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Safari Live - Day 125 | National Geographic

47m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Now remember this, this is a hundred percent live, so this is unplanned. You never know what you're gonna find on our live safaris! My name is Brittany Smith, and for the first time in about six months, I'm reunited with the wildebeest. So, very exciting to be back on Drive with Full D, and of course, we have some very, very special Safari Live fans that, well, that are in final control. So, a big hello to them, and I'm sure a lot of you know who they are!

Hashtags #SafariLive if you can guess which Safari Live fans are sitting in final control right now. Remember, if you can send that questions as well once you've finished guessing on the hashtag #safarilive, just pop it on any of the feeds that you might be watching on.

So I'm trying to get towards Hosana, the young male leopard, who we left at the end of Dr. Quack post here this morning, but the city is a little bit close to the road for me to go shooting past him. I'm just trying to see if it is the same big must bull we saw this morning.

Which Safari Live viewers are sitting in final control? They might be on safari. A cheetah. Cheetah! And there might have my little brother is their safari guide. Even the elephants listening! You started keeping still! I'm gonna try maneuver us into a slightly better position without getting too close to him. He's obviously chosen the most difficult spot for us to get around. Looks like he might be having a snooze against that tree.

Looks like he's been here all day and it's not... is it the must bull like he was? Look at that, he's resting his face on that branch. What is he doing? Actually, I can't really see what he's doing. He's being... Oh yeah! So it looks like he's... Actually, so guys, this is quite a possibly dangerous situation. So I'm just gonna move the car into a place that I can escape if I need to.

It looks like he's quite badly injured from... it looks like the size of that injury. It looks like he tangled with another big elephant, and it looks like a tusk punch as something's pulled out a lot of his insides. So this is quite a serious injury, and that's why he was probably trying to rest his head up on that tree. Okay, so shame, boy. Now we can't really see what's going on on the other side, and that looks very, very serious from the side. He's not showing any little displaying any aggression at all towards us at the moment, but you can see him leaning against that tree to try to take the weight off his injured left side.

Shame, big guy. Now male elephants, when they do fight, can be very, very serious. Looks like he's probably been injured by a big tusk, and it's pulled through. Now animals, of course, are incredibly resilient, and they can sometimes come back from what we consider to be absolutely horrific injuries. What I need to do now is I need to get hold of the Sabi Sands quickly just because an injured male elephant like this can be a potential threat to people on safari, and if he gets close to safari lodges, so we just need to inform someone, and I'm gonna do that quickly.

While we do that, let's go across to Taylor so she can say good afternoon.

Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to the sunset safari again! My name is Taylor McCurdy, and on camera with me, I'm very lucky. It's David! I just wanted to make it awkward for him right now! As most of you know, you can chat to us and ask us all sorts of questions. All you have to do is hashtag #safari_live, and you can talk to us via the YouTube chat.

Very sad about that elephant. Mike Green said it can be quite dangerous, especially if we are around during bush walks. That is an animal you do not want to bump into! Now are we ready? We're heading to the Birmingham boys! You had this morning? Well, the Birmingham got this morning, and then we revisited a little bit later on, on the drive. So that's where we're going now. I suspect they're going to be flat. So we'll have a little look at them and then maybe go and look for something else, and come back a bit later.

So for all of you diehard safari live fans out there, you know you can come and visit us, right? We come to the Sabi Sands, and you can come and stay around. You come and see us, and well, we've got Matt and Lisa sitting in final control today having a little watch. And I just wanted to make a public announcement—thank you very much for the chocolates and the apple juice! Coffee, very yes, with us! We wish you could stay longer!

So actually, I have a question then for Matt and Lisa sitting in final control. Do you have any questions? Wes, how cool is that? Instead of having to type away, you can just ask a question. Oh, there’s actually David! Hold on! Tap tap! But have they already drank? There's a whole herd of elephants! They've just gone past the dam! You may have seen them.

I didn't see them. I didn't know they were there, but we'll try and catch up to them! I think there's a sneaky road down. Yeah, an old tree trick that I used when we had to hook a moody excuse me. Impala coming through! Hello Impala! Making all sorts of strange noises!

Oh no! You know what they’re gonna do? They’re gonna be so sneaky! I know exactly where they're gonna come! They're gonna go feed in this thicket! We shall reposition quickly. Sorry, everybody! We'll try and get a view of the elephants, but they’re going down. Basically, past the law does not last for each other. And as we drive along, though, speaking of elephant bulls and musts and brains head office, interesting this morning, Megan, you've asked, "How exactly do elephants come into must?"

Well, they just start producing a lot of testosterone at certain times of the year and at a certain age! There's a lot of factors that will determine when an elephant bull comes into must, but essentially—one is that there's an overload of testosterone being produced in their bodies, and it basically causes them to go wild! They become very excited, and all they want to do is chase after the females! They basically have blinkers on, and they don't even acknowledge anyone else around them unless you drive behind an elephant bull and must and sort of bother them.

Then they're gonna turn around and go, "Well, I told you, I didn't want you to drive right behind me!" I think before we get to these lions, we're gonna try and anticipate—hold on, everybody! That's a bumpy section on the road! We're gonna bounce! And then hopefully we'll get to see them because there were quite a few of them! Some of you may have been watching on their dam cam! In fact, there's a massive animal pathway that runs on line with the ruins of Rhea Tiller, and it comes all the way... it comes all the way up here! The thing is, is that I don't like to offer it for elephants!

Because I think it's dangerous because if something goes wrong, you can't really get out very quickly. At least if we've got the roads and things! So, y'all, that's the plan! And we just wait for them! Here's a particularly thick area, so I think they seem to be a few bulls and masked around on the property that could have been bothering these breeding herds! So we don't want to bother them anymore! But actually, what we might do is I might just pull off here, and you'll stop and listen quickly!

Maybe we can hear them! That's what I'm going to do! Like these elephants are tiptoeing through the bush! Hmm! Now I can't hear any cracking of branches just yet! Are they still down at the dam? Did they maybe turn around and go towards Retailer dam itself? Anyway, I'm gonna sound like anybody's been able to spot them. They've gone sort of further north. Okay, we'll just wait patiently!

There's only a couple of animal pathways that I think that they would use, and we'll get them eventually! Tristan is going to be on Bush walk for a little bit! So off you go and join him!

We are indeed! We are going to be on Bush walk! And that is why we are a little bit tardy this afternoon! So as Taylor mentioned, my name is Tristan! On camera, I've got Craig, aka the Batman, and we're hopefully going to have a wonderful afternoon! It's a warm, very, very hot day! And so it should be good conditions for a walk!

We should have a few insects around, hopefully moving about—maybe even some butterflies! I've already seen a couple of monarchs floating about, so maybe see if we can concentrate on some butterflies and anything else that comes our way! We're gonna try and see if we can go! And the reason why, like I say, are on foot is because Antigua has a problem, and we overheated a little bit, and so the sound then goes! And so we're waiting for him to cool down! So we'll jump into a little bit later when it gets a little cooler!

