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Steve Varsano talks about his experience in aviation

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

When you're selling a jet for a company, that company is either moving up to a bigger, newer jet, or the company's having problems and they're selling the jet and they're getting out of the business of operating their own corporate jet.

If it's the latter, where they're really getting out, you have to understand that when you're taking the airplane to a customer to go show it to them, to see if they will buy it, the pilots that are flying you to that destination to go show the jet for sale are not your friends.

Why are they not your friends? Because, if you are successful in doing your job and you are selling that airplane, these two guys who are flying you there are out of a job. That causes a bit of a problem between you and them.

No matter how nice you are to them and how much help you need from them to describe how the airplane acts, or what the equipment is, or the maintenance history, or what their general history of the airplane was, they don't like you because you're going to put them out of a job.

Sometimes, they do funny things. I can tell you from experience, they have flipped me upside down in an airplane as we're just cruising along.

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