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Making $1,000 Per Day Washing Windows | Undercover Millionaire

10m read
·Nov 7, 2024

What's up, you guys? It's Graham here. So, a few months ago my security system caught this guy showing up at the house. At first, I had no idea what he was doing. He honestly looked to be up to no good. But the next day, my neighbor told me that he was going door-to-door selling window cleaning services, and he gave me his business card. Since, well, my windows are pretty filthy anyway, and since I'm the type of guy who'd rather just save the money and clean the windows myself, I figured since it was around the holidays, I'd reach out to this mysterious window cleaning person on Instagram and offer to send him $100—no strings attached—just to be able to help out a fellow entrepreneur.

Although instead of taking the money, he politely asked for a phone call to ask for my advice on how he could eventually buy a house. To my surprise, he told me that he was making upwards of $220,000 a month going door-to-door cleaning windows to support his wife and newborn child. So, that got me thinking: how on Earth could a 19-year-old be making a doctor's salary going door-to-door like this? And how could I do it too? Well, today we're going to be finding out, and I will show you one of the most incredible money-making endeavors that I have ever seen in my entire life. As soon as you hit the like button and subscribe because this video took me forever to make; if you enjoy it, it helps out tremendously. Thank you so much, and now let's begin.

“How did you get started doing this?”

“I was online, um, before I was doing—I was running a handyman business—but I had noticed that this guy, uh, Oliver and Josh were going door-to-door. They were making like a grand to two grand a day, and I saw that was interesting. So, I started going door-to-door. I hit the pavement running; I made 700 bucks in a single day, and from there I was hooked.”

“How do you think I'm going to do with this?”

“I think you'll do well. I think you have a good, uh, real estate presence. So, I mean, I'm sure you have. Have you ever done door-to-door like anything like that?”

“I did door knocking and I hated it. I got so nervous every time I'd walk up to a door; I'd like panic deep down, and I would hate talking to like random strangers. I felt like I was bothering them.”

“I think, uh, you just kind of have to knock the doors and just kind of like push the anxiety down. So, you're always going to have anxiety going door-to-door. It's not easy; it's not the best because you'll get people who are going to slam their door in your face. Just push that anxiety down and just tell them like, you know, just give them your spiel. Don't try not to trip up.”

My goal today is to be able to do anywhere between $250 to $500 in sales. If we could extrapolate $500 a day over five days a week, it’s $120,000 a year just door-knocking windows. Now, I'm terrified of doing this. I'm going to get over my fear, go door-to-door, and see what happens, but it'll be interesting.

“What are you supposed to go up and say?”

“So, when you're going door-to-door, you're going to want to give them a basic script. You can switch it up. What you're going to want to say is, um, ‘Hey, my name's Graham,’ or ‘My name's blank. We're doing, uh, exterior window washing.’ Just, uh, wondering how long it's been since you guys have had exterior windows cleaned. Don’t you think that would help if you're like, ‘Hey, you know, I'm young; I've got like a, you know, family to support.’”

“No dude, my heart is racing! I wish we could have a like a heart monitor on!”

“Yeah, it's like I'm overthinking everything right now.”

“That's okay bro. So, I've heard Graham say before that he doesn't like door-to-door. Um, to be honest, it's going to be relatively difficult to hit doors with that mindset. Uh, you kind of have to have that grit. I think he'll do really well if he can overcome that fear, but if you do keep that mindset, it probably won't work out.”

“So, you're going to want to point out, when you're doing sales, you're going to want to point out the pain point, if you can. The perfect way to land a sale like almost immediately, you say, ‘Hey, if you could just take two steps really quick,’ and you'd be like, ‘Yeah, so I mean your windows are super dirty,’ and you draw on it.”



“Hey, sir! Hi, my name is Tyler. We're just in the area, we’re Bill’s house.”

“I gotta go! I'm running a video conference call; I'm good man, I appreciate that.”

“If you'd be interested, we can get you a quote really quick and run around for you?”

“Uh, not today!”

“I mean, like I said, it’s a really good price. Um, I'll just let you know just because we know the base model homes. Can I show you really quick? Do you have shoes on? This right here we do the frame, the sill, and the window, as well as the screen, so we’re knocking everything out. It's the full package. It's usually 349; we're dropping down to 249. It's just a really good price for today. How about 200?”

“Ah, you're training here, let’s do it! We’ll call it 225. Okay, go ahead.”