But for now, we're gonna be on foot! I did have some audio for some elephants not too far away! Very close! Sounds like actually just at the dam itself! So maybe what we're gonna do is try and head down that section and see if we can find those in ease and have a look at them on foot! And then, otherwise, anything else we can see! Now while we try and get everything sorted out and try and get ourselves down to that area, let's send you back across to brains and see where he is and what his plans are so far now that he's left that elephant!

Hey, guys! I'm just warning everyone this! This is not the nicest view around! So if you are sensitive, you might not want to look! So I've reported. I'm just waiting for a call back from the wardens and stuff! And you can see they're quite obviously—that it's a tusk wound from another elephant! So it isn't from human beings, but... you can see the wound is quite serious! You can just see that from his behavior now! You can see there's even a stick stuck in there! So I mean, this looks relatively recently within the last couple of days! And shame, he must be in so much pain!

So it'll be up to the Sabi Sands to decide what to do! I've just got a way to chat to... till I hear back from them! And if they need GPS coordinates and things like that, those look quite bad! Shame! And he's showing no sign of aggression or anything like that! He's just resting up against this weeping waffle tree! So he keeps throwing sand on the wound, and what he's doing there is trying to keep the flies off it!

Now, of course, that injury is quite bad, but he doesn't look too weak just yet! So the predators possibly could take advantage of this, and that's what Matt's wondering—will Lions take advantage of this elephant? There is a strong possibility, depending on how weak he is. Hyenas as well would definitely... I've seen hyenas harass injured elephants before for up to two days before actually managing to kill the elephant!

So it is one of those difficult things! But that is nature, and that's how nature plays out day after day when we're not watching! So one must remember that we are observers here! We're not here to interfere! Ramat, it's such a difficult question you're asking! What about if the animal is endangered? Will they interfere? You saw what happened with that wild dog, and they didn't interfere!

So if the injury is deemed to be caused by human beings by some way, then the vets will sometimes interfere and try to heal it! But most of the time in these situations, nothing will happen. If they do decide to interfere with this elephant, it's difficult to say what will happen. But they just need to know about it because it is a potential safety risk! For all of us here—bush walks and at the game drive vehicles! And if he wanders close to camps and he's injured and trying to get water or food, so that's why I've notified people—he is a potential safety risk!

I wonder if it was that must bull we saw this morning! That is something a big must bull like that might do to a younger bull like this while in must, not necessarily when they're out of mast! But when in must, that is something that massive must bull we had on the Sunrise Safari might do.

Now, Rhonda's asking about the age of this Eddy! He's old! He's not... he's not a very old bull! I'd say he's probably around 30! So he's an adult! And Shana is throwing dirt on that wound again, and it's quite bad! You can actually see there's a little—looks like an acacia stick that's got actually stuck in some of the tattered flesh there! So as I said, it's quite fresh! And at the moment, he might not be a problem, but if infection sets in, he could become a very dangerous animal here.

So whether the choice is made to leave him or euthanize or treat, I'm glad I'm not the one who has to make those decisions. And we've had quite a close look at the injury! And Bobby's wondering, is it just skin or intestines? It actually looks to be pieces of intestines, Bobby! So when we first saw him hiding behind the tree, I just thought he was having a snooze, and as we moved around, I could actually, I just got that smell of stomach.

So the chances of it getting infected are very, very high, and especially since it's dangling like that! If he moves through the bush, he could get tangled on stuff! As you've seen there, I'm just gonna move a little bit forward—shh, big boy! Okay, they've... now as I said, what happens to him, I'm bad! I'm not the one who has to make those decisions!

But JK's asking, if he's euthanized, will he be euthanized if he passes? There's a danger towards the safari vehicles and stuff like that? Again, it's not my place to answer those questions! Okay, but I think a careful decision will be made over the books!

Like this is just... I just saw a fish bar of blood coming out now! Something moved, and you can... on the back right side! So I just suddenly saw a little gush of blood coming out! There we go! And as I said, if you are sensitive, this is not for you! We're not going to be here the whole afternoon!

I'm just waiting to hear back from the authorities and as soon as I've heard back from them, I will be leaving! I just need to know whether they need GPS locations and things like that! It doesn't look like he's gonna move anyway! It looks like he's been here for quite a long time now! Of course, seeing stuff like this is difficult!

And Emma, who's asking, does it ever get easier? I should hope not! I mean, to a degree, we are immune to certain things! We're more immune than people who don't deal with it on a daily basis! But it's never nice to see anything suffering, animal or human! So if you get too used to it, I'd say there's probably something wrong with you!

So he's just been moving around this tree throughout the whole day! I can see from the tracks he's flattening the area, and he just can't seem to get comfortable! Now, you can just see he's been there kicking up the dirt, spraying the dust on that wound! Sorry, I need to answer the phone quickly!

So next, if you need to link away, can you please do it? I get crushed!

  • Taylor: Hello! Hello again, everybody! We got our elephants! I think it was fantastic, by the way! It was really quite nice! I've been searching for a herd of elephants for I cannot tell you how long! Most of you know, sorry, I didn't get to share it with all of you! I'm trying to think what we're gonna do now!

It was very cute! It was a tiny little baby! But maybe some of you were lucky enough to get to see it on the dam cam! And I'm not gonna go to the Birmingham males because I know they're going to be fast asleep! So we'll probably come back a bit later! And I suppose we'll just drive around and see what we can find! Maybe do some birding! So that's going to be the plan for now!

Maybe we'll hit on over to Chitra! We'll have a little look bit later! Let's go this way because there's a nice mud wallow down here! Surely around here! I don't... I don't know! We're gonna just try to find some more elephants because I'd like to spend a bit of time with them as I haven't spent much time with at all! Just that nice bull that decided to stay for like two seconds this morning!

Ever had a quick ride, bath, and then continued chasing after that young Colin calf that were there before him! Speaking of elephants... roadblock! Right! Whereas a road that we're looking for! Hopefully we'll be able to find some elephants, and then we can have lots and lots and lots of chats about them! But seeing though we're just doing a DNC at the moment! Jason, you've asked, how long does must last with elephants?

And it depends! Again some it can last for up to two weeks! It might last a week! So it just depends on their age and sort of social status perhaps! If they're a very big strong bull in prime condition, it can last for a little bit longer than others! Some maybe around a week or two!

I've also laid the tracks! Wasn't it electric? In fact, it was flying a footprint... ski hyena! Mud wallows done! Oh sorry, everyone! I'm eating ice! It's very hot! Just under 100 Fahrenheit! So we're busy still formulating a plan! I'm just waiting for another phone call!

Should be hopefully won't be here longer than another 10 or 15 minutes while we get the right people on the way! That's the biggest danger with this aliens, not now while it's quite fresh still! It's in a day or two when it gets in... if it gets infected with intestines and stuff, it probably will!

