WE ATE GOAT BRAINS - Smarter Every Day 20
(African music)
(Destin) Okay, Smarter Every Day. Pringles can will make the absolute perfect spaghetti holder when you're done with the Pringles. There you go.
Recycle, reduce, reuse, in Africa. Right? Hey, Bob Marley-pants, are you making spaghetti with goat?
(Sister) Making goat spaghetti.
[Destin laughs]
- Yeehaw.
(Sister) I know.
(Destin) Just one hit?
(Sister) One swipe.
(Man) Yes, one hit.
(Destin) One hit. That's amazing.
(Sister) Alright, here we go.
(Destin) Very good.
(Sister) I've never seasoned this much meat at one time. I have no idea what kind of proportions to put here. Nothing.
(Destin) Yep, that's spraying one me.
(Sister) Brain matter.
[Two men speaking foreign language]
(Destin) That's the bottom jaw? Tongue?
(Man) The tongue, yes.
(Sister) Ooh. You're gonna eat some?
(Man) Yes. Sweet.
- Oookay.
(Destin) Is there any part of the goat that's not sweet?
(Sister) This part... this part [unintelligible]
(Man) Huh? [Both speak unintelligibly]
(Sister) This is nuts.
(Destin) No, it's not nuts.
- TIA.
[Destin laughs]
Which stands for?
This is Africa.
Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.