Atheists don't hate God, no srsly!
Hi Yob, I'm sure I'm not the first person to have tried to explain these things to you, but uh, I'm going to do it all the same. Atheists were never angry with God. I can see why you might be getting confused.
Uh, we do seem to be making fun of God from time to time, or we might be pointing out what an unpleasant character the biblical God seems to be, but we don't do this believing that this God exists. We do it to highlight the inconsistencies of believing in theism.
Um, so here's how you can tell that atheists don't hate God: you can tell that because in our solitary moments, before we go to bed, for instance, you won't find an atheist telepathically abusing God.
Uh, and I hope you can take my word for that. You talk about Mother Nature, um, and nature is pitilessly indifferent to our existence.
Um, and in a sense, we do already do battle with Mother Nature. Um, we find out about the universe, find out how it works, and use that knowledge to improve our condition.
So yeah, in a sense, yeah, you're right, we do. Uh, Mother Nature is the enemy. Um, but it's important to realize that this is a metaphor. [Music]