He could become very aggressive and take it out on all sorts of things—including vehicles, bushwalks, lodges, and housekeeping ladies while they're collecting and stuff like that! So at the moment, he is nice and relaxed, but he is a potential danger down the road a little bit!

Oh no! Ludmila was asking, is there any chance that Eddie could have got better? And I was sort of humming and hai... but then he defecated, and his dung came out runny and full of blood! So you see there VMP! So it wasn't the normal blob! Nope! Let you hear from an elephant!

And it's... yeah! So it just sort of shot out, and I could see specks of blood in it! Which, as I said, is not a good sign! And it means he's wounded quite badly somewhere in the digestive tract!

So there's... in fact, if I'm honest with everyone, yeah, there's very, very little chance of survival for this elephant! And said that wound probably happened last night! So, yesterday, although it's very difficult to tell, especially with these eddies, because they keep throwing dust all over the wounds!

It's a shame, big boy! Now, unfortunately, this is one of those realities about living out in the bush! But sometimes it isn't all strawberries and cream! Now, if we take a positive from this elephant dying, this elephant has died! Will die from a natural cause—and a wound from fighting with another elephant bull.

Coaster Islander is asking what animals will eat it! Now, that's the positive! That if this elephant does die, it does provide a huge amount of food and nutrition back to the bush! I've seen lions, hyenas, I've even seen leopard feed off the dead elephant! But most... it'll be lions and hyenas! And apart from that, and apart from the lions and hyenas... the beetles, the carrion beetles, the scarab beetles, the dung beetles, flies, maggots, a whole host of other insects!

I mean, it's... his legacy will be putting back to the earth in terms of nutrients and food for other animals! I say at the moment he's trying not to move too much, but he can't help himself! Oh, sorry, you guys! I need you!

Okay, so Nicky! We're still having tech problems with other vehicles! Um, I do, you need to be on the phone for quite a bit! Okay, it sounds like Taylor has moved out of... will fix her gremlins or moved into a good signal area! So I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappear for a little bit to try sort out everything about this elephant! And hopefully, we'll be back a little bit later with Hosana!

Well, we'll see how long our signal lasts, as we aren't hitting it to some other areas now! Tarnishing these guys that I'm loved! And I can't stop and have a chat, and I'm sure they're going to go and look for Hosana! But I'm not gonna go and look for Hosana now because I know that Brent would like to look for Hosana!

So we shall go down this way! We're just gonna drive up and down on some roads with lots of mud wallows and hopefully find the elephants! Because that's what I'd like to do! I think it's gonna be too hot for the cats to be doing anything right now! I mean the weather was 36 degrees Celsius! It's warm! It doesn't actually feel that hot! Hey, it's warm, but it's not... not too bad! Nice with a breeze! Gentle breeze still continuing from this morning, so that's quite nice and refreshing!

So we want to keep on the go or stop in the shade! I don't want to be stopping in the sun! That's all! Not on a day like today! There's actually not that many birds! I maybe we'll have a good chance of watching some birds splish and splash around in the water! But not now as everything is hiding away from us at the moment! Which seems to be about normal! We're looking! I'm looking for anything that's moving in these bushes! And maybe should keep my eyes on the road at some point!

  • All that rain that we had... even though it was nice soaking rain, and we've had a couple of roads that don't like the rain very much, caused erosions! So some of the roads need to be regraded again! And I'm pretty sure when Drake sent us back... and he's coming back Wednesday, I think! I'm pretty sure in between drives, he'll be back at it again and his big tractor, perhaps dragging tires or first scraping the roads!

Check in the trees! Anybody sitting in the branches? No, that's... well! We'll try our luck! Maybe we'll have to go into the molarity! Perhaps catch some elephants that side! Or if you go to Tristan, who's got something that flaps its wings pretty quickly!

I do indeed! Now it's bouncing around all over this plant and making it a little difficult to see! But it is a butterfly! I was saying that there is noticeably more butterflies flying around today, and I'm just trying to ID exactly which one! It looks like maybe a dusky copper! That's what it looks like!

I'm just waiting for it to open its wings! Oh, now it's flying again! I was hoping... and we're just at a little open for me, then we'd see! It keeps going away and then landing back on this plant! So we're just gonna wait for it! There we go! It's now landed once again in the same spots, and it's opening every now and then and gives a little bit of an orange tinge!

So it does look like a little dusky copper over here! I know there's lots of grass in your way! I'll try and get that rid of that! Have you got a deer, Craig? Lots of wind as well, which is not ideal! So a lot of butterflies already flying around that I have seen! This guy, I've seen some of the little spotted blues! I saw Citrus Swallowtail, monarch, even some of the crias are around as well!

So it should be a good afternoon for butterflies! Hopefully, what's gonna happen is we can hit a bit of a wind, and the wind will then settle down, and it will cool off a bit, and then these butterflies should stop flying around! It will make it a lot easier! There, Craig, it's not actually even closer to you!

But it is bouncing around all over the place, which is making life ideal! That's all for poor Craig! Craig's ending to bounce around on different plants all over the place. But isn't it beautiful with those little spots and stripes and markings? And when it opens its wings, it's more brown on top with a little orange section!

So I'll just double-check exactly which one it is! But I'm pretty sure it's one of the coppers. I'll just have to double-check exactly which couple! Sorry, Craig! That's my fault! I've dropped a piece of grass in front of Craig's face! But they'll be out because there will be a number of plants, and there are flowering, and with the bit of rain that we had and our little sunshine, we're gonna have perfect conditions for butterflies to go and get all the nectar out of these plants and be able to actually feed on that!

Now, in terms of the difference between moths and butterflies, you can see how this insect keeps its wings closed for the most part! And it's very, very active now during the day. A moth is far more active during the night! And when it lands, it will land with its wings down and flattened against its body! Or, so if you look at these guys, they have club-like antennae!

So very thin antennae with a little sort of swollen into it, whereas moths tend to have featherlike antennae! That gives them a little bit of a difference between the butterfly! So if you're wondering how they kind of work and what the difference is between the two, then that is it! But very, very cool! Excuse me!

So I was just coughing there a little bit! It seems as there's a lot of insects out! She's just looking around! A lot of buzzing about and lots of flies and all kinds of other things! So hopefully, we'll see lots of different types of things! Now sorry, Nicks, if you could just repeat the first part of that question! I heard it turns into butterflies, but I didn't get the first part!

David, what percentage of cocoons turns into butterflies? Those are difficult things to say! I think it depends on different areas! I would imagine that some areas, there's a lot more predation than there is in other zones! I mean, if you look out here, there's going to be huge amounts of animals that'll predate on poor little caterpillars that are going into a chrysalis to start kind of hatching!

So I actually wouldn't be sure as to what to say to that! I know last year, though, we had a fallen-over tree with the Koreas that went up at one point! I think there was about 12 chrysalis on me, and after about a week, there was only one still dangling! So if you go on Matt's, you'll have a very, very, very small percentage! But it depends! I think it depends on the area that you're in, the amount of predators that are around, how well they conceal themselves when they go into that state! And they then start to kind of... go through metamorphosis! It's going to be interesting!

