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How technology has impacted the private jet business 👀

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Technology for us is a big piece of our presentation model. We have our huge video wall with an app, so we actually can take people through this whole process by educating people on how you select the airplane that best meets your needs, your requirements, your objectives. Without that technology, the jet buses would probably have a pretty tough way to succeed and to exist.

We have gone leaps and bounds from where we used to be in this industry. When I first started selling jets, which was 40 years ago, everybody used to have TX machines; they didn't even have fax machines in those days. We’d be taking photographs with cameras, getting the film developed, finding two or three pictures that we could send somebody in the mail. It was really like primitive caveman times.

But we've changed. We've gone faster, and now people talk to each other on the telephone, email photos, specs, and almost could do video walkthroughs. Even live showing airplanes with people, sometimes that is enough to get people interested to make an offer or to buy an airplane. So, technology today is like 50 times.

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