“All right, we’ll get it done for you. Thanks so much!”

“Look at that! Just like that, we got, uh, $225! And how long do you expect this to take?”

“Like an hour. I didn't realize that, uh, the water suds this up really fast, so I've got to do it a lot slower. I wore my nice shoes today; I shouldn’t have done that!”

“So we got started working, and I noticed Graham had the wrong type of shoes on. He's got some, uh, nice, nice shoes. You don’t want to hop out here with, uh, you know, especially white shoes. You want some black! It's never optimal to have some white shoes doing window cleaning.”

“I was going in with the mindset of like sales; completely forgot that this involves cleaning so this isn’t too hard. So we’re talking about maybe two minutes to three, four minutes per window screen.”

“Yeah, relatively…”


“You’re like, this is exhaustive! My back is giving out, man!”

“Yeah, so you're going to want to wipe down the frame. Wipe down the frame. Oh, you got to really put some power into that to get some of these stains off. All right, okay, so you're going to want to go—if you're right-handed—yeah, like that, so go up like this—yeah, corner, okay corner. All right, so it'll leave a spot! So you're going—if you're going to come up from the bottom—you go up like that, go down, go up, down, and then you just keep doing it, wiggle your way down!”

“And we’ll sometimes upsell siding like this.”

“Oh, yeah, yeah! So we’ll use the scrubber and just get it all done, and the customers love it.”

“What would you charge for something like this? Like, we could maybe, they like 10, 10 bucks, 20 for this whole thing, this whole wall?”

“This and over here? Yeah, uh, like 50 bucks?”

“50? Hell done! Also, another thing that we could add is you notice the calcium build-up on the walls? We can scrub this down, the whole thing for 50 bucks. Next time I'll have you do that and then inside, you sure? I mean it's 50 bucks for this, is a really good price but—”


“Oh no, way! Thank you so much! Was that harder than you thought?”

“Uh, I would say it lined up with my expectations. Like, I didn't expect that we'd get anyone this fast! I'll be honest, I thought we’d be like the whole day and like getting one person. I'm surprised how fast it was!”

“Cleaning the windows is a science!”

“Nope, hey, how's it going, man? Gotta get a sale! Gotta get a sale, man!”

“No, so what am I doing wrong, man? I feel like I'm going and I'm like I feel like I'm like sketching them out, like I'm nervous and they like pick up on that anxiety!”

“It's, uh, it’s not always… you’re not going to hit fifteen doors most of the time and just land because you have to talk to at least 10 people to land maybe one or two jobs.”

“So, you gotta be super genuine, just try to, like, build rapport off the rip. Make a joke—something that's going to make these people, uh, inviting. So the windows, we're doing exterior window washing. We just noticed that you guys had a bit of built-up dirt on the windows; just come by to see if you might be interested in $100 discount to get your guys' windows clean.”

“We have a cleaning lady. I know that maids usually use a rag. We have—we put a lot of money into our equipment so it's just a super good job.”

“Like I said, the price is really good today just because it’s $100 off!”

“Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you doing?”


“Hey, I love the stonework, by the way! This is really cool!”


“Hey, who is this?”

“This is Oliver!”

“Hey, Oliver!”

“Hey, hey, sweetie! I can definitely tell he’s an animal lover when he's going door to door. He's—you know, that's where he really shines is when we're, uh, and his sails is when he's got a dog at the door!”

“Yeah, so it's usually 349; come here! We're dropping down to 249 and that's all the windows, the sills, the fles and the screens. Come here! Really?”

“Yeah, okay, I think we'll do it! Let me just check with my husband.”

“Can we make an appointment right now?”

“Right now?”

“All right, let’s do it! Thank you!”

“Oh, I'm excited! That was really good, bro, 'cause you started off talking, and then it transitioned—like we both hit, you know?”


“Oh look, there you go doing it!”


“Oh my—[Music]—gosh! Forgot my back hurts doing this after like 20 minutes!”

“All right, look at that! All right, watch this! Just how satisfying this is going to be. Two jobs in three and a half hours, so a job every hour and a half. Let's just say on average $220, give or take. It's really good money!”

“After the second job, we decided to get some lunch, and that's when I had a chance to talk to Tyler a little bit more in detail.”

“So I just turned 20, uh, May 7th of this year. So why not pursue college and get like a normal 9-to-5 job?”