I honestly have no idea, though, what the percentage would be in systems like this! I think we would have a... You know, it would be something that could have to kind of monitor! You'd have to get a sample size and then try and work it out amongst them!

Right! Let's carry on, Craig, to see what else we can find! Patrick, you're asking if I have a favorite butterfly! I don't know if I have a favorite individual butterfly, but I do have a favorite in terms of a family of butterflies. So my favorite butterflies that we sell are actually two. One is the Shrek C's family, so the Traxxas family for me are absolutely beautiful and there's one called the Fox Roxy's, which is a very, very cool name.

And then also the swallowtails, so things like the citrus swallowtail are absolutely beautiful, vivid colors, quite large butterflies! And there were these little tail streamers that come down! So those two families are really my favorites and the ones that I like to see! They are quite difficult to find around here! That in certain other parts of South Africa, you can see that. Maybe I would be on that list! But those are the two kind of families, in particularly here in this part of the world, I would say probably the Fox you sure taxis in the citrus swallowtail on my two favorites that we see!

Hopefully, we'll be able to find either one of those this afternoon! Would be quite nice! Like I said, I did see a swallowtail fly past us just now! And so while I go looking for them and seeing if we can find them, let's hand you back to Bryn!

I think he's left that poor elephant, and he's carrying on on his way! And let's see what he's gonna be up to!

So welcome back, guys! I know a lot of you would prefer to stay there and stuff like that, but at the moment, I don't want to add any pressure on that animal! The Sabi Sands are on route, I will go back and take them there a little bit later in the drive! So for the moment, let's see if we can find our little prince!

This is where we left him this morning, and I said it was a sauna! It's unlikely that he's lying in the same spot during the day! He likes to cruise around, and he is not there! So he was lying at the base of that little bush there this morning, so he's not there! There's no tracks of him heading down towards that elephant, which is probably most sensible for him!

Because I think that Eddie would take most unkindly to the presence of any predators at this very moment! But I'm gonna just check some of the other bits of shader on! Yeah, he might have moved a little bit during the day! I'm just saying if the other game drive vehicles track us hit off a little bit!

So what we're doing is... my eyes playing tricks on me! Let's have a quick look! Look! Wait! I saw spots in this thicket! But I think I've got spots on the brain! Okay, well, I try to figure out where the sun is gone! Oh no, you're staying with me! It seems like the gremlins are art enforced today!

Now the Birmingham boys are back on the property, and child of the universe is asking how far away from this injured elephant they are! They're actually quite far! We're down towards southeast of Zima, and the Birmingham's are in the northwest sort of!

Afternoon, Henry, no updates just yet! Battle-ax Road is zoned due to an injured elephant bull, so please take care of that err! No sign of a sauna yet! We're trying to follow up, but till the Sabi Sands has come to have a look at the Eddy, battle Arizona! Okay, we're just checking all the little spots of shade! Where's a sign that I liked a little loop on to the road? See if his tracks came out!

But in the meantime, let's go see where madam McCurdy is heading to next!

Well, Brent! She won't believe who we just spotted! It very briefly, but that's a big tusker that was chasing her around this morning! He's basically between Mumble Road and Drakensberg, and she's... I think! I'm hoping he's following a breeding herd because that's a breeding herd I'd like to try and find!

So we can't get to the elephant, of course, because he is in the middle of the thicket! And you all know I don't all forage for elephants especially not a must bull! Never! So we're gonna just drive around you! But I'm just checking carefully in the thickets! It's so easy with this long grass and big trees to miss a fully grown elephant, even to miss 30 elephants!

And I would think that he's trying to find breeding herds! Especially if he is in must! And I could... we were talking about earlier, he's basically just going to be driven by his testosterone at the minute! They will be munching along the way, but he'll be marching and marching constantly trying to pick up a scent on a group of females!

Are these brains? Actually, let's go say hello to Brent! I'll tell him that his friend is coming to mind! Perhaps that's what that elephant is doing! Hi, Brent, your friend, the elephant must bull, is on his way to you!

On his way! Do you think he's given him a hiding? Hmm! His Brent! Brent's on the radio! Let's watch how Brent operates the radio from! So he's trying to follow tracks! I'm actually gonna turn around because I don't want to squash any of Hosana's tracks.

Maybe we'll go down towards Chatsworth! So this is the area Brent's working! So Brent might even find that herd of elephants! The nitrene said perhaps that big fella has already given another young bull a hiding! And we were talking about this the other day, in fact, where we had that very well rowdy young elephant bull playing with another elephant bull!

If a big tusker like that came across that young fella being cheeky, he may meet the same, well, not good on the same road and tusked him! That happens quite often! In fact, very sad for that elephant though, very, very sad! But I don't think there's much you can do if its intestines are hanging out! Not great at all!

No! For those of you who haven't met Daryl, the elephant who is my favorite elephant, he roams around on the Sabi Sands! He spends most of his time down at Earth Lunch at Sabi Sabi, and he's that elephant with a bell shape in his ear! All the Snapchat symbols! Some of you have said it looks like the little ghost!

And Scenic, you've asked if this testosterone makes elephants a little bit cheeky! Most certainly! It does! And Daryl's a prime example of it! Whenever he comes up and causes havoc, he's normally in must! But it's funny because that was like one of David's first elephant encounters! Interesting!

And he had been working in the bush at all, then came straight from the city and then met Daryl with Scott! So yeah! And he's not a small elephant either, so you say yes, it does seem a cute cod ride! It's an it indeed makes them cheeky! So you just gotta be wary of them and give them a bit of room! And just, well, watch them!

Sometimes they're fine! Sometimes they just carry on with their day! I don't particularly like viewing elephants bulls, and that's just because I've had some not-so-nice encounters, which I've told you all about! But job!

Anyways! It seems as though Tristan might be stomping around! Perhaps it's because he's got ants in his pants! Hopefully, we won't have to smell them!

If I've got ants in my pants, because otherwise that would be very uncomfortable! But we basically have been looking around, and there's so much insect life after the rain that we decided we’ll have a little look under a fallen-over log just to see what's happening! And there is just a myriad of ants going absolutely crazy!

So they're all over this tree, and they're moving around! They've come out, and they're kind of streaming up and down! There's a whole bunch on the ground, as also, I feel... Nope! I've dropped that! We moved it! So, we'll put it back nicely just now!

But it's amazing to see how many—oh yeah! There must be hundreds of thousands of ants going up and down! Utilizing this old dead tree as a way to be safely housed and to be able to hide away from various predators that might be there!

You'll find that! That's why things like even odd fox sometimes will try and break towards these kind of trees and dig underneath and try and dig it to all of this that is moving on! You can actually see that some of them are busy carrying eggs out of the actual area and moving them around!

