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Justin Bieber: GAME TRAILER (Parody)

less than 1m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Are you looking for a game that will make you feel smart and pretty? Well, look no further!

Introducing the Justin Bieber Arcade! Explore 14 fun worlds and collect power-ups that make Justin Bieber stronger, like the Glitter Puppy, the Cupcake, and the Dildo Unicorn. But don't touch those yucky cooties, and kill the evil Puberties! If they touch you, you'll turn into a man! Oh no!

As you progress through the game, you can add new friends to your party, like Nick Jonas. But be careful, because Nick has diabetes, and you are really sweet. There's even a super surprise boss at the end—it's Usher! "Your fame has surpassed my own, and for that, you must die!" Also, your initials backwards are BJ.

So what are you waiting for? Pre-order your copy of Justin Bieber Arcade today from Game Slop and get a free copy of Kesha Rock Band! Rated PFR for all.

Alright, sorry, I was emailing my mom. Happy Fake Trailer Tuesday, everybody! I hope you like the trailer you just saw, and I hope you're not disappointed to know that it's fake and that the Bieber game’s probably never going to really be made.

But it's okay! Because if you have any ideas for game trailers you would like to see, that you think would never be made, I'll make them! Leave your ideas in the comments or leave them on our Facebook page, and I'll try to make it by Tuesday if I like your idea.

Thanks a lot, guys! And, um, you know, be sure to subscribe and all that kind of [Music] stuff.

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