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War with China?

less than 1m read
·Nov 8, 2024

You also talked about what you think is a potential war, frankly, either economic war, uh, or physical war between the U.S. and China, either over Taiwan or other things. Where do you think that sits in this calculus of yours?

Well, we are, you know, there are five types of wars. There's a trade war, technology war, geopolitical influence war, capital and economic war, and military war. We're in the first four of those wars and, um, you're at the brink. And when I bring, I don't think we'll go over, but we are right at the brink that you could have an economic war with a form of sanctions that would be, if it happened, really shocking to the, uh, to the economy, world economy. Much worse than the Russian war.

We know the Russian war had implications in a lot of different ways. If you have a conflict with China, that would be a problem. And also the issue of Taiwan. I think that I think that you're at a point right now that both sides are so scared of that, that they're working to set a floor. That's not an improvement in relationships; there's not much prospect of that, but establishing a floor.

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