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15 Reasons You’re Lost With NO Direction

12m read
·Oct 29, 2024

So it's 2024, 2025, 2044, and you're lost. You've got no idea where to go, what you want to do, what you should be doing, and how to move forward. But why is that? What is stopping you? Realizing what is holding you back can help you finally move forward, and that's what we're tackling here today. Here are 15 reasons why you're lost with no direction.

Starting off with number 15: today you reached a goal, and it didn't live up to your expectations. You know we all set goals for ourselves all the time, even though we might not specifically write them out and stick them on our walls. We tell our friends and families about what we'd like to study, our dream job, where we would like to live, and the kind of partner we want to have. The more we relay these messages to the people around us, the more the goal seeps into our ideas of our ideal life. Then one day, maybe without even realizing it, we reach that goal.

Two things happen here: some people develop a fear of losing what they've worked for, so instead of appreciating that they made it, they wake up every day fearing they might lose it. Life was almost better when you were working towards your goal because you didn't have much to lose. The other thing that happens is you realize the peace and happiness you get from reaching that goal is fleeting. You crave the next high, the next challenge, and when that isn't lined up waiting and ready for you to take it on, well, you end up standing around wondering, "Is this it?"

Number 14: someone is holding you back, and you're afraid to admit it. We'd rather bury our head in the sand than admit that someone we love is holding us back. It can be obvious—a mother who's overly critical, a partner who doesn't want you working full-time, a friend who is always making passive-aggressive comments. Every time you pluck up the courage to do something for yourself, they say something that deflates you. It doesn't always have to be obvious, though.

If all of your energy goes toward worrying about someone, if you're walking on eggshells around them, if you feel unsafe or uncertain in your home or with the people around you, then your mind has no space to figure out what direction you should be going in. Admitting that someone is holding you back—intentionally or unintentionally—also means that you know that if you want to find some direction, you have to take a step back from them. Do you have the courage to do that for yourself?

Number 13: you're not making the money you need to thrive. Not having enough money to do the things you want can definitely make you feel trapped. If you feel physically trapped and confined to your home because you can't afford to go out, then we can promise you that your mind feels trapped too. It's not necessarily having to stay home that's the issue; it's the fact that even when you wanted to leave, you couldn't because everything costs money. You can't go out for a coffee, or a piece of cake, or a drink because money is so tight, and that's all you can think about.

If this is your case, then your only option is to make more money. This isn't a permanent solution, but taking on a second job for a few months to beef up your savings and take away financial stress and worry can really open up the space for you to think about where you want to go next. You need to get out; you need to feel like you've got freedom. Feeling trapped because you're broke is only going to make you feel more lost.

Number 12: you've gone through a major life change, and you haven't dealt with it properly yet. Even if it happened last year or five years ago, if you haven't properly dealt with it, it's going to creep into your mind. It can be a separation, losing someone you love, losing your job, or moving cities. Often when we go through something challenging, we're so focused on dealing with the admin of it all that we push the emotional and mental toll aside. But then the world keeps on turning, and you feel like you have to move along with it.

Sometimes it works out okay, and you can move on freely, but other times these issues will come back. Just when you think everything is going well, you'll feel unsettled and frustrated without knowing why. You might even be going through a major change now and expecting it to just move on and be fine with it, but it doesn't work that way. So talk to your friends about what you're going through, tell your family, vent it out to the barista, ask the barman for advice if you want to. The more you talk about it and listen to other people's opinions, the more space you can give the issue to breathe and fly free away from your mind.

Number 11: you're overwhelmed by choices. You've got so many chances and opportunities that you don't know what to go for. You're paralyzed by all the directions you need to make an abundance of choices. It might be the downfall of us—human beings are fickle, and we have a short attention span. Have you ever seen a child happily playing with their toy, and then they see another child playing with a different toy, and suddenly that's all they want? They'll cry and make a fuss about it, but when they get the other toy, they'll play with it for a few minutes and then become bored or frustrated.

That's us—with jobs, partners, friends, even our homes. We're fine with what we have until we see someone who has something we think is better, and then we want that too. The more we know about what's out there, the more we want that thing, and the unhappier we can become when we don't have it. You have no direction because you're always following someone else's path. What is your path? Relax; you need to find it and stick to it.

