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Identifying hundredths on a number line | Math | 4th grade | Khan Academy

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Where is the point on the number line?

Here we have a number line that starts at 1.5, or 1 and 5/10, and goes to 1 and 7/10. The distance between these larger blue tick marks is 1/10th because we go from 1 and 5/10 to 1 and 6/10, so that went up a tenth, and then up to 1 and 7/10.

This distance here, this distance here is 1/10th, or we could write that as a decimal, 0.1, or as a fraction, 1/10th. That distance between each of these blue large tick marks is a tenth.

But we want to know what is this green point right here. So, to figure that out, we also need to figure out what these black tick marks represent, these smaller distances. From here to here is 1/10th, and within that tenth, there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9/10 equal spaces.

So, each of these little spaces is 1/100th of this distance. You see, it's one of the 10 equal spaces. So this right here is a this right here is a tenth of this tenth, because the large distance is a tenth, and this is 1/10th of that tenth.

Another way we could say that is a hundredth, a tenth of a tenth. If you take one tenth and divide it into 10 pieces, now you have a hundredth. So this distance is a hundredth, which means that each of these distances, this is another hundredth and another hundredth.

So how many hundredths till we get to our point? Let's see, 1 hundred, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Seven hundredths is what it took us to get there, so we could say 7 hundredths, the fraction or the decimal is 0.07 with a 7 in the hundredths place.

So looking at the whole number line now, putting the whole thing together, we started at 1.5, or 1 and 5/10, and we went another 7 hundredths. So we can write that as plus 7 hundredths.

So we have 1 and 5/10 plus 7 more hundredths, which is a total of 1 and 57 hundredths, or 1.57.

So our point right here is at 1.57; 1 and 5/10 plus 7 more hundredths gets us to 1 and 57 hundredths.

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