In fact, I don't even sure these are ants! Some of them might even be termites! There's an interesting one that's kind of going along, which is this individual over here! And it's moving very fast! Although it has gotten hidden, but it was a really large one! And it was in amongst them that was moving quite quickly!

And what looks a little termite black, and what could be happening is sometimes you'll have termites in these kind of trees like this! And the ants actually raid them, and they try and carry the eggs and actually even carry off some of the termites as well!

And so ferocious predators! They're amazing things to watch! But it also looks like some of them are trying to have a little look because it's difficult to see, but there's little eggs that are actually being carried as well by these ants!

So some of them are picking up little egg larvae, and they're now moving them along deeper into the actual depths of this tree to try and just hide them away a little bit better! So I'm not gonna actually spend too long here because I obviously we've disturbed their nests a little bit! So I want to put it back nicely!

But before we do that, what you will find is also over here is that we've got a very interesting situation—we've got a carapace for a dung beetle by the looks of things! Now what that could indicate is two things!

Either the dung beetle, when it was very, very soft, decided to kind of lay its last egg in this area and bury its little ball if it was one of those that does bury balls! Or there's a situation where they might have been a scorpion living in this particular tree!

And so, as we have these kind of dead trees, you'll find lots of scorpions live inside here, particularly a scorpion called Pista canthus. ESPA and they spend a lot of time kind of moving around in dead trees, and they'll hunt various insects from there.

So what it might have done is actually quartered fiddleford, and then this is just the exoskeleton that is now left after the scorpion has fed! Which is pretty crazy! Very difficult to say how many ants are in each colony! As you can see here, counting this many ants is nearly impossible!

One, because they are moving so fast! Two, because there are just literally so many! That you'll be here probably for the next ten weeks trying to count all of these ants! It's difficult to say! I would say that they must be easily thousands within this particular colony! Because it's not only here that there's a lot of movement! There's a whole bunch of movement on the ground as well!

So there's literally ants all over the place here! You can see where Craig is sitting! The ground is literally crawling with ant species that are moving around! So there's far too many for us to count! To know exact numbers also the way that they go back and forth to individually know which ant you've counted and which one you haven't would make it very difficult!

You probably have a situation where you have far too many ants to recount now! Nichols, don't—the ants incapacitated! Oh my goodness! Sorry about that, everybody! Tristan for the ants! Get him! Perhaps they lose this video! She doesn't get ants in his pants! Maybe they crawled on in there, and he had to stomp around!

I don't know what just happened! They—and sorry driving down triad to cut line now looking still looking for her in avail of them! So I know how long it's going to take me now! Shall we play a game on how long will it take Taylor to find a herd of elephants?

I think it's going to be another three game drives! So this afternoon, I think about tomorrow afternoon or the following morning, I might put a herd of elephants on screen! We'll see! We have to start the counter again! And oh, I see some Impala up ahead! We can go and have a look at them!

Maybe they'll once stay around and quickly check! Yeah! Fort in Ghana! I should probably ask the guards if anybody's read!

Okay, so don't think I've seen as I'm approaching the area! Let me do that! Sheldon! Sheldon! Can you copy me? I'm just chatting to Sheldon quickly! Dylan! Dylan potato! Maybe they're not even in the East anymore!

Oh, I just can't hear them! Also a possibility! Who's shouting in? Yeah! Oh, there's... what? Those weren't there? The fighting hornbills! So cool! Listen to them! Very chatty! They run! Why are you being in long pants? It's a hot day! They aren’t quite warm!

  • They're very chatty in these! Flying around looking for beetles and all sorts of other things that may be crossing the road! What is it doing?! And the ones coming in to join now—they're done! Did you catch something? No, no caterpillars!

I always enjoy watching hornbills feast! But now you can see sadly not successful! But we'll just give the beak a good clean! Anyways, very cool! Now I can hear the babble! It's very nice!

Well, let's go down to the little pan because I think that's where all the Impalas are gathering! Perhaps you're gonna see Wilbur the warthog! That would be a nice surprise!

Wilbur the warthog's pan has filled up so much you won't even recognize it! He might have to be careful! He might have to wear a life jacket if he wants to go in!

Now speaking of animals popping into the road! Avon wishes you've just asked about whether a leopard is ever popped onto the road, and while I've been driving... yeah, it actually happens often! A Gajima does that to you, and then you normally just see his tail disappearing!

And who else has done that? Arkaroola has done that so many times or there's so many elephant tracks here, but they're all going this way! I think this is the breeding herd that was here! Oh my goodness! All the Impala and the Sabi Sand will stop here! And they might get to be a bit nervous for now, but I reckon they'll settle!

Hi! How's it going, Impala? Where's Wilbur? And this is really nice actually! Listen to the sounds as well! This great audio of these Impala, all very nervous, all very chatty at the edge of the span!

Now, if you have no idea who I'm talking about when I say Wilbur, Wilbur is a warthog! He's my favorite warthog! He's got no hair on the end of his talons! He's an old boy! He chased Gwen out of her warthog burrow! Out of the Burrow in the termite mound!

And then took her free zone! It was probably his first! Which was quite funny! But he's a very relaxed warthog, and he normally lays in the corners of the pans! And he staggers! He can drive right up to me! He doesn't run away, which is quite nice! Because the typical sighting we get of every warthog is their bottoms with their tails in the air!

And by the way, all talking so much! It's like it's all the lambs are separated from their mothers, and they are sort of all doing their own thing! Just chatting with one another is supposed to keep in contact to say everything's okay!

They're all a bit nervous down at the water's edge though! They don't drink for long! And if you've ever noticed that, I mean, an animal just doesn't keep its head down and down and down! They'll drink for a couple of seconds, and then put their heads up and look around!

And that's important because 10 Ghana was not far from him! Could be a crocodile in the water! It could be a number of different things! But very nice to see so many Impala! We've been having some great Impala sightings! In fact, we're very lucky!

We better make the most of them! Of course off you go to Kosta! Tristan, who's having a look at some of the flora!

I am indeed! I haven't seen one of these in ages! And well, I'm so excited that we found one! It's a small little bush that we've got right in the middle of... well just close to the damn camera! I didn't actually know it was even here, which is very exciting!

Now, what I apologize first before we carry on about our little criminal attack we had earlier and 40! I don't know what happened! They went back to our plant! We have the most delicious smelling tree! We have archers! When you pick this and you squash it and you smell it, mmm! Smells like a lemony mint kind of smell!

So it's known as Lapierre java Nica or fever tea! And this part is really, really cool! It's used for a number of different things! It's a really good plant for things like smell! If you've got coughs! If you've got any sort of blockage in your sinuses, you kind of will use this!

And if, unfortunately, that elephant did die, it would have a situation where you could put this in your nose! If you were going into that caucus and all... your smell is this lemony mint smell! Rather than this horrible kind of rotting meat smell! So often used to do this with... kiss!

Whenever we used to go to a caucus, you'd pick this, and then you just shove it up your nose! Now, of course, you look absolutely weird when you do it! And I'll do it for you guys so that you can see! It looks really odd! But I promise you! If you've ever smelt a dead elephant, you would know that you would do this!

