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Wildlife Disappearing at the Border | National Geographic

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] This wildlife refuge was established for the protection of native fishes. Eight species of native Rio Yaki fishes. [Music] The jaguar occurs in the Rio Yaki down all of these drainages. Now these drainages are completely dammed up. We're going to cease to see jaguars in the U.S. if they complete all of these border walls. Currently, there's one roaming around the Dos Cabezas Chiricahua Swiss Helm Mountains. Could be stuck here.

There you go. Now this is where what I call the easter egg hunt. See what you get. We put these cameras out here because there were reports from refuge personnel that they were seeing a lot of wildlife moving through the refuge. Every time I would come to check these cameras this winter, there'd be a couple mountain lions, lots of bobcats, more javelina than you could shake a stick at, and now there's like nothing.

I checked this camera now and there was one skunk out of 1641 pictures. The wall is not even completed, and we're already seeing a pretty pronounced effect. Yeah, this is personal. I wake up at 4 AM with images of this border wall that are just burned into my head. It's going to be that feeling like when somebody you love has died.

I'm watching the destruction of nature. I'm watching the systematic destruction of nature [Music] including all the water they're using. You know, million gallons a day. It's really a crime against nature, and it's a crime against this country. I really wish that the rest of America would see this. [Music] [Music] You

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