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How to Throw an Atlatl | Live Free or Die: DIY

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] So this is the ATL, and this is what they call the dart. It predates the bow and arrow people. It's really responsible for our survival as human beings.

So this tool has been used for a longer duration than probably any other hunting tool that mankind's used. It's got a hook in the end here, and that's really the most important function of the ATS: that hook.

This hook or spur gives you amazing velocity, and basically, it's like adding an entire extension or extra joint to your arm. So it's like you got one, two, and then all of a sudden you got this long joint out here. It not only gives you more power but also gives you more accuracy and control.

This style, you've got two fingers that lock in there. You can also make them where it's simple; it's a stick, and you hold it like you're holding a baton. Grip it different ways: there's one finger, two fingers, baton.

The first part of the throw is you're just kind of dropping into the throw, executing it, you're aiming, and then the last part of the throw, you're just putting all your force into it. So it looks something like this.

So that's it; this thing is awesome!

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