It would be much, much better for you! So basically, you just do something like that! Now, there we go! Do I look good? Jeggings? Basically that's all! And you smell is this really fresh kind of minty smell, as opposed to rotting meat!

It really makes things much, much better! Now, I'm probably sure that most of you can't... you see! Craig is definitely laughing behind here!

Things that they use this plant for, quite interestingly enough, is it's used as a plant that they will rub on people, and they say that it keeps crocodiles away from you! So if you're ever going into an area with crocodile-infested water, they reckon if you rub this on yourself, the oils from this will repel crocodiles!

I'm not sure that that's very, very true! It's an interesting kind of thing! The other thing is also, if you have meat that has been infected with anthrax, they reckon that this plant rubbed on that meat will actually get rid of that anthrax!

I'm betsy about that one as well! I don't think I'd want to try and eat anything that's infected by anthrax after it's been rubbed with a plant! But, you know, these are the things that sometimes people believe!

And so it's quite an interesting plant! For me, it's just the most amazing smell! And you can make a tea from a substitute from it! You kind of boil the water and you put it in, and then you add milk into it, and it's actually not too bad! So it actually tastes alright! I have made tea from it before!

It's not the best you'll ever have! It's like a green tea, but it is pretty good nonetheless! And I didn't actually know that there was one right here! So if anybody in camp knows what sinus issues this is where we need to come to be able to get it!

It is a really cool smell! Now all I can smell is intense lemony! And it kind of feels funny, it's the leaf is a bit scratchy! So, make sure there is each a little bit! So I'm gonna have probably canes me! You have like this wiggly nose as we do the rest of this segment! Now I was busy talking about just now when we got so rudely interrupted by the gremlins!

I was talking about swarming! So the only time we will see ants swarming is if there's a food item! So if, let's say, if you had home, you see ants, and you dropped maybe a sugar solution, so sugar and water! You'll see the ants will then swarm around that in order to feed off it!

But other than that, not really! They also, I suppose, if in defense of their nest, then your finance will kind of come in and try and defend in a big grouping! But then not really! They just kind of go in lines, and they'll go and find food and they distribute art!

But they don't actually swarm anything unless it's either food-related or in defense of the igloo... the igneous that they are close to! So it's a pretty interesting thing to see! And ants are phenomenal creatures! I absolutely love them!

There's actually a thought that if they were the size of a medium-sized dog, that none of us would even be surviving! Because of the sort of prowess as pieces, they would have a situation where they would probably just take over completely!

I'm good! We're going to carry on! We're going to try and see what other little weird and wonderful things we can find in the open areas! And see what there is! And while we do that, let's change you back across to Brin!

I think he's left that poor elephant, and is carrying on on his way, and let's see what he's gonna be up to!

So welcome back, guys! I know a lot of you would prefer to stay there and stuff like that, but at the moment, I don't want to add any pressure on that animal! The Sabi Sands are on route! I will go back and take them there a little bit later in the drive!

So, for the moment, let's see if we can find our little prince! This is where we left him this morning, and I said it was a sauna! It's unlikely that he's lying in the same spot during the day! He likes to cruise around, and he is not there!

So he was lying at the base of that little bush there this morning, so he's not there! There's no tracks of him heading down towards that elephant, which is probably most sensible for him! Because I think that Eddie would take most unkindly to the presence of any predators at this very moment! But I'm gonna just check some of the other bits of shader on!

Yeah, he might have moved a little bit during the day! I'm just saying if the other game drive vehicles track us hit off a little bit! So what we're doing is... my eyes playing tricks on me! Let's have a quick look! Look! Wait! I saw spots in this thicket! But I think I've got spots on the brain!

Okay, well, I try to figure out where the sun is gone! Oh no, you're staying with me! It seems like the gremlins are art enforced today! Now the Birmingham boys are back on the property, and child of the universe is asking how far away from this injured elephant! They are actually quite far! We're down towards southeast of Zima! And the Birmingham's are in the northwest!

Sort of! Afternoon, Henry! No updates just yet! Battle-ax Road is zoned due to an injured elephant bull, so please take care of that err! No sign of a sauna yet! We're trying to follow up, but till the Sabi Sands has come to have a look at the Eddy, battle Arizona!

Okay, we're just checking all the little spots of shade! Where's a sign that I liked? A little loop on to the road! See if his tracks come out! But in the meantime, let's go see where Madam McCurdy is heading to next!

Well, Brent! She won't believe who we just spotted! It very briefly, but that's a big tusker that was chasing her around this morning! He's basically between Mumble Road and Drakensberg, and she's... I think! I'm hoping he's following a breeding herd because that's a breeding herd I'd like to try and find!

So we can't get to the elephant, of course, because he is in the middle of the thicket! And you all know I don't all forage for elephants especially not a must bull! Never! So we're gonna just drive around you! But I'm just checking carefully in the thickets! It's so easy with this long grass and big trees to miss a fully grown elephant, even to miss 30 elephants!

And I would think that he's trying to find breeding herds! Especially if he is in must! And I could... we were talking about earlier, he's basically just going to be driven by his testosterone at the minute! They will be munching along the way, but he'll be marching and marching constantly trying to pick up a scent on a group of females!

Are these brains? Actually, let's go say hello to Brent! I'll tell him that his friend is coming to mind! Perhaps that's what that elephant is doing! Hi, Brent! Your friend, the elephant must bull, is on his way to you!

On his way! Do you think he's given him a hiding?

Hmm! His Brent! Brent's on the radio! Let's watch how Brent operates the radio from!

So he's trying to follow tracks! I'm actually gonna turn around because I don't want to squash any of Hosana's tracks! Maybe we'll go down towards Chatsworth! So this is the area Brent's working! So Brent might even find that herd of elephants!

The nitrene said perhaps that big fella has already given another young bull a hiding! And we were talking about this the other day, in fact, where we had that very well rowdy young elephant bull playing with another elephant bull!

If a big tusker like that came across that young fella being cheeky, he may meet the same, well, not good on the same road and tusked him! That happens quite often! In fact, very sad for that elephant though, very, very sad! But I don't think there's much you can do if its intestines are hanging out! Not great at all!

No! For those of you who haven't met Daryl, the elephant who is my favorite elephant, he roams around on the Sabi Sands! He spends most of his time down at Earth Lunch at Sabi Sabi!

And he's that elephant with a bell shape in his ear! All the Snapchat symbols! Some of you have said it looks like the little ghost!

And Scenic, you've asked if this testosterone makes elephants a little bit cheeky! Most certainly it does! And Daryl's a prime example of it! Whenever he comes up and causes havoc, he's normally in must!

But it's funny because that was like one of David's first elephant encounters! Interesting!

And he had been working in the bush at all! Then came straight from the city and then met Daryl with Scott! So yeah! And he's not a small elephant either, so you say yes, it does seem a cute cod ride!

