

"So much admiration for people that do that, you know?"
"Yeah! Yeah, absolutely! Absolutely! Do you reckon you're someone that, if you had all the money you could ever want or need, you reckon you’d retire? Or do you feel like you're someone that would keep hustling no matter what?"
"Well, I have a different idea of retire! I kind of see retiring as doing what I want to be doing and kind of working on things that really make me happy and things that I'm really passionate about! So I would love to, like, when I make a lot of money and can retire, I would love to, I don't know, start some sort of like social enterprise that, you know, just makes the world!"
"Yeah! Making the world a better place!"
"VJ! Just something that makes me feel fulfilled, you know, without having to worry about money!"
"Yeah, no! I agree! I agree! What would you do? And what would everyone do? I’m curious!"
"Yeah! If you had—if you had endless money, well, I think like—the issue, the main issue I care about is climate change! So I’d be interested in starting companies that help combat that as much as possible! But yeah, I think I'm like you! I just want to kind of achieve that financial freedom so that I can just do what I want to do! Not necessarily like, you know, go and live on an island or go holiday around the world for the rest of my life! But actually just put all of my energy into something that I'm actually, you know, interested in!"
"Queenie, you're wiser than your years! Go forth and prosper, lady!"
"Oh, thank you so much! Really appreciate it! Great answer, Queenie!"
"Oh, thank you, Mark! Nice! Invest to become the richest?! I don’t know if I would do that! I don’t know! Being the richest man or woman in the world would you know—being the richest person does not really interest me! Would it interest you? Would you like to have that title, Queenie?"
"Yeah! It's just kind of like, oh! I’m a bit of a— you know, I'm not sure if it is or if it's not! But I feel like sometimes when people get to a certain point, it's just like—how is it possible that somebody has so much money and so much power? Like, one person? Do you know what I mean? And especially because, well, it compounds! It's kind of like, I mean, it’s just wild, you know?"
"So that's one of the things that I think it's kind of like! I feel like sometimes people just have so, so much power because of their wealth and they have the power to kind of like influence things—influence politics, influence so many things! So it's kind of like... yeah, it's a tough one! What about you? What do you think?"
"Yeah, I think having a lot of money is not unethical! The thing—I resonate with what Elon said! It's like, how did you make that money and where is that money? So if, like, if people have just got billions, you know, in bank accounts and they're just spending their way through life and just, you know, just doing nothing, then, you know, I'd rather see that money put to better use!"
"But you know, for someone like Jeff Bezos, he's sure he's the world's richest dude, but all of his money is not in his bank account! It's tied up in Amazon stock! He still shows up every day to work! He goes to work, and he’s working to make Amazon even better for their customers! So, you know, it's an interesting discussion, but definitely, obviously—and I think all of the big billionaires would be in agreement that nobody needs that amount of money! But the reason that they have that amount of money, potentially, is just because they have such large ownership stakes in their companies that in a lot of cases they've founded and they've built from scratch! So, yeah!"

"All right! Let's go on to this next question here! Question four! In a recent CNN Business article, it was revealed that this year, Tesla short sellers betting against the company have collectively lost more money than the whole U.S. airline industry! To the nearest billion, how much have the short sellers lost in 2020?"
"Hmm, would be a lot! Hey! It just keeps going up!"
"How many times has Queenie said wild?"
"I haven't noticed!"
"I say it a lot! I'm trying to like alternate between crazy and wild!"
"That's crazy! That's wild! That’s wild!"
"I'm not sure what I say a lot! Probably..."
"[Laughter] True! Very true! Matt, it isn’t over yet! It isn’t over yet! But so far in 2020, how much have they lost?"
"Oh, how many billion? 35 billion? 10 billion? 12 billion? 36 billion to the nearest billion?"
"The answer is 35 billion dollars lost amongst Tesla short sellers in 2000!"
"That's gonna hurt!"
"That's gonna hurt so bad!"
"Oh, man! They're dusting! It’s not even my money, and I’m like, oh, it’s a lot! It really hurts! This is why I'm like, man, really, I really I'm not sure I'm ever gonna short sell—go short on a particular position! I just don’t feel like I would be comfortable short selling! You just never know, right? I mean, look at Tesla!"

