Building a Gym with Reusable Materials | Life Below Zero
♪ For me, I got to get my poop, so to speak, in a square. Tighten it up so that I'm super Sue again. But how do I do that? These are the two overflow tents, and I'm not gonna have people using them for quite a while. So I want to annex this one and make it into my physical improvement center, the gym. I don't have a big weight set and a barbell and you know, urgh, things to lay down on. And that's, that's not the kind of improvement, physical improvement, I'm looking for. What I'm trying to do is, as I age, the arthritis is setting in. The range of motion is decreasing. The bears stay just as damn fast as the moment they were born. And I can't compete unless I improve slightly where I'm at. ♪
I'm not looking to be Susie Schwarzenegger. I'm not the Sue-minator. I'm flexi-Sue. What I'm looking for is weight, not heavy weight. Light weights to work my range of motion. A cone on the runway got in my way, and I went down like a little infant not getting the candy bar. I can't have fracturing going on and instability and expect to have a top-notch-running place. So I got some rope here, got some pulleys here. My body is hurting. The pain that this shoulder, whatever, is putting me through, it's one more thing in this cacophony of things that's just riotously making me break down. I've got to do my own form of therapy. ♪
♪ It's time to get myself together and, uh, maybe see what I want to construct. I'm approaching 60, at 60 miles an hour. I don't have angst about getting older, per se, but I can tell you, a body, it's not regenerating anymore. You're on the downhill cycle. We are all gonna have that epiphany that says you now officially have lived more years than you are going to live. Maybe everybody else's road to health is, is paved with good intentions and, and the golden staircase. Mine: rust, grease, a little ingenuity. This is just a piece of, pieces of junk. An old rim. Old electrical stuff. But really simple. You're just forcing your body to lay open and stretch.
All of this is stretching out. The other interesting thing that I can do, grab it and come up with it. Grab it and come up with it. (clanging) I wanted to add weight. Now... there's a lot you can do, and I didn't pay this incredible price to get it done. The Sue gym is operational. This isn't gonna fix everything. This is one part. The mind, the body, the spirit. But it's gonna take me from waiting for the next problem to hell yeah, I found a solution. ♪