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Interpreting bar graphs (alligators) | Math | 3rd grade | Khan Academy

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

James counted the number of alligators in various local bodies of water and graphed the results. How many fewer alligators are in Bite Swamp than Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined?

So down here we have this bar graph that Jam somehow survived to create after going to all these bodies of water and counting the alligators. We'll hope he was behind a fence or something.

So then we're asked how many fewer alligators are in Swamp than in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined. We need to know first how many are in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined before we can figure out how many fewer are in Bite Swamp.

So let's look down here. Here's Chomp Lake, sounding super scary, and its bar lines up to six. So there's six alligators in Chomp Lake. Plus, in Reptile Creek, if we go over here to Reptile Creek, this bar lines up to nine, so there's nine alligators hanging out in Reptile Creek.

6 + 9, let's see. 9 + 1 is 10, so we can make our six into a five and a 1. 9 + 1 is 10 + 5 more equals 15. So there's a total of 15 alligators in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined.

Now we can answer how many fewer than 15 are in Bite Swamp. So, Bite Swamp down here, sounding the most dangerous of them all, has a bar that lines up to 12. So, 12, there's 12 alligators in Bite Swamp.

So how many fewer is 12 than the amount in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined, 15? So how much fewer is 12 than 15? Well, if we have 15 and we take 12 away, that leaves us with three.

There are three fewer alligators in Bite Swamp than there are in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined.

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