It's an it indeed makes them cheeky! So you just gotta be wary of them and give them a bit of room! And just, well, watch them! Sometimes they're fine! Sometimes they just carry on with their day!

I don't particularly like viewing elephants bulls, and that's just because I've had some not-so-nice encounters, which I've told you all about! But job!

Anyways! It seems as though Tristan might be stomping around! Perhaps it's because he's got ants in his pants! Hopefully, we won't have to smell them!

If I've got ants in my pants, because otherwise that would be very uncomfortable! But we basically have been looking around, and there's so much insect life after the rain that we decided we’ll have a little look under a fallen-over log just to see what's happening!

And there is just a myriad of ants going absolutely crazy! So they're all over this tree, and they're moving around! They've come out, and they're kind of streaming up and down! There's a whole bunch on the ground, as also, I feel... Nope! I've dropped that! We moved it!

So, we'll put it back nicely just now! But it's amazing to see how many—oh yeah! There must be hundreds of thousands of ants going up and down! Utilizing this old dead tree as a way to be safely housed and to be able to hide away from various predators that might be there!

You'll find that! That's why things like even odd fox sometimes will try and break towards these kind of trees and dig underneath and try and dig it to all of this that is moving on! You can actually see that some of them are busy carrying eggs out of the actual area and moving them around! In fact, I don't even sure these are ants!

Some of them might even be termites! There's an interesting one that's kind of going along, which is this individual over here! And it's moving very fast! Although it has gotten hidden, but it was a really large one! And it was in amongst them that was moving quite quickly!

And what looks a little termite black, and what could be happening is sometimes you'll have termites in these kind of trees like this! And the ants actually raid them, and they try and carry the eggs and actually even carry off some of the termites as well! And so ferocious predators! They're amazing things to watch! But it also looks like some of them are trying to have a little look because it's difficult to see, but there's little eggs that are actually being carried as well by these ants!

So some of them are picking up little egg larvae, and they're now moving them along deeper into the actual depths of this tree to try and just hide them away a little bit better! So I'm not gonna actually spend too long here because I obviously we've disturbed their nests a little bit! So I want to put it back nicely!

But before we do that, what you will find is also over here is that we've got a very interesting situation—we've got a carapace for a dung beetle by the looks of things! Now what that could indicate is two things!

Either the dung beetle, when it was very, very soft, decided to kind of lay its last egg in this area and bury its little ball if it was one of those that does bury balls! Or there's a situation where they might have been a scorpion living in this particular tree!

And so, as we have these kind of dead trees, you'll find lots of scorpions live inside here, particularly a scorpion called Pista canthus. ESPA and they spend a lot of time kind of moving around in dead trees, and they'll hunt various insects from there.

So what it might have done is actually quartered fiddleford, and then this is just the exoskeleton that is now left after the scorpion has fed! Which is pretty crazy! Very difficult to say how many ants are in each colony! As you can see here, counting this many ants is nearly impossible!

One, because they are moving so fast! Two, because there are just literally so many! That you'll be here probably for the next ten weeks trying to count all of these ants! It's difficult to say! I would say that they must be easily thousands within this particular colony! Because it's not only here that there's a lot of movement! There's a whole bunch of movement on the ground as well!

So there's literally ants all over the place here! You can see where Craig is sitting! The ground is literally crawling with ant species that are moving around! So there's far too many for us to count! To know exact numbers also the way that they go back and forth to individually know which ant you've counted and which one you haven't would make it very difficult!

You probably have a situation where you have far too many ants to recount now! Nichols, don't—the ants incapacitated! Oh my goodness! Sorry about that, everybody! Tristan for the ants! Get him!

Perhaps they lose this video! She doesn't get ants in his pants! Maybe they crawled on in there, and he had to stomp around! I don't know what just happened! They—and sorry driving down t-cut line now looking still looking for her in avail of them! So I know how long it's going to take me now!

Shall we play a game on how long will it take Taylor to find a herd of elephants? I think it's going to be another three game drives! So this afternoon, I think about tomorrow afternoon or the following morning, I might put a herd of elephants on screen!

We'll see! We have to start the counter again! And oh, I see some Impala up ahead! We can go and have a look at them! Maybe they'll once stay around and quickly check!

Yeah! Fort in Ghana! I should probably ask the guards if anybody's read! Okay, so don't think I've seen as I'm approaching the area! Let me do that! Sheldon! Sheldon! Can you copy me? I'm just chatting to Sheldon quickly! Dylan! Dylan potato! Maybe they're not even in the East anymore!

Oh, I just can't hear them! Also a possibility! Who's shouting in? Yeah! Oh, there's... what? Those weren't there? The fighting hornbills! So cool! Listen to them!

Very chatty! They run! Why are you being in long pants? It's a hot day! They aren’t quite warm! They're very chatty in these! Flying around looking for beetles and all sorts of other things that may be crossing the road! What is it doing?! And the ones coming in to join now—they're done! Did you catch something? No, no caterpillars!

I always enjoy watching hornbills feast! But now you can see sadly not successful! But we'll just give the beak a good clean!

Anyways, very cool! Now I can hear the babble! It's very nice!

Well, let's go down to the little pan because I think that's where all the Impalas are gathering! Perhaps you're gonna see Wilbur the warthog! That would be a nice surprise!

Wilbur the warthog's pan has filled up so much you won't even recognize it! He might have to be careful! He might have to wear a life jacket if he wants to go in!

Now speaking of animals popping into the road! Avon wishes you've just asked about whether a leopard is ever popped onto the road, and while I've been driving... yeah, it actually happens often! A Gajima does that to you, and then you normally just see his tail disappearing!

And who else has done that? Arkaroola has done that so many times, or there's so many elephant tracks here, but they're all going this way! I think this is the breeding herd that was here!

Oh my goodness! All the Impala and the Sabi Sand will stop here! And they might get to be a bit nervous for now, but I reckon they'll settle!

Hi! How's it going, Impala? Where's Wilbur? And this is really nice actually! Listen to the sounds as well! This great audio of these Impala, all very nervous, all very chatty at the edge of the span!

Now, if you have no idea who I'm talking about when I say Wilbur, Wilbur is a warthog! He's my favorite warthog! He's got no hair on the end of his talons! He's an old boy! He chased Gwen out of her warthog burrow! Out of the Burrow in the termite mound!

And then took her free zone! It was probably his first! Which was quite funny! But he's a very relaxed warthog, and he normally lays in the corners of the pans! And he staggers! He can drive right up to me! He doesn't run away, which is quite nice!

Because the typical sighting we get of every warthog is their bottoms with their tails in the air! And by the way, all talking so much! It's like it's all the lambs are separated from their mothers, and they are sort of all doing their own thing! Just chatting with one another is supposed to keep in contact to say everything's okay!

They're all a bit nervous down at the water's edge though! They don't drink for long! And if you've ever noticed that, I mean, an animal just doesn't keep its head down and down and down! They'll drink for a couple of seconds, and then put their heads up and look around!

