Specific knowledge is knowledge that you cannot be trained for.
Specific knowledge is knowledge that only you know or only a small set of people know. Uh, and it's basically going to come out of your passions and your hobbies. Oddly enough, if you have hobbies around intellectual curiosity, you're more likely to develop, uh, these passions and you're more likely to develop skill sets that society does not yet know how to train other people how to do.
Because if it can train other people how to do something, then it can replace them. And if you can replace them, they don't have to pay them a lot. So you want to know how to do something that other people don't know how to do at the time period when they want it.
Um, so for example, like you might be interested in programming for computers and you're into really esoteric deep learning algorithms. It doesn't really matter until society assembles large enough data sets and enough computing machines that the AI revolution shows up.
And then all of a sudden, your hobby turns into specific knowledge. And then you want to take that specific knowledge, and you want to be known as the person who can deliver that. So you have to have a brand and a reputation.