“I've always kind of followed the entrepreneurial way. I've, uh, worked with my dad ever since I was about 7 years old, um, doing, you know, remodel jobs and stuff. It just—I felt it would take me farther than anything school-wise or, or stuff like that financially and emotionally.”

“How do you motivate yourself? Because I'm sitting there and I'm looking at these doors and I constantly think to myself, I want to quit. I don't want to do that! I'm tired of it!”

“I was so, like, I get so happy when someone finally accepts a deal 'cause it means they don't have to go knock on doors for the next hour and a half. So I think it's just being in that headspace; you kind of have to just, like, think like if I want to make it somewhere, you know, and, uh, and I want to take this route then I just got to get out there and knock some doors.”

“In my opinion, the only reason I'm standing here today, and the only reason that I make so much money every day is because of faith; it's because of God. It has taken me places I could have never imagined 'cause I grew up, uh, very, very poor. We were actually living—me, my mom, my little sister, my dad, and two big ol' dogs—living in a motor home. I had prayed to God and I was like, ‘Lord please take us out of this situation—like please get us, you know, to start doing better financially and, you know, move us out of this whole grip of the rat race!’ You know what I have to say? If I was like down to the wire, I had to make $250 or like I can't make payments that day, you find a way to make it work!”

“I was just doing a window washing 'cause we were over at your neighbors; we're just offering a $100 discount to get the exterior of your windows cleaned.”

“Now I'm actually on vacation right now.”

“You get turned down; you just really got to build up that—you got to callous…”

“Really, no, that’s okay, thanks!”

“Okay, we're doing an exterior window washing, just dropping by to see if you might be interested in getting the exterior windows washed. $199 and we'll throw in the screens just so we can keep my guys working.”

“What, what is the price that sounds good for you just so I can keep my guys rolling? Are you thinking like, ‘cause you said 100, that's really 150?”

“How about 175? We’ll call it 150; how about that?”

“Good negotiator! All right, thank you so much! We'll get started! Thank you.”

“Damn dude, she got us down, bro!”





“Price! So, so far we’re 7 hours in, $700 total; it’s $100 an hour. It's pretty good!”

“Yeah, I mean, when you consider that, like, even some of the best professions out there will not pay $100 an hour!”

“Hey, how's it going?”


“Hey, we're cleaning windows today, and I'm curious if you would be interested? We did a few neighbors down the street.”

“Sure, come on!”


“So we’re at our fourth job right now. Here's what's incredible: So far, it's 4:38; the house is probably going to take about an hour and a half to finish. So by 6:00 p.m., we will have worked from 9:00 a.m., and that's $1,000 total so far, with like tips and everything, which is insane! But let’s, uh, clean this house now!”

“All right, I’m going to screw this up; I’m definitely going to screw this...I'm not dull enough!”

“You got it, bro! Dude, this is a career; you got to be at least like 5'8.”

“So, I definitely think Graham is doing really well in the sales aspect. Overall, I think, uh, you know, it can be really exhaustive work, but I think he's having a good time.”

“There are very few videos I do where afterwards all I want to do is just take a shower, go to bed, man! It's uncomfortable too because it's like you just—everything is wet—like your pants are just wet!”

“Is my forehead all red? I thought I put sunscreen...and then it’s, it’s this sort of stuff here. It's like I'm trying to clean the window, trying to do a good job, but these streaks—and I don't want a customer to see streaks like that in their window and think, ‘What are they paying for?’”

“So, you probably have to climb up over up on that ledge and then hit the window that's up there, and as you're doing that I'll hit this one. Is it safe?”

“It depends on what, you know, safe in your book is!”

“Oh my gosh! Oh, CRA! It's bending in! Oh, I hate this! Oh, I don't know if I could get over—I’m going to just do this one window, man, and then I’ll scoot the ladder over closer so you can get down!”

“No, no, no, you're not scooting this ladder! I can't do it! Just get up on the thing, bro!”

“No, I don’t want to get up on the thing ‘cause I won't be able to get down! I'm going to come down and admit defeat. I can't do that, and there's a…up here—I’m going to admit defeat! I'll leave this to the professionals!”

“Oh my gosh! I hate heights!”

“Yeah, I'm happy he got out here and did the work and realized that this type of work is something that you got to put the hour for. I went into this thinking $500 in a day; we're already at $1,000 so we've doubled that, and like that was my peak, that was my expectation; we shattered it at times too!”

“Hey, I'm home!”

“Hey, are you here to clean our windows now?”

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