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How do you know if you should be a business owner?

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

How do you know if you should be a business owner? I think one of the critical things is to know if you're a business owner or an entrepreneur. There's two different questions here. You can be a business owner and have an entrepreneur as a partner or somebody who's growing the business, but a business owner doesn't necessarily mean that you can operate a business.

I think to be an entrepreneur, to start a business from nothing and to grow a business and to have all the responsibilities that come with it, you really need to have an amazing amount of what I call "stick-to-it-ness." You know, no matter what happens, you just keep driving forward. No matter what bad news, no matter what problems you have in your personal life or your business life, you have to just sort of put them aside and just keep going, keep going, and keep going.

That takes a really lot out of you. You can't share a lot of the problems you have with your relationships because most of the time you'll fix those issues, and the people you tell the problems about don’t forget about those issues. When you're in business and you're an entrepreneur, you've got to sort of get away from having grudges, having negative energy held against anybody or any company.

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