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my goals for 2022 🌈

10m read
·Nov 2, 2024

Hi guys, it's me Dirty. What's up? For those who are new here, I'm Judy and welcome to my channel! Today, we're gonna talk about goals for 2022 because it's December and, like every basic bee out there, I'm setting for myself a bunch of goals that I am going to try to achieve in 2022.

So firstly, when talking about goals, I think we should firstly talk about how I set my goals for 2022. There is a major difference between how I set my goals when you compare to the beginning of the year and now how I changed when it comes to goals. There are two types of goals: one is output based goals and the other one is input based goals.

What are they? Output based goals say you want to lose weight, right? An output-based goal is going to be losing 10 kilos, 20 kilos, or 20 pounds, 30 pounds, whatever. So you're focusing on the outcome. An input-based goal is going to be: you want to lose weight, then you focus on the input. So the work that you're going to do in order to achieve that goal. This includes working out regularly, eating healthy, getting your sleep, maybe, or reducing stress, and doing all of these things. So you're focusing on what you're going to do in order to achieve that goal. That's going to be an input based goal.

When it comes to the way that I used to set my goals, I was focusing too much on output rather than input. I was saying that I want to achieve this, this, this, and this in this amount of days, but I wasn't really focusing on how I'm gonna do that. I wasn't really focusing on the system. I was only focusing on the results that I cannot really control. So for example, creating a YouTube channel, you say in three months, I wanted 100k, but you cannot really control the subscriber amount because it’s really up to people. But when you think about it in an input-based way, you say, “What can I do in order to make people subscribe to my channel?”

I can post regularly videos and I can create videos that add value to people. That's going to be an input based goal in mind. The thing that I realized is that it's always nice to have input based goals, but I feel like sometimes we need output based goals as well because they literally show you a milestone where you're at. You say, “I want to hit 100k,” and you've been like passing regularly and you've been adding value to people's lives. But when you have that output based goal of hitting 100k, you have that milestone right. So you can see where you are at this current moment. Maybe you're at 50k, maybe you're around 20k or something.

So in 2022, I decided to combine output based goals and input based goals and use both of them. Also, since I'm going to announce my goals on this channel, I decided to actually create a video series where I work for my goals and show you guys how I'm doing, how it's going, and how I'm adjusting my goals or how I'm trying to achieve my goals. I felt like it's going to be a super good video series that can motivate myself as well as you guys.

So that we won't feel alone, we can motivate ourselves and become each other's accountability buddies. I feel like on this channel, one of the things that I really like the most is that this channel really motivates me and keeps me ongoing, as well as it does for you, as I read from the comment section. So that's a really great thing.

When it comes to setting goals, I have three principles: combining input based goals and output based goals, and then the second one is keeping promises that I gave myself. Let's say you said, “I'm gonna study regularly,” and you promise that to yourself. You try your best to keep that promise, and the more you keep your promises that you made to yourself, I feel like the more confident you become in your own skin and achieving goals in life. Generally, I feel like in everything, consistency is really important.

We, of course, cannot be always consistent because, you know, life gets in the way and life is really unpredictable. But the more we practice the thing, the more we become comfortable at that. It's the same with the goals, the same with productivity, the same with businesses and stuff. In my opinion, the more you keep your promises, the more you become comfortable and confident for those goals. I'm just gonna give a promise to myself, and since I give these promises to myself, there is no one that is pushing me to do this. I'm literally deciding to do this and I'm promising myself. So I'm fully in my control, and knowing that gives a lot of power, especially if you're like me who hates rules that other people created andlike getting orders and stuff.

It's just so liberating. I hate when people tell me what to do, so at least I'm telling myself what to do, and I'm making promises to myself, and I'm keeping them. That's how I deal with my personality.

Then the third principle is that 50% is okay. I feel like most people really struggle with perfectionism, and perfectionism is really bad in the long way. Yes, maybe for some people, for like a very limited people, maybe it's good, but in most cases, perfectionism causes a lot of mental problems as well as it just takes a lot of time in order to just do like a simple thing just because you're a perfectionist. It takes more and more and more time.

I'm not a perfectionist at all, but I think I'm too harsh on myself. In 2021, like I said, I made 10 goals, and I was telling myself, “I have to achieve all of them.” I have to achieve all of them because I want to become an independent, successful, smart, cool lady that I admire. So in order to become that lady, that lady wouldn't, you know, fail on these goals. Therefore, I need to achieve all of them because I want to become like that lady I've been telling myself to be.

But realistically, as COVID showed us, life is unpredictable. We cannot predict at all, and there is uncertainty in life, so it's always okay to not achieve everything that you set for yourself. Yes, the more you keep your promises towards yourself, you're gonna be comfortable, but it doesn't mean that just because you failed a couple of times, you're a failure or something. The majority wins.

For this year, I'm gonna aim myself to achieve 50% of my goals. Now that we talked about the three principles, let's talk about the goals. I categorize my goals into six different groups, and they are YouTube, med school, health, social, self-growth, and fun. Let's start with YouTube. For each of the goals, I decided an output based goal and an input based goal.

When it comes to YouTube, the output based goal is going to be to hit 700k subs in 2022. Then the input goal would be posting one to three times a week a video that adds value to people. When I say value, people think that it's really just like, um, you know, rise and grind. It's too much pressure on yourself, but entertainment is also value that you can add to your life. So if I would post a vlog that people enjoy, that's also adding value to people's lives, so it's okay too.

I've been posting consistently every single week for over 11 months or something, that's very good. And then when it comes to med school, I want to pass all of my exams. In Italy, I'm moving to Italy and I'm going to continue my medical journey there. You might think like, “Oh, passing all of your exams?” As I heard from my friend, it actually depends on the region, but you don't have grades like high school; you have pass or fail grades. Therefore, I need to get a pass grade in every single class.

