You Are Much More Than You Think: A Universe Within You #Shorts
In order to go to the extremes of the universe, to places we can only dream of going, we must first dive deep into something that is all inside of us.
Take the big bang, for example. Now, there's hundreds, thousands of theories as to how we came into existence, but let's go with this one: you believe that you are strictly you. Your human body is all that you are and all that you have ever been. You're irrelevant.
But rolling back the clock, things get smaller. The atoms that make you up are the building blocks of the universe, of the hot gas clouds that form stars, that allowed solar systems to form, that allow planets like Earth to form.
Rolling back this clock, you were around at a very instant everything came into existence. That is you too, but we define ourselves as being only us, mere humans, walking on a planet that we didn't ask to get put on.
But frankly, every one of us somehow made this happen. We just go on and pretend we didn't. It's because of how we define ourselves. Are you the victim, or are you the world?