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NERD WARS: Bowser VS The Hulk: Who Would Win? -- Wackygamer

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] Superheroes versus videogame characters: The Incredible Hulk vs. King Koopa. Here’s my reason why Koopa would win. Sure, the Hulk is big and strong; Koopa's not really strong, he's just big. But he could shoot fireballs, and the Hulk is not immune to fireballs.

Okay, says Jeff, who's wrong. But let's even imagine, let's imagine that fireballs could hurt the Incredible Hulk. Okay, they would, they would, they—let’s just imagine they would happen. And let's—let's even get rid of the fact that that would just make the Incredible Hulk mad, which makes him more powerful.

Let’s just talk about this: number of short Italian men who killed the Incredible Hulk—zero. Fam, nobody's killed Koopa. He keeps coming back. He keeps coming back like a rubber band at the bar ring, "I’m back!" Every time, he comes back a lot.

I’m saying Incredible Hulk only back once, ass. Okay, once more, they really came back. He rose, but that’s all another issue that came back—he was dead, Holly. He was high, and I said highs.

Okay, guys, oh, I’m like JC, and dude, JC here was like, "I'm just saying a King Koopa wouldn't even stand a chance." He can't even keep a woman in his castle—a Ally Sheedy fireballs, alright? In Mario Kart, he’s one of the slowest. Mario is actually—what do we get, immune to frickin’ fireballs?

Oh, he's not. Can't push Koopa off the track. Okay, the lobby, you can’t push—I bought that! This one’s at—I know what girl—I had that. I know if this is stupid, he's right. Powerful person in the Marvel Universe—Koopa wouldn’t even last a minute.

You’re just saying this to piss—it’s high; you’re just trying to piss me off. No, I think—alright, next: fireballs versus strength. Anyway, here we go.

We’re gonna poop. What can he hide? He just crawls into his shell. He can't hide! This is what pulls his arms in. The Incredible Hulk would rip the shell apart like it was paint because of the fireballs spitting out of it.

Which wouldn’t do anything! Yes, because the Hulk is not immune to fire! The Hulk is immune to fire! Oh my god, he's on fire; it kind of hurts him. But his healing factor is so fast, he would have been healed by the time—even simply the word "healing factor" has a healing factor.

It’s bad; it’s like credit roll, roll for critical resistance. Alright, fine. Okay. [Music]

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