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The internet weirdo to creator of new industries pipeline

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

When you are part of the history being made and you're this early on The Cutting Edge of a new tech coming out, you can't expect your university, no, or your teachers, or people in your community, or your peers to teach you about it. It's only basically weirdos on the internet. Yes, yes, like the only way to find these opportunities, learn about them, is to find weirdos on the internet that are also into this thing. Yes, and they're figuring it out too, and you can kind of compare notes.

Yes, and this is how new industries are created, literally by weirdos on the internet. Like, literally, literally, there's like some subreddit with a bunch of weirdos, and like, someday from now, you know, 10 years from now, there'll be an entire industry of people that learned about this thing in some subred of somewhere.

Yeah, no, I totally agree. So, hey, the big takeaway is if you've been wrestling, you're lawyers, if you thought, "Oh, this isn't the time to start a new business," maybe you should reconsider. This is a very interesting time.

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