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Pilots can influence the sale of a plane.

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

So the pilots can influence the decisions on the plank 50% of the time. Really? Yeah, why is that? Course they ask the pilots what they think of the manufacturer, the reliability, the capabilities. 50% of the time they have a big contribution.

This is a Bombardier Global. I can show you what the airplane looks like. This is a Ghost 550 or a Falcon. These pictures are great to look at, but you can't really tell the difference in the size.

So this is 100% scale. I am 79 CM; this is the actual size of the air. This is the G Stream, the Falcon, and the Bombardier. So you can see the difference in the actual width. This is full size of the Bombardier Global.

It's hard to imagine it, but looking at this way you can really see the difference. The Bombardier Global is the blue one and the G Stream is the red one. So that's the actual difference of the passenger cabin at the widest level at the windows.

Something where you don't get to the airport, you don't get to see it all. And some people know some of these airplanes and this sort of tells you the real differences between them.

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