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$250,000 Ticket - Richard Branson is Sending Me to OUTERSPACE | Kevin O'Leary

3m read
·Nov 7, 2024

I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon.

[Music] [Music]

Yesterday's got the flag up now and you're gonna do the photo.

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

I'm landing in the Mojave Desert to meet Sir Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic headquarters. This is where the famous billionaire is pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into building a rocket ship so civilians can travel into space. Very few people have ever been to this place, and I'm dying to see what's inside.

Richard, Mike good to see you again!

Well, welcome to our—whoa! So this is it! This is the spaceship! This is huge!

Yeah, the spaceship is not enormous, but it takes eight people to pilot six passengers. Exactly what you're looking at is Virgin Galactic's mothership. The spacecraft is the fuselage at the center. It's attached to this giant carrier jet that flies it high up into the atmosphere.

And this craft will take it up to 50,000 feet, and then they will release the spaceship.

Three, two, one, release, release, release!

Then what happens?

He has the rocket fire that takes it up into space. You then hold on for dear life, and it goes 3,000 miles an hour in eight seconds straight up into space—the ride of your lifetime.

Even more impressive is the fact that Branson already has a long list of people who dropped two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to get onboard.

700 people have given you a quarter of a million dollars apiece? That's about 89 million dollars!

You have a guesstimation when this would be profitable?

About 18 months' time approximately, I would say.

That's soon!

Yeah, the moment we can start sending people to space, which is likely to be at the end of the year, we'll start making money back.

Among the 700 are some really big names you've recognized. Reportedly, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and Brad Pitt signed up for this six-figure ride-along.

You up there for him?

So the whole trip's about three and a half hours. The amount of time in space is not massive—maybe 10 minutes.

And are you weightless at that time?

Unbuckle, you float about. We've got big windows you can look back in the air. It costs 250 K for a seat, which buys you about 10 minutes in space. That comes up to 25,000 smackeroos per minute!

Everybody wants to see inside that thing.

I'm not leaving!

Why? Tomorrow this goes to space, and I just wouldn't—I wouldn't want you to touch anything!

I'll take my shoes off before I go.

It's very kind of you.

Well, we'll take the shoes. They look— they're quite nice.

Soon for me personally, it's less about being the first kid on the block. I want to see other people survive this thing, and when they do, I definitely want to get in that spaceship and become an astronaut. We're now having seen it, I've got the bug!


Yeah, I look forward to lighting up there.

I want a deal!

I'm not paying!

It would take it out there! Would we push him out?

I think so.

Are you in or out?

Subscribe to my channel. You know what happens—you'll be dead to me!


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