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Tuna Gremlin | Wicked Tuna

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Yo, there he is on the down! Rod, oh my God, got him on! Got him on, get him on, get up there! Got him on, wo! Come off on the bite.

Oh dude, what happened that time? There’s no weight, no nothing. I don't know—we're at the bottom of the fleet, and we're never going to get out of the bottom if this keeps happening. Broke him off, I mean, yep. Trying to figure it out.

Another crotch break! I'd say we've had seven crotch breaks so far this season. Let's say that an average tuna goes for about 5 grand; that's $35,000 lost on The Bite. I'm going to puke—this some Force Against Me! Maybe this is karma getting me where it really hurts, bro. I catch him on this line all the time; now what? It doesn't work!

I've never seen so many crotch breaks in my life! Here, brand, brand new—brand more brand new! Everything we've been using is brand new—ridiculous, ridiculous! I've never had this many crotch breaks in a route; it's ridiculous! I don't know what to do anymore. If we don't catch a fish, I don't get a paycheck, and that's not okay!

It's like a gremlin or something on the boat. We got like a bill fairy or something that doesn't want us to catch tuna. Tuna fish has been a tough season, man. Losing them on the swivel connection every single time.

Every single time we're losing, where we C our main line or leader. Main line keeps breaking. We used every brand of line, all different pound tests. The stuff that's happening to us—like, I don't know what kind of bad juju we got! This shouldn't be happening; it sucks!

What the hell is that tuna Gremlin? Dude, I'm telling you—the spool is split in two! Spool's cracked in half; none of this is any good! $120 for this bull, and it's worthless! Tuna Gremlin right there!

I've never—I’ve never seen that in my life! Never! I've never seen that brand new in the box, price tag still on it, cracked in half! You can't make it up; you cannot make it up! They sent us a slinky from Japan is all they did. Thanks a lot! I feel like the tuna gods have abandoned me! Oh my God!

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