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A Belly Full of Cocaine | Locked Up Abroad

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] I ran through the stretch. [Applause] And I just for the second I thought I might get away. Thought then I know where all this police come. Jump somewhere, was wrestling with me. That me game over. They led me to a medical center. I knew I wasn't getting home. The doctor puts the x-ray on this white light. It shows from my neck all through my intestines. I was loaded up from head to toe. And he goes, even the police officers were shocked. And the doctor went to me, but come on, you do know if one of these bursts you're dead, don't you?

So they gave me a load of fluid, laxative fluid. Then after a while the computers have needed to go to the toilet. I need to toilet, not toilet. And they said, right, you've got to go in that bucket. So what, five minutes later, I'm squatting over this bucket feeling embarrassed. I'm squeezing my stomach and it was like a machine gun as all these pellets come shooting out. Took three days to get all of them out. [Music] It took me 12 hours to get him in but three days to come out.

And finally the doctor was telling the police, yeah, he's clear. So I was expecting some sort of trial, some sort of court hearing, but I wasn't. No, didn't happen though. I shackled by my feet and they escorted me out directly to the prison. The prison was in the middle of a shanty town. I didn't know what to expect. I'm waddling along because of the shackles. I'd have to walk in there. It hits me, it's like wow. It was like a nightmare.

I've been to prison many times before, but this one's a whole different ballgame. [Music] UK prisons are like holiday camps compared to India. I was scared, it was, I was frightened. And then he said, right, get in there and you're gonna sleep on that floor there. There's people everywhere. It was overcrowded. It was like it's inhumane living conditions. And then it's time for lights out.

You see the light is all over the place, people are smoking crack, and amongst the flickers on the walls you can see these cockroaches crawling all over the people's backs and over the faces. At that moment, everything closed in on me. There's nowhere to go. I couldn't escape my demons. I couldn't escape the nightmare I was in. I couldn't escape the place where I was. I hated myself because I was now locked up abroad. I was now one of them people that had seen on the TV years and years earlier. I was now living that nightmare. [Music] You.

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