"And that’s the thing! You can get a situation like Tesla! And you always have to buy back those shares! So, you can potentially lose an unlimited amount of money, which is very, very scary! Exactly! All right! Let’s move on! Oh, take this one!"
"Who is the man who broke the Bank of England? The man that broke the Bank of England? You can't be serious, Austria?"
"I think in our last live you were like, wait, you were doing Harry Potter impersonations! That was so funny! But last year, last year I had 37!"
"[Laughter] They moved so quickly! Who was the man who broke the Bank of England?"
"Hamish Hodder! Called him out! Kanye West! Churchill!"
"Ah! VJ's got it! VJ is on it tonight! George Soros! Correct! Correct! Mundo! He broke the Bank of England! He essentially shorted the pound, and I’ve got a little anecdote! He made $1 billion by shorting the pound in 1992, profiting when the British government pulled the pound from the European exchange rate mechanism!"
"So good on you, George! That's one way to make a lot of money! Currency speculation!"
"Well, it wasn’t quite speculation, but yeah! So, what happened exactly? I—to be honest, it’s a very—it’s a complex situation that I don’t really—to be honest, I don’t really understand the whole situation! But apparently, in the early 90s, all of the European countries, their currencies were tied to one another!"
"In like—in a, you know, linked exchange! And then there was something to do with this is like showing how little I know! Something to do with a massive recession in England, and he saw that they would have to pull—you know, England would have to pull themselves out of this agreement, which just made the value of their dollar just—or their pound go down! And he—what did he do? He sold—he borrowed pounds and then exchanged them to another form of currency! And then the pound would go down, and he would buy back the pound for less!"
"Oh wow! He’d have more pounds than what he started with with the same!"
"Yeah! So that’s how he made money! He made a lot of money! But, yeah! You—the chat’s probably realizing how little I know about this!"
"Oh, that's more interesting!"
"Yeah! So he sure did it! Like, like Mitchell said, 'That's so interesting!' Basically, inflation devalued the pound! I’m sure someone in the chat could answer that much better than me!"

"All right! And that is the end of what was it? Round three! So round four: Absolute Banter! Oh my god! Get excited for this! That kind of just weird and wonderful—I just had absolutely no idea what to call this round!"
"Oh! And hey! Investing with Frank! Investing with Frank! Hello!"
"Hello! Welcome! Welcome, friend! Welcome in! We’ve still got 103 people watching! Just insane! I can't believe!"
"Wow! That’s really cool! Make sure you drop a like on this video! Drop a like! Subscribe! Subscribe to Invest with Queenie! All the videos, right? Click on the video! Switch it on to loop and then leave it for days on end! [Laughter] Please! Frank in the house! Frank is in the house! What's going on, Frank? Hope you're doing well, buddy!"

"All right! Let’s move on now into round four! Question one: Tesla CEO Elon Musk currently has how many living children?"
"Hmm! Interesting! Living children? Like, was there somebody—one of his children has passed away?"
"Yes! That’s why I had—I think—passed away only when it was a little baby, which is probably even more heartbreaking!"
"But um, that's so fun! Sid’s sudden infant death syndrome, unfortunately, for one of his children! A lot of people don’t realize some of the stuff that this guy's been through!"
"Yeah! I heard he was bullied as well, like in high school! And it's like—but imagine being Elon Musk's bully! Like, can you imagine seeing Elon Musk now?"
"Like, you'd be like... probably you'd probably be like, you know what, I think some of my bullying has shaped him into the man who lives today!"
"That's true! You're like, I take credit for that!"
"Yeah, but you probably would! It's 6.5! That's a bit rough! That's a bit rough!"
"Investing with Frank is the name! One question mark! So true! That is very, very true!"
"That is absolutely true! He has six living children! Where's the anecdote? Get this—six children—all of which are boys! He has five with his first wife—twins and triplets— and then one with Grimes, little baby XAE-12! With X—is the first name and A-E-A-12 as the middle name! Little B!"
"So cute! I think there's a cool way that you pronounce it, but you know, no one would ever be able to pronounce it, probably! Like, I think Ash or something like that!"
"Yeah, something like that! Who knows? That is a good question! It’s 4 a.m. for VJ! Well, I tell you what, thanks very much for joining us, dude! Thank you very much! Have a good night!"
"3 or 4 a.m.? You do some very good thinking!"
"I know! You answered so many of these correctly!"