Number 10: you're afraid of failing. You're afraid of failing, and you don't believe in your ability to succeed. You know what you want, but your dreams seem to be too big, and to fully achieve them, you're going to need to advertise yourself. You've got to put yourself out there and risk embarrassment. This is totally understandable. A lot of people don't reach their goals, and when you have to invest a lot of time and money into it, the risk of losing it all—not having anything to show for it and having to face your friends and family—well, that just seems like way too much to handle.

And that's true; that's a lot to handle. But you know the feeling you have right now where you feel stuck and frustrated with yourself? Well, that's not going to go away until you put yourself out there. You have a spark that wants to be lit, and you're not lighting it, so it's creating this fire of unfulfilled potential. Even if you don't succeed at first, at least you would have still lit that spark and given it an outlet. You'll either try again or try something different. Either way, the feeling of going for it and not making it is far better than the feeling of forever regretting never having tried.

Number 9: you've got too much on your plate. Sometimes it's good to load up your plate and not think about everything you're doing, or you might chicken out. Go for it! Book that trip, do the course, get the second job, hire that coach, take on more at work, take up a new hobby; see your friends. Oh wait, that's way too much. That's not sustainable, and you'll end up doing everything at the last minute, half-hazard, because you haven't had enough time to do one thing before you've moved on to the next one.

If you don't give yourself a break, you're going to feel like you're just going through the motions and doing things without actually progressing. So be smart about the big and small things that you put on your plate. Space them out so you have enough energy to give them 100% of your attention and focus. You need to give yourself time to reflect on the things that you've done and how you can use them in your everyday life to make you feel a little bit happier and a little less stressed.

Number 8: you're fighting societal pressures. Nobody really prepared us for a world where we don't actually know what we want to do with our lives. And not just when it comes to your career, but also when it comes to having a family, getting married, buying a house, or living in specific locations. Even when you think you're living the way you want to—and this way defies social pressures—there are still doubts. Some people know they want to be parents and live in their hometown down the street from their family.

Others know they don't want a family and would prefer to travel the world or live a comfortable life with a double income and no kids. Some genuinely just don't know. They're big decisions, and it's understandable to hope that one day you'll wake up and know what you want, but that isn't always the case. Not knowing can make you feel like you can't make any moves or progress in any aspect of your life, and if this is you, time to dig in, my friend, and get introspective.

Number 7: you lack routine and structure. When you don't have a routine, it's far easier to procrastinate and neglect important tasks. Neglecting important tasks leads to stress and a sense of unfulfillment because you haven't done what you set out to do. We have to give our brains a break from thinking about what to do next all the time, and routines and structure do that. You don't have to think about what to do next because it's the same thing you did yesterday and the day before. You take away the decision fatigue, leaving your energy levels open to do other important things.

We also have to give ourselves something to look forward to and get excited about, which is where planning cool activities and adventures comes in. Your regular activities and schedules might seem kind of boring, but they can actually give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Without them, your days will blend together, and you'll look back at your month feeling like you haven't accomplished much at all.

Number 6: you are frustrated by the state of the world. Sometimes we can ignore the people shouting about the state of the world and go about our lives trying to find some sense of normalcy. Sometimes that state of the world comes knocking at your door, and you cannot avoid it. Whether it's the economy and layoffs, political strife, or violence and safety—these are all very scary real issues that can affect your day-to-day life. When so much news is negative and warning us about impending doom, all we can see is uncertainty. This uncertainty makes plans for the future seem futile and overwhelming.

Exposure to constant negative news can also lead to mental exhaustion and a feeling of helplessness. So who even cares if we're feeling lost? There are other people doing worse, right? Well, that doesn't mean that you don't deserve a fair shot at feeling happy and secure. Your wallowing doesn't help anybody—not yourself and not the people going through it much harder than you. The least you can do is try to live as well as possible so that you can get into a position where you are able to help others.

Something like this will mean limiting your media consumption and not making yourself go down dark rabbit holes because you feel guilty for living your life. Schedule time away from your digital devices and give yourself a break from the continuous stream of news.

Number 5: life hasn't turned out how you planned or hoped, and now you're bitter and jaded, and you don't even want to try again. Our self-identity is tied to our plans and expectations. When life diverges from these, it can cause an identity crisis, making us question who we are and what our purpose is. When we don't meet our expectations, it can feel like we've lost control over our own lives, and if we are not in control, then what is? There's also a genuine sense of grief and disappointment that comes with the loss of a vision of your life.

