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You're watching Venus... Right?

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey, it's me Destin. Welcome to Smarter Every Day.

So, if you are a Smarter Every Day subscriber, I know for an absolute fact that right now you are watching the Venus transit, or as I like to call it, the Venutian eclipse.

Anyway, so here's what I want to know. How are you watching it? Are you kind of weird, and you maybe, oh, I dunno, you have a Chinese food box balanced on a chair, and you're letting the sun shine through that aperture that you created with a kitchen knife in your Chinese food lid, and you're looking at it that way? Or are you doing something crazy elaborate with a telescope?

So, let's use this opportunity to learn about telescopes. I'm very, very, umm... I'm very, very interested in what you're doing, especially if you're on the other side of the world from me.

So let's, ah, get our video responses ready, and then I'm gonna post some stuff that I learned from the US Space and Rocket Centre. I just went up there.

And I want to see what you're doing. So when I post that video, please give me a response so I know what you're doing. That way we can figure out how we can use this information to study more about where we live, on Earth.

Anyway, I'm Destin. You're getting Smarter Every Day. Get those video responses ready. Thanks.

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