"My feet is a bit fuzzy! Damn! I think we’re just gonna—we're so deep into this now! We're just gonna have to keep going with it!"
"Exactly! Right! Here we go! Did I ask that first one or did you? Can't remember!"
"You think? Yeah, you take that one! That’s a long question! I can't read it!"
"Recently, U.S. President Donald Trump gave a speech drawing attention to the D.J.I.A. hitting an all-time high of 30,000 points! To the nearest second, from the time he started talking to the time he stopped talking, how long was this was the speech? D.J.I.A. hit 30,000 points! And boy, Donald Trump was—was very fast to claim credit for that one! Now, mind you, a lot of the news articles have been reporting from the time he entered the room to the time he left the room! This question is from the time he started talking to the time he stopped talking! How long was his speech?"
"[Laughter] Wow! Someone’s quickly drawing up the—youTube video! 45 seconds? That’s a close one! That’s close! 85 seconds? Uh, 73 seconds? 73! If Tom gets this right, I think he Googled it!"
"Oh, random guess! That’s very nice! I think it was a random guess because the answer is exactly 60 seconds!"
"Nice! Speech that went for 60 seconds!"
"That's like back in year three, right?"
"Yeah! That's a quick speech! In fact, I think I had to give a longer speech than that in year three!"
"Yeah! For sure! I think it was like two minutes or something! Two—two or three minutes speech!"
"Oh, those were the days! It was horrible, right?"
"Yeah! No wait! What’s that Rostrum public speaking competition that we all had to do? And it's scared Jesus!"
"Ah, yeah! It's the worst, right?"
"Yeah! Yeah! No! Ah!"

"All right! Let's go! Next question! Oh! Here we go! What book features the Long Island over-the-counter brokerage house called Stratton Oakmont?"
"There's going to be some quick answers on this one! Quick answers on this one! Go fast fingers! Come on! Boom! There it is! Nice! Such a great movie! I love it! Great! Yep! You guys are nailing it, Alec! Well done! Absolutely nailed that!"
"I'm sorry! I don’t know how to pronounce that, Fujibuff, but you absolutely got it right! You absolutely got it right! Take on!"
"Well done! Let me know if I’m pronouncing that correctly again! I hope I am! Sorry if I’m not! All right! Moving on! Next question! War for Wall Street is absolutely correct!"

