Harvesting microgreens with Chef Mory | Farm Dreams
Welcome to Curry's Woods here in Jersey City. Thank you. Um, it was actually originally built for low-income residents around 1960. Wow! And then it was redone in the early 2000s. So what we've tried to do over the last couple of years is really find partners to provide more social services, and the farm is just another opportunity to expand an ecosystem around social services, healthy living, and healthy diets. That's what we're trying to do here with our partnership with Arrow Farms.
That is so cool! This is Maury, and Maury is the point person and responsible for the program, while the mayor takes care of some business. I want to spend some time with Maury and see how this operation works. I'm excited to see what you're up to!
All right, we're going to start the harvesting process.
Oh, perfect! Yeah, get comfortable. Scissors!
So, what are we harvesting here?
This is micro broccoli. Most of the time, we're introducing the community to microgreens for the very first time. Indoor farms, like the one here at this community center, are an ideal way to grow nutrient-dense leafy greens all year round. It's like giving a little haircut, so you just kind of pinch off a little bit.
Cool! It's like a Chia Pet! Yes, and microgreens can provide up to 40 times more nutrients than full mature-sized vegetables.
So how did you end up doing this kind of community-based work?
I have been doing community work in Jersey City for almost 15 years, and so I got very involved in city parks and the food conversation. Since I'm a chef, I love introducing people to new foods and getting them to change their perspective. It's kind of, you know, bridging that gap.
I mean, that's one of the beautiful things about this program; it's bringing the food directly into the neighborhoods that need them the most. I feel like for most people who grow food as a farmer, you don't really get to see the people that you're serving actually try the food that you're growing. That's what I love most. You know, we're using greens to facilitate a larger conversation about what health means. Because what health means to me is different from what it means to you, different from the next person.
Okay, this looks really good! So who did we just harvest these greens for?
We have two of my favorite members coming over, Terry and Bernadette.
Now we're going to roll this up just like you're rolling a big spring roll. Nice and tight!
Tight, okay! Oh, it's like satisfying! It's like a little hairy. I don't know if I'd love it or if I hate it; it's slightly disturbing.
It is! So, that's it. That looks so ridiculous!
Hey ladies, hi! You're just in time! So here's your greens for the week. This is micro broccoli. Having this right in the neighborhood, I feel like is incredible. And even more than that, teaching people how to grow this for themselves.
Well, this is just awesome! This is the best! It's convenient; it's a game changer! I'm a vegetarian/vegan, and I love it! I'm trying to get my community to love it like me, and it's a good thing for our children to learn how to grow their own vegetables.
This is what I love; just seeing how farming brings communities together. It's so important to me!
Thank you.