And that's important because 10 Ghana was not far from him! Could be a crocodile in the water! It could be a number of different things! But very nice to see so many Impala! We've been having some great Impala sightings! In fact, we're very lucky!

We better make the most of them! Of course off you go to Kosta! Tristan, who's having a look at some of the flora!

I do indeed! I haven't seen one of these in ages! And well, I'm so excited that we found one! It's a small little bush that we've got right in the middle of... well just close to the damn camera! I didn't actually know it was even here, which is very exciting!

Now, what I apologize first before we carry on about our little criminal attack we had earlier and 40! I don't know what happened! They went back to our plant! We have the most delicious smelling tree! We have archers! When you pick this and you squash it and you smell it, mmm! Smells like a lemony mint kind of smell!

So it's known as Lapierre java Nica or fever tea! And this part is really, really cool! It's used for a number of different things! It's a really good plant for things like smell! If you've got coughs! If you've got any sort of blockage in your sinuses, you kind of will use this!

And if, unfortunately, that elephant did die, it would have a situation where you could put this in your nose! If you were going into that caucus, and all your smell is this lemony mint smell! Rather than this horrible kind of rotting meat smell! So often used to do this with... kiss!

Whenever we used to go to a caucus, you'd pick this and then you just shove it up your nose! Now, of course, you look absolutely weird when you do it! And I'll do it for you guys so that you can see! It looks really odd! But I promise you! If you've ever smelt a dead elephant, you would know that you would do this!

It would be much, much better for you! So basically, you just do something like that! Now, there we go! Do I look good? Jeggings? Basically that's all! And you smell is this really fresh kind of minty smell, as opposed to rotting meat!

It really makes things much, much better! Now, I'm probably sure that most of you can't... you see! Craig is definitely laughing behind here!

Things that they use this plant for, quite interestingly enough, is it's used as a plant that they will rub on people, and they say that it keeps crocodiles away from you! So if you're ever going into an area with crocodile-infested water, they reckon if you rub this on yourself, the oils from this will repel crocodiles!

I'm not sure that that's very, very true! It's an interesting kind of thing! The other thing is also, if you have meat that has been infected with anthrax, they reckon that this plant rubbed on that meat will actually get rid of that anthrax!

I'm betsy about that one as well! I don't think I'd want to try and eat anything that's infected by anthrax after it's been rubbed with a plant! But, you know, these are the things that sometimes people believe!

And so it's quite an interesting plant! For me, it's just the most amazing smell! And you can make a tea from a substitute from it! You kind of boil the water and you put it in, and then you add milk into it, and it's actually not too bad! So it actually tastes alright! I have made tea from it before!

It's not the best you'll ever have! It's like a green tea, but it is pretty good nonetheless! And I didn't actually know that there was one right here! So if anybody in camp knows what sinus issues this is where we need to come to be able to get it!

It is a really cool smell! Now all I can smell is intense lemony! And it kind of feels funny, it's the leaf is a bit scratchy! So make sure there is each a little bit! So I'm gonna have probably canes me! You have like this wiggly nose as we do the rest of this segment!

Now I was busy talking about just now when we got so rudely interrupted by the gremlins! I was talking about swarming! So the only time we will see ants swarming is if there's a food item! So if, let's say, if you had home, you see ants, and you dropped maybe a sugar solution, so sugar and water! You'll see the ants will then swarm around that in order to feed off it!

But other than that, not really! They also, I suppose, if in defense of their nest, then your finance will kind of come in and try and defend in a big grouping! But then not really! They just kind of go in lines, and they'll go and find food and they distribute art!

But they don't actually swarm anything unless it's either food-related or in defense of the igneous that they are close to! So it's a pretty interesting thing to see! And ants are phenomenal creatures!

I absolutely love them! There actually is a thought that if they were the size of a medium-sized dog, that none of us would even be surviving! Because of the sort of prowess as pieces, they would have a situation where they would probably just take over completely!

I'm good! We're going to carry on! We're going to try and see what other little weird and wonderful things we can find in the open areas! And see what there is!

And while we do that, let's change you back across to Brin! I think he's left that poor elephant, and he’s carrying on on his way!

And let's see what he's gonna be up to!

So welcome back, guys! I know a lot of you would prefer to stay there and stuff like that, but at the moment, I don't want to add any pressure on that animal! The Sabi Sands are on route! I will go back and take them there a little bit later in the drive!

So, for the moment, let's see if we can find our little prince! This is where we left him this morning, and I said it was a sauna! It's unlikely that he's lying in the same spot during the day! He likes to cruise around, and he is not there!

So he was lying at the base of that little bush there this morning, so he's not there! There's no tracks of him heading down towards that elephant, which is probably most sensible for him! Because I think that Eddie would take most unkindly to the presence of any predators at this very moment!

But I'm gonna just check some of the other bits of shader on! Yeah, he might have moved a little bit during the day! I'm just saying if the other game drive vehicles track us hit off a little bit!

So what we're doing is... my eyes playing tricks on me! Let's have a quick look! Look! Wait! I saw spots in this thicket! But I think I've got spots on the brain!

Okay, well, I try to figure out where the sun is gone! Oh no, you're staying with me! It seems like the gremlins are art enforced today! Now the Birmingham boys are back on the property, and child of the universe is asking how far away from this injured elephant they are! They're actually quite far! We're down towards southeast of Zima, and the Birmingham's are in the northwest!

Sort of! Afternoon, Henry! No updates just yet! Battle-ax Road is zoned due to an injured elephant bull, so please take care of that err! No sign of a sauna yet! We're trying to follow up, but till the Sabi Sands has come to have a look at the Eddy, battle Arizona!

Okay, we're just checking all the little spots of shade! Where's a sign that I liked? A little loop on to the road! See if his tracks come out!

But in the meantime, let's go see where Madam McCurdy is heading to next!

Well, Brent! She won't believe who we just spotted! It very briefly, but that's a big tusker that was chasing her around this morning! He's basically between Mumble Road and Drakensberg, and she's... I think! I'm hoping he's following a breeding herd because that's a breeding herd I'd like to try and find!

So we can't get to the elephant, of course, because he is in the middle of the thicket! And you all know I don't all forage for elephants especially not a must bull! Never! So we're gonna just drive around you! But I'm just checking carefully in the thickets! It's so easy with this long grass and big trees to miss a fully grown elephant, even to miss 30 elephants!

And I would think that he's trying to find breeding herds! Especially if he is in must! And I could... we were talking about earlier, he's basically just going to be driven by his testosterone at the minute! They will be munching along the way, but he'll be marching and marching constantly trying to pick up a scent of a group of females!

Are these brains? Actually, let's go say hello to Brent! I'll tell him that his friend is coming to mind! Perhaps that's what that elephant is doing! Hi, Brent! Your friend, the elephant must bull, is on his way to you!

On his way! Do you think he's given him a hiding?

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