Give yourself time to process and acknowledge this because, look, maybe things didn't turn out as you hoped, but you've got so many more chances. Change direction, ask for help, try again. Whatever you do, don't let it keep you from finding your path forward.

Number 4: you don't know what you're passionate about. With the abundance of choice and society's pressures, we sometimes don't know what we like, and that can sound kind of wild, right? Like, how do you not know that? Don't you know yourself? But it's actually not that crazy. Sometimes we forget what we like, and we have to try everything again. Sometimes we've been doing things that we thought we liked, but we realize we only did that for other people's benefit.

Without a clear passion or interest, it can be difficult to feel motivated and excited about things. You feel like you're doing things for no reason, and it feels empty and pointless. It also makes choosing a career path difficult because if you don't know what you care about or enjoy doing, you'll feel like you're wasting your precious free time. Our passions also connect us with people who are similar to us, so we establish this strong social network. Finding out what you like, pursuing them, and then leveling up on them is so important for feeling excited about life. Take a personality test, try a dozen different types of games, sports, and hobbies, and see what you gravitate toward.

Number 3: you don't have an inspiring mentor. Having an inspiring mentor is actually a great way to discover things you might be passionate about. We look up to the people we want to be like. Mentors give you guidance and help you navigate challenges and decisions by sharing their experiences and wisdom. Without them, you could be missing out on some valuable lessons. They also give you encouragement and support and networking opportunities, and all the most successful people out there have had inspiring mentors by their sides.

Business and life coaches have stepped in as mentors in the digital age, and they're great for giving you the support and accountability you need to stick to your goals. If you feel like you're lacking in this department and don't know who to look up to, well, I encourage you to download the Alux app. We've built this app to be like an executive coach and mentor right in your pocket. We tackle topics across the five main pillars of a good life: wealth, health, emotional intelligence, relationships, and intellect. Every day, our subscribers are delivered a 10-minute coaching session across one of these pillars, and day by day, that knowledge compounds into some serious wisdom that you can deploy to level up your life. If you haven't already, go to and download the app today. There's a 7-day free trial, but we guarantee you that after day one, you'll start to see just how valuable this tool is.

Number 2: you've got regrets or unresolved issues. Look, we all make mistakes, and sometimes the consequences of those mistakes can change your life. It can be hard to move on and forgive yourself if you made a mistake that cost you some important things in life. It can feel nearly impossible to find direction or purpose when you've done this. The mental and emotional load of carrying regret can consume a lot of mental energy and space. Regrets also ruin your self-esteem and self-worth, which makes it harder to pursue new paths with confidence.

And lastly, chief among them: number 1, you don't have a support network. How can we risk failing when we know for a fact that there'll be nobody there to catch us? Having direction and following a path can feel risky and scary. A strong support network makes you feel safer in your decisions. They're there to guide you, advise you; they can help you out if you face a setback. Without a support network, you feel isolated and lonely, which can affect your mental health. You also don't have feedback or guidance in making decisions or facing challenges, so you feel unsure about your choices and lack confidence in your direction.

Without people by your side, you feel less resilient. Challenges and setbacks, which are a normal part of life, seem overwhelming and way more difficult to navigate when you don't have a strong support network. You have to create it. It'll take time, but it's incredibly important for you to put in the effort to build a strong relationship, especially if you haven't been born into one. Make the effort to connect with people. Be careful and selective with those allowed into your inner circle, and give yourself permission to be vulnerable with them.

And, hey lexer, since you stuck with us this long, here's a little bonus for you: it's a reason many people overlook and even see it as a superpower. You fear commitment. Now, a fear of commitment can make things feel like they don't really significantly affect you. No matter what happens, you'll always be okay because you weren't really committed to anything anyway, right? Well, not quite. A fear of commitment leads to indecision. When you're afraid to commit to a choice—whether it's a job or a relationship—you feel in yourself a state of limbo. You can't move forward.

You also avoid long-term planning, so you might nail short-term goals, but your long-term goals remain neglected and forgotten about. And you know where this puts you? Feeling aimless and unfulfilled. You miss out on important opportunities, and when things pass you by, you could end up looking back with regret. It's fun when you're younger to walk away from something without feeling bad about it, but as you get older, that seems more immature and pointless than ever. Working on feeling safe when you commit to something is an important part of finding your path.

So what do you think we missed on this list, Alexir? What things have kept you feeling lost and without direction, and how did you overcome them? Share your wisdom with everyone in the comments, and until next time, my friend, take care.

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