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I tried Emma Chamberlain's workout routine for a week

2m read
·Nov 25, 2024

Hi! I'm Rudy. Welcome to, or welcome back to my channel! I tried Emma Chamberlain's workout routine for a week, and it was insane.

Just at the beginning, I just can't do that, and even now I really cannot do exactly what she does. Actually, I'm gonna show you guys now the exercises that I did for a week. I tried my best to film them, but I actually don't know if I was allowed to film at the gym. People were staring at me, so I literally tried my best, but like, there are some parts that I think I could not film. So, yeah, let's get into it!

So, Emma starts her workout routine with cardio. She does cardio for 20 minutes in total, and 10 minutes for each machine. I just couldn't figure it out how to film while I do white machines, so I put Emma's clip right here so you can watch her. She alternates every other day, so she has upper-body day and lower-body day.

If it's upper-body day, she does regular push-ups, V-ups, and steel push-ups. If it's leg day, she does regular squats, lunges with pounds, jumping lunges, jumping squats, fire hydrants, and donkey kicks. She does all of these exercises with a 16-pound kind of weighted ball. All I had in the gym was 12 pounds, so I did it with 12 pounds.

No matter if it's lower-body day or upper-body day, she finishes all of these exercises with ab exercises. Actually, she has two different types of ab exercises. One of them is the long one, and the other one is the quick one. I did, for a week, the quick one because the longer one was so hard. I tried it but I just could not do it; it was literally really, really hard. I did the balance for one, and yeah.

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