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15 Crucial Decisions Everyone Needs To Make

9m read
·Nov 1, 2024

The Alex lady you all know and love is still around. We have a lot of work to be done, so we got a new team member. Me think of me as the Alex lady’s helper. Okay, back to the video: 15 crucial decisions everyone needs to make.

Life is a roller coaster of big decisions that we all have to make, whether we like it or not. As expected, these decisions will not only impact our lives, but that of other people around us, and sometimes even generations to come. But don't feel too pressured; identifying the crucial decisions is one thing, and making the right call is another. In this video, we will explore 15 of the most important decisions in life and how you can approach these decisions with the right mindset. Sounds good? Well, let's get right to it.

Number one: Will you make decisions for yourself? Millions of people go through life like a leaf in the wind, gliding to wherever the breeze takes them. At first, this might sound like a free lifestyle, one that allows you to do whatever you want at any time. It sounds romantic, doesn't it? No commitments, no plans, nothing but an endless road of spontaneity. Despite how cool this might sound, it is definitely not the right way to go through life. To succeed, you must make a conscious effort to plan for the future, a conscious effort to map out your life, and of course, a conscious effort to make difficult decisions. Do not allow yourself to be a leaf that flies in the wind; instead, make the necessary decisions that can improve the quality of your life.

Number two: Will you start a family? This is no doubt one of the most important decisions every one of us will be faced with someday—the decision to start a family. Starting a family isn't a venture you just decide to get into. It requires careful planning and a comprehensive understanding of the sort of family you want. Do you want a family with kids or without kids? Do you want to raise your family in a different country or city? It's also perfectly okay not to want kids right after getting married, but these are decisions you must consciously make with your partner before starting this family. As you already know, starting a family isn't exactly cheap. Before making the decision to start a family, you and your partner must be fully confident in your finances.

Number three: Will you sacrifice today for tomorrow? Ever heard the saying that nothing worth having comes without sacrifice? Well, this saying is as true as ever. If you want to have a great life, then you must be willing to make tough sacrifices. For instance, rather than spend your earnings on the newest and coolest gadgets, why not invest a portion of these earnings into real estate or bonds? You wouldn't immediately see the impact of these investments in your finances, but in a few years down the line, you will reap the fruits of your labor. This could also mean eating the right and healthy foods, even if you do not particularly like them. Not only will your body thank you for them in the long run, but your quality of life is also bound to improve as you get older.

Number four: What sort of life do you want? Now, here's a secret: everyone who has a certain kind of lifestyle made a conscious effort to have that life. Do you really think you would get a good life if you make no effort towards getting a good life? Definitely not. It's easy to want a good life, but have you thought about the processes involved in having a good life? Think long and hard about this and determine the sort of good life that you want in detail. Do you want a sort of life where you can afford traveling the world, or do you want a quiet life where you can lead a modest yet happy life? The sort of life you want depends largely on you, and by knowing and understanding the kind of life you want, it's pretty easy to figure out how to get there.

Number five: Do you want to get rich? Of course, but have you made a conscious decision to become rich? Have you outlined short and long-term goals that will lead to success? Have you determined what you need to do that will guarantee your success? If you answered no to any of these questions, then you might have to go back to the drawing board. Nobody gets rich by accident. Come on, even lottery winners made an effort by buying the lotto ticket.

Number six: What do you expect your retirement to look like? Your retirement is no doubt one of the most important subjects in our lives, and despite how far away it might seem sometimes, it's important that we start making plans for it as soon as possible. If you make no effort to map out your retirement, there's a slight chance life would do that for you, and a slightly higher chance that you wouldn't like it. At some point in your life, you must make the decision to start saving or planning towards your retirement. It could be partaking in your employer's 401k plan, investing, or even opening a retirement savings account. Remember, if you do nothing, life will adopt a retirement plan for you—one that involves poor meals, debts, and a bad quality of life.

Number seven: What sort of job do I want to have? This decision is one of the earliest decisions we must all make, but we then make the mistake of not thinking about this until it is too late. Your job matters for several reasons. For starters, it's where you would spend the most productive days of your life. It will determine your financial capabilities and, of course, the quality of your life. Why then do we not pay attention to this until we have had a terrible job? It is important to determine the sort of job you want during or right after high school. Do you want to work in an office, or would you rather work from home at your own hours? Or are you more interested in starting a business of your own? But it's not only about making a decision; it's even more about taking active steps to get the type of job you want. Wouldn't it suck to want a work-from-home job only to be stuck with a nine-to-five? Of course, it would.

