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Clearly I messed something up...

3m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Hey, it's me Destin. Welcome back to Smarter Every Day!

So the last video I uploaded was about helping an orphanage and trying to motivate you to help me build this orphanage, but it's pretty clear that I messed that up. So I've flown over to England, I'm meeting with a friend of mine, and I'm hoping that his personal appeal to you will, you know, get you over that hump and help you help me.

Hi everyone! I hope some of you have seen Destin's video, which he was helping out those orphans in Peru, building their septic tank, helping out with the orphanage. It's really amazing! Destin's always been a great help to me. In fact, he recently helped me gild the windows here on my house, and Destin, it took him days! Only a few days, and I think he did a great job, just like he did for those people in Peru.

Now, you probably saw the video he put up a day or two ago where he's asking for help. He's wanting you to help give to those people in Peru, just like he gave to me when he helped do my house. A lot of people didn't respond to Destin's original video. I guess it probably wasn't clear exactly what he did and how awesome it was. He really wants your help! So read the video description below if you want to help out with a real good cause, not just gilding my windows, but a really good cause in Peru. Go and have a look at what he's done, read a bit about it, and vote because he really needs your help.

And it really is serious! I mean, we joke around. I mean, he didn't really gild my windows; I did most of that myself. But we're joking around a lot here! But seriously, he's done an amazing thing, and I think it'd be really great to help him out. So check it out!

So to be more clear, this is what I need. First of all, there's something called the Project for Awesome. I need you to vote for the Operation Leverage video for Project for Awesome. If it gets the most votes, we get more money for the orphanage. It's important! Please vote and have your friends vote.

Second of all, please consider donating because this money is going directly to an orphanage in Peru. It's a big deal! It's important! I'm Destin. Thank you very much. Here's some outtakes from what we did in Peru.

"Have you won? Okay, this is the coolest engineering meeting I've ever had. We are here in Peru, and we are talking about the septic system that we're about to build for the orphanage, and we're eating monkey 11:7 live under."

"Yeah, okay, here's a perfect example of a lever in use here. We're trying to break the forms down so well through this, and no matter how hard we hit these things, we can't get them loose. So we're putting a lot, a lot of force into it, and it's not working. Gracias! But when we use a lever, we're able to pull them out easily."

"So, I made fun of the concrete bag hat, but it actually works really well, Abimelech. So really good! He makes this fashionable."

"This is the captain! We call this the Captain Morgan right way! No, to see, very good! Alright, today's fish is better than yesterday's. It's called Los Seiya Oakside! Don't say yeah!"

"Looks like some kind of shovel-nose catfish. Okay, so the whole point of Not Forgotten is to try to break the cycle of abandonment. That's gonna take all of us working on this puzzle together if we're gonna fix it."

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