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Miami Is Sinking | Explorer

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

How do we know climate change has happened? Well, the first thing is with the glaciers. Glaciers are receding; the world's getting warmer.

People have written computer models of the atmosphere. You imagine boxes of air, boxes of water, and you make them interact mathematically in a computer. You can see that the weather patterns that we're seeing today are consistent with these computer models.

If you can do, you want to do this, go to your hometown. Go to a website where they keep weather records and just look at the coldest temperature for every year over the last century, or whatever the records are, last 120, 130 years. You'll see that the coldest temperature is getting warmer. That's just one datum that you can get almost anywhere in the US and Canada, almost anywhere in the world.

Now, you'll see the world's getting warmer. Yeah, there's a lot of denial in Florida. People who are building houses right on the water, even though everybody pretty much knows the water is gonna go up. But who's gonna want to be there at Miami Beach when it's Miami wetland or Miami sheen deep?

So, it's just, it's a form of dealing with it, but it's also a form of denial.

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