Number eight: What are your spiritual and moral values? Most of us go through life without knowing our core spiritual and moral values. This is largely because we believe that these values have no intrinsic importance. We might say to ourselves, “These values don't really matter, so why should I even bother with them?" We understand your skepticism, but how about we tell you the truth? Your values determine how you act and react to situations. If you are an optimistic person who chooses to see only the positive side of humans, then you are less likely to be at loggerheads with your colleagues at work. Your spiritual values will also determine how you see and understand life. Is it a mystery that no human can unravel, or does your religious inclination already provide an answer? These answers will determine how you see your life on Earth, your relationship with other people, how you approach and interpret situations, and much more.

Number nine: What do I want to be remembered for? Everyone wants to leave a legacy behind, but have you ever sat down to really think about what you want to be remembered for? Contrary to what you might have been fed, you really don't have to do something really massive. Come on, not everyone would be remembered for being the first man on the moon or the fastest human alive. Some of us would be remembered for being the most loving father, or the kindest mother, or the friend who always puts the needs of others before theirs. Your legacy doesn't have to involve the entire world; it's perfectly fine if you make an impact in a little world of family and friends.

Number ten: Will you have children? The decision to have children is one we must make at one point or another in our lives. That decision to bring another human into the world isn't trivial; it requires careful thought and analysis. But do you know what's equally important? The number of kids you'd like to have. It's quite common for families to see how things go regarding having a certain number of children. Some decide to start with one, only to end up with over four kids. While this isn't necessarily a problem, it's vital that you are able to care for all of these kids while also being able to care for yourself and your partner.

Number eleven: Should you cut off your toxic friends? No matter how great your friends are, there might come a time when this friendship might not be the best thing for you. This could be because these friends have refused to evolve into better people, or because they have developed qualities that don't particularly align with your values. If this ever happens, you will be faced with two options: let the friendship continue simply because of how much you have invested into it, or cut it off because it no longer reflects what the friendship should stand for. Hey, we know this is an intensely tough one to crack, and we know that there could be several circumstances surrounding the situation. So here's what we advise: before making the decision to cut off a toxic friend, understand why you are really cutting them off. Does the friendship feel like a burden? Is it physically or mentally dangerous to hang out with this person, or does this person need help rather than cutting off? By putting a number of things into perspective, we hope you can make the right decision in dealing with your toxic friends.

Number twelve: Will you go to college? The decision to go to college is usually one we never talk about with our parents. It's always a one-way ticket right after high school. But wouldn't it make a lot more sense if we actually sat down with our parents to discuss our decisions to go to college? Today, we know that going to college isn't a guarantee of success, even though it increases your chances, and we also know that not going to college isn't necessarily a guarantee of failure. The most important thing is to know why you are making this decision. Understand why college is the best option for you, and if you decide against it, you must also know why you are taking that step.

Number thirteen: What career to choose? Still talking about college, what major have you decided to take—medicine, law, creative writing? Here's something you probably weren't told in high school: your career is supposed to be an extension of yourself. What do we mean? It simply means that your career is supposed to reflect that thing which makes you, you. If you enjoy helping others, wouldn't it make sense to choose a career that allows you to do so? It's really not about what your parents want you to do; it's one hundred percent about what you want to do. While your parents can provide you with the right direction, all thanks to their experience, it's critical that you listen to your inner voice in choosing the right path for yourself.

Number fourteen: Will you make a career change? Hey, it happens that your career might be nothing like you envisioned. It might be low paying, stressful, emotionally draining, and maybe not really worth it. Perhaps you want to walk away and try something else. Would that be acceptable? Well, it depends on you. Making a career change isn't as easy as it sounds. It means you'd have to start all over in an entirely new world. You'd have to gain new experiences, meet new people, and your previously familiar world would no longer matter. But if you make the right call, it will definitely be worth it in the end.

Number fifteen: Deciding where to live. Deciding where to live is another decision that will affect almost every aspect of your life: your quality of living, opportunities, and your standard of life. Here's an Alux pro tip: make sure you decide where to live before starting a family. Did your parents ever move while you were a little kid? Think of all the friends and experiences you left behind. Think of the life you could have had in that city or country. Now, that's exactly how your kids will feel if you decide to move later on. But hey, if it's absolutely necessary to move after starting a family, then we really think you should.

That was quite the ride! Have you had to make any of these difficult decisions? We'd like to know how it felt. Tell us about it in the comments section. And did you watch this video up to this point? Then you deserve the ultimate number sixteen.

Number sixteen: Knowing when to quit something. This is one of the greatest strengths any human can have—the ability to sense the right time to quit. Knowing when to quit is just as important as knowing when to start something. Know when to walk away, when to say goodbye, and most importantly, when to quit your addictions.

Thanks for spending some time with us today! We are so glad you did. If you found value in today's video, please give us a like, hit that bell icon to never miss an upload, and don't forget to subscribe.

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