"Question four! This is your one! Oh, yes! I thought this one would be funny! What is in the background of Brandon's videos? So when he does a usual YouTube video from the other way around, what's in the background?"
"And there are a couple of things! I gotta block it off! It's so funny!"
"There you go! My head, my head's blocking it! [Music] We'll see! We'll see who's a real Brandon fan! Gosh! I don’t know! Play button? Like button?"
"Is correct! That's one of the things! One of them—a book or two books—and monitors! Absolutely correct! Absolutely correct!"
"A WWC!"
"Like I should get like a neon sign! The new money logo! Yeah! For sure! Dress it up a bit! Neon signs are expensive, though! Probably, yeah!"
"Especially if they're custom made! But I think it's worth it because they fully have to like—I sometimes you can see a couple of Star Wars books supporting one of my monitors! But no! Correct name! Absolutely correct! Investing books! Two monitors! Silver play button or bookend!"
"And sometimes you can see some Star Wars books!"
"You see, I've got the screen, this screen riser! Um, but I couldn't! Yeah, I'm too cheap! I didn't want to buy two of them when I went to the dual monitor setup! I just stacked a whole lot of my Star Wars books on top of one another!"
"Nice! I have a big Star Wars night! I loved it! It’s so authentic!"
"Yeah! It's probably like, look at this! Can you see that? Star Wars!"
"Nice! You're a huge fan! Are you a Star Wars fan? I can't tell!"
"I was! Oh man! Anyone been watching The Mandalorian? I haven't!"
"But everybody's saying it's really, really good! Have you been watching it?"
"I have been, yeah! Well, I'm just a huge, huge Star Wars nerd! Of course you have! Disney Plus is amazing! Like, the selections! I’m like, 'Oh, so good!'"
"Yeah, Disney Plus, it is pretty good!"
"And there's so much nostalgia too!"
"[Music] Disney where is it? Disney Star Wars equals lame!"
"I think you'll actually know!"
"To be honest, it's kind of true! It's a bit hit and miss, isn't it? With the Disney Star Wars stuff! You like some of it, you don’t like—"
"Ah, you don't like some of it! Someone mean Brandon's legs!"
"Yeah! This is probably the first time anyone's ever seen my legs because I'm just sitting down all the time! Nice! And you've got—are those Oztag shorts?"
"Uh, no! I was—it's AFL!"
"Oh, nice!"
"I felt umpire shorts! I used to be an AFL—well, not an AFL—not an AFL umpire! Like a local league umpire! Kind of!"
"Oh, cool! I didn't know that! That's awesome! Yeah! That Tom! All right! Let’s get back into it! We need to keep talking! We need to keep doing this trivia! We got more prizes to give away, so we need to get onto it! When did I start my YouTube channel? So ideally, as accurately as possible! As accurately as possible! I'm having so much fun in the chat right now! [Laughter] Rate my legs out of 10! As accurate as possible!"

"Things haven’t been that—"
"That is correct! That is correct! Very good! 2019! Not earlier than that! I don’t reckon anyone's gonna get cl or December! Yeah, a little bit earlier!"
"The answer to that—yes! I say answer, not answer—is February the 8th, 2017!"
"I actually didn't know this, so thank you for putting that answer in there!"
"Wow! Yeah! I've been doing it for a while! How about you? When did you start yours? Do you know the date?"
"I guess March 2020!"
"Wow! Yeah! A long, long way since then! That's unreal! I honestly—it's pretty wild! Like my videos were so like crap back then! Do you ever watch them and you're just like, oh my gosh! It’s hard! Try not to watch them! It's like a time capsule!"
"Yeah! All right! Question six! How much money—oh, this is an interesting! How much money is selling t-shirts on Redbubble?"
"This is really funny! I just love your videos where you're breaking down your income! And like you care about obviously the courses and your YouTube income! You're like, yeah, yeah! But you’re most excited about your Redbubble income! And I think that’s the funniest thing!"
"I'm absolutely pumped about it! I love it! It's the first way that I really started making some money through like passive income! I’m just so pumped! So pumped now! It’s good! And I haven't touched it in almost three years now because obviously I've just been doing YouTube instead! It's a better use of my time!"
"Yeah, 3200 bucks! Get around it! That's a lot of t-shirts! How many t-shirts is that? Like how much is it each sale?"
"Uh, it's—I looked at it—it's 1,600 products have been sold!"
"Wow! That's a lot of problems! Just think about that! Imagine 1,000 people in a room, like all wearing the t-shirt that you made!"
"What's the best seller? Can you tell us?"
"Ah, to be honest, I don’t know! Um, um, I've made a few about Elon Musk, of course!"
"Yeah! Yeah!"
"So a few of those are quite good! Like even just like some Neuralink t-shirts and Tesla kind of t-shirts, and they do quite well! But yeah, it still earns me like about, you know, $30 to $40 a month, and I haven't touched it in like three years! So this is why I just tell everyone just give it a shot! You know, if you’ve got Photoshop, you may as well, right?"