In order to do that, my input based goal is going to be to study regularly. I want to learn the content for learning, for expanding my knowledge, for understanding medicine more. I want to do that. For health, the output-based goal is getting leaner. I don't want to become skinnier, but I want to get leaner. I want to have that muscular physique.

I really love muscle in both men and women; I think it looks so good, especially like the glute area. You know, bums? Oh, that looks so good! And then, like visible abs! I'm not looking for a very six-packy abs, although I think they look really good on women. I might go with more lean muscle. I think actually like a nice six-pack would look so good on me! I actually admire that quite a lot, but that's just like too harsh of a goal for me.

So I would like to say a lean physique, like tiny waist and then nice bumps and like nicely toned legs and arms and back. That looks so good on women. I like women who train regularly; therefore, I'm gonna become the woman that I admire. And in order to do that, the input based goal is gonna be eating healthy and exercising regularly.

I feel like since I started living alone, I've been eating deliveries every single day. I haven't been working out regularly for two years. My body is so jiggly, fatty; you can't feel that muscle. I want to change that!

Okay, when it comes to social goals, actually this one is like really fun and really nice. I want to visit my dear friends Matt and Izzy. Matt lives in the U.S. and Izzy currently lives in the UK. I want to visit them, and we are planning to do a hype trio world tour! So they're going to visit me in Rome, I'm going to visit them in the UK and in the U.S. It's gonna be so fun! We name our group "Hype Trio." We are planning to release a podcast; I hope you guys will enjoy!

For this, the input based goal is gonna be saving money, obviously, saving money and adjusting my schedule according to those. And the second social goal is gonna be attending a lot of parties. Even though a lot of people think that I'm really introverted, I really like parties! I like parties so much!

And I heard that in my Italian med school, there are a lot of parties that my school does, as well as parties that students do, and I want to attend to a lot of parties as much as possible and meet new people. Since I'm gonna be in a different country, I'm so interested in other people! I wanna learn a lot of things from them. I want to learn the language, I want to learn the culture, I want to learn new things, and I feel like the best way to do it and the casual way to do it is to attend a lot of parties with my friends and have fun.

I feel like guilt-free parties are the best! Therefore, I'm gonna study beforehand for the party so that I can attend the party without any guilt, and that’s gonna be super fun!

Self-growth habits, let's talk about those. When it comes to self-growth habits, the only goal that I have for this year is to read 10 good books. I'm not talking about 10 books; I mean 10 good books, and that probably means like 50 more than 50 books because not every book is a good book.

Even like the best sellers that everyone talks about sometimes cannot be really helpful for you. A good book really depends on that person, and therefore I want to expand my choice of books and read a bunch of different types of books. I feel like I've been reading so many self-help and self-growth books, but I want to read more like romance, maybe more history, maybe more art, medicine, health generally, or spirituality. You know, I want to read a lot of books from different areas, and I want to expand my knowledge in every single area.

And in order to achieve that, the input goal is going to be reading before going to bed and not scrolling before going to bed. I always scroll my phone like about an hour, sometimes two hours. Sometimes I sleep at midnight just because I scrolled down to a very unnecessary Instagram reel. So I'm gonna do that. Actually, I've been doing that for a couple of weeks and I've been enjoying my books. I've been listening to a lot of audiobooks using Audible, and I want to continue that.

So the last category is the fun goals. For fun, which sounds really nice, I feel like I never set any goals outside like work, school, and self-growth and stuff, but this year I want to be kind to myself because, like, why not?

So for fun, I picked output based goal as bringing my mom to three different countries that are different than Italy, Japan, and Turkey. My mother loves traveling quite a lot! I like to travel with my mom quite a lot. I want to bring her to different countries. She has been wanting to go to the UK and also we're planning to go to New York and maybe France or maybe Spain next year. Who knows?

I want to bring her to different countries, and of course, I'm going to pay for everything: for her flight, her hotel, for the food and stuff. But in order to do that, firstly, I have to be really consistent on this channel so that I can afford that. And I'm gonna branch my YouTube business to different areas like merch and online courses, so stay tuned for those two.

So the input based goal is going to be to be consistent on YouTube and to be consistent on my other projects that I'm currently working on. Another fun goal is to reach to your intermediate level on wine. If you drink wine or if you know a little bit about wine, you probably know that it requires a lot of knowledge when you want to get deep into that because there are so many wine types, so many grape types, and there are so many stories and so much information that you can learn!

My mother told me that I'm pretty sure that you're going to enjoy it quite a lot because, firstly, I like the taste. Secondly, I like learning about food. It's always nice to pair wine with good food because it literally changes the taste. I want to learn about wines more as well as hard liquors. I don't want to drink just for the sake of like getting drunk or something. I think that's just for high schoolers, you know? I want to drink for communication between whoever I'm drinking with, or if I'm drinking alone, I wanna drink for the sake of enjoying that drink, enjoying the moment, enjoying the environment.

I wanna make some cocktails; I don't know, it's like so cool! I really wanna say this next year: "Do you wanna drink my cocktail?" Oh, that’s like so cool! I wanna do that, I wanna do that so much. And the input based goal in order to achieve that is going to be enrolling in an online course. My mom is currently doing a wine online course, and I might enroll in that. For hard liquor, I found an online course and I'm going to enroll in that, and plan time for that and do those.

I think it’s gonna be really fun! Like imagine me doing a super cool cocktail! Oh, that's so cool! I like that! So yeah, these are my goals. I hope that I can achieve 50% of them. Don't be super harsh on yourself! Just have fun! At the end of the day, if you're not gonna have fun in your life, what are we doing?

I used to think like "rise and grind," be the best and stuff, but now I'm like, "Chill girl, enjoy!" See you guys, bye!

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