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Making Water in Photoshop

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

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Hey guys, this is Maads 101, and I just showed you how to make fire in Photoshop. So now I'm going to be showing you how to make water.

So you can just go down to Photoshop, open it up. Okay, now you're going to go to File, New. You can make it um 1,000 by 700 and click okay. Now we're going to have this nice canvas to play around with.

So the first thing we're going to do is go to Filter, and then go down to Render, and just say Clouds. Now, I know that doesn't look much like water now, but just stick with me. It's going to look like water when we're done.

Go to Filter, now go to Blur, and we're going to select a Radial Blur right there. Okay, what this is going to do is it's going to rotate and spin our whole thing. We're going to select the best quality; you don't have to, but you can do that. I'm going to make the amount about uh 40 so that way it really spins up our image.

So now it might take a little while since we selected the best quality. It shouldn't take too long; hold on. Okay, so now it kind of spun it up, but it still doesn't look that much like water.

So we can go down to Filter, and then go to Sketch, and then you can go down to Bas Relief. This is going to um like kind of lift up the parts so it looks more three-dimensional. You can make the details at about 13 or 14 and your smoothness um wherever it looks good. Just bring these around wherever you like them; I like it at around three. Then you select okay.

Now, this looks kind of like a droplet, but it doesn't look wet and 3D enough. So to make it really look like water, we're going to go to Filter, Sketch, and then we're going to go to Chrome. Now, as you can see, this really makes it look wet and gives it a nice feel, but it might do it a bit too much.

So you can just go down to Detail and bring that down a little, and smooth this wherever you think it looks good. I'm going to bring the Detail to two and the Smoothness to about nine. There we go.

Now, this really looks like water, but who's ever seen gray water? Well, not me. So what you can do is you can go to Image, Adjustments, and then you can go to Hue and Saturation, wherever it is. There we go! Or you can press Apple U.

The first thing you want to do is select Colorize; that will colorize your image. In Photoshop CS4, it'll bring it; it'll select it, and it'll show you what color you want. So I'm going to bring it to blue. You can mess with the lightness; I'm going to make it a little bit darker. You can select how much it applies. I'm going to make it around 20 and just click okay.

So now we got this basic feel for water. If you want to give it even more of a watery feel, what you can do is you can just reverse your colors or go to the standard colors and say okay. Now you can um click the Eraser Tool, right-click, make it pretty big, like around 250, and make the hardness zero.

You can just click, and that'll like shine up that piece wherever you clicked. So yeah, I hope this helped. Thank you for watching, and goodbye!

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