"Yeah! Right! Here we go! Oh! One Bitcoin currently costs how much in Australian dollars to the nearest thousand?"
"3190 Zimbabwe dollars, man! I'd take that!"
"Does Brandon like Elon Musk? I heard you're best friend, Queenie!"
"Do you have your own channel?"
"Absolutely, you do!"
"Yes! Follow me on Invest with Queenie! Definitely!"
"Oh! Investing with Tom! He’s sharp! 23,000! 25,000 from Mitch! The answer is 25,000! Mitch has done it!"
"Mitch! Well done! Uh, you've got a lot of questions correct as well tonight! Mitch, you're killing it! I know, right? Wow! All right, let’s keep rolling through! Let’s get to the end of this round!"
"Take this one, Queenie! What is the name of the Netflix original television series which tells real-life stories of corporate corruption, securities fraud, and creative accounting?"
"Creative accounting! That's funny!"
"[Laughter] I really like this! I love the Netflix original series! They're so good!"
"Yeah! Oh, quick on it, Basil! Nice! Got it! Too! Tom! Tom, have you gotten one wrong so far? I don't think!"
"I know! You're right! Do you guys like share like a brain wave or something?"
"How is it that you know—you guys are always like! It's so funny!"
"Just like that! I know! It's fine! I mean, you're separated at birth—you just don't know!"
"Maybe! Maybe! We were! All right! Here we go! Round four! War for Wall Street is absolutely correct!"

"Question five! War for Wall Street! What is a common form of currency that is in the background of Brandon's videos? So when he does a usual YouTube video from the other way around, what's in the background?"
"There are a couple of things! I gotta block it off! It's so funny!"
"There you go! My head! My head’s blocking it! [Music] We'll see! We’ll see who’s a real Brandon fan! Gosh! I don’t know! Play button! Like button!"
"Is correct! That's one of the things! One of them—a book or two books—and monitors! Absolutely correct! Absolutely correct!"
"A WWC!"
"Like I should get like a neon sign! The new money logo! Yeah! For sure! Dress it up a bit! Neon signs are expensive, though! Probably, yeah!"
"Especially if they're custom made! But I think it's worth it!"
"Yeah! Because they fully have to like—I sometimes you can see a couple of Star Wars books supporting one of my monitors! But no! Correct name! Absolutely correct! Investing books! Two monitors! Silver Play button or Bookend!"
"And sometimes you can see some Star Wars books!"
"Yeah! You see, I’ve got the screen, this screener! Um, but I couldn’t! Yeah! I'm too cheap! I didn't want to buy two of them when I went to the dual monitor setup! I just stacked a whole lot of my Star Wars books on top of one another!"
"Nice! I have a big Star Wars night! I loved it! It’s so authentic!"
"Yeah! Like it’s probably like, look at this! Can you see that? Star Wars!"
"Nice! You’re a huge fan! Are you a Star Wars fan? I can't tell!"
"I was!"
"Oh man! Anyone been watching The Mandalorian? I haven't!"
"But everybody’s saying it’s really, really good! Have you been watching it?"
"Yes, I have been! Yeah! Well, I'm just a huge, huge Star Wars nerd! Of course you have! Disney Plus is amazing! Like, the selections! I’m like, 'Oh, so good!'"
"Yeah! Disney Plus, it is pretty good!"
"And there’s so much nostalgia too!"
"[Music] Disney! Where is it? Disney Star Wars equals lame!"
"I think you'll actually know!"
"To be honest, it’s kind of true! It's a bit hit and miss, isn't it? With the Disney Star Wars stuff! You like some of it, you don’t like..."
"Ah, you don't like some of it! Someone mean Brandon's legs!"
"Yeah! This is probably the first time anyone's ever seen my legs because I'm just sitting down all the time! Nice! And you've got—are those Oztag shorts?"
"Uh, no! I was—it's AFL!"
"Oh, nice!"